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- L O A D S T A R # 232
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- My Commodorea, Right or Wrong!
- [Commodorean of the Year]......Side 1
- Acceptance Speech by
- K. Dale Sidebottom
- Dale humbly explains why we can
- never give up on Commodorea.
- [Masthead].....................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [Label 232]....................Side 1
- Gentlepersons, start your glue
- stick.
- [LOADSTAR Forum]...............Side 1
- from Al Jackson
- More about Enhanced SIDPlayer than
- we ever could imagine.
- [Zero Page: Bytes].............Side 1
- by Paul Panks
- Learn about the structure of
- text adventure games.
- [Software News]................Side 1
- Protovision offers new and exciting
- titles for the C-64.
- [Stuff to Get].................Side 1
- by Roger Hoyer
- If you want it, CCCC might have it.
- [The Heart of America].........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Make your opinion count. Vote!
- [C O N T E S T]
- [The Great Art Extravaganza....Side 1
- Enter your masterpiece in this
- latest LS contest.
- [F U N N Y W A R E]
- [Southern Horoscope]...........Side 1
- Ripped from the Web
- Only the stars can tell if a
- Boll Weevil and a Moon Pie can
- find true happiness.
- [State Mottos].................Side 1
- Ripped from the Web
- Our highest ideals brought low.
- [M U L T I - M E D I A W A R E]
- [LOADSTAR ALBUM]...............Side 1
- from Various Artists
- Images that graced the covers of
- LOADSTAR during its fifteenth year.
- [Schubert Sounds]..............Side 2
- by Corky Cochran & Walt Harned
- Music and images which will make
- an impressionistic impression on
- you.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Cascade]......................Side 2
- by Protovision
- The latest clever knuckle buster
- from the hottest C= software house
- of the 21st Century.
- [I N T E R N A T I O N A L W A R E]
- [Scene World 11]...............Side 3
- by People of Liberty
- News and views from all around
- Commodorea.
- [T H E B A C K P A G E]
- [Michael's Puzzle].............Side 4
- by Maurice Jones
- A great solitaire where everything
- is face up.
- [Dumb Laws]....................Side 4
- Ripped off the Web
- Lenny Bruce once said, "There's a
- law against everything and they
- just bust the people they don't
- like." Careful about walking
- backwards.