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- S P R I T E S A R E F U N
- By Dave Moorman
- This article is for the Beginner
- C-64 programmer who is ready to
- become an Intermediate. You have
- BASIC down, and want to get into some
- of the cool stuff our sweet little
- computer can do. Like sprites.
- "Sprite" is not the legal term.
- Atari, Apple or TI trademarked the
- term before Commodore could get
- around to it. The official term is
- "moveable objects." Whatever. But
- when it comes to sprites, no one does
- it better than a C-64.
- Sprites are small bitmap images
- which can appear on top of (or
- behind) screen characters without
- messing up the screen data. They are
- part of the hardware functions of the
- VIC II -- Video Interface Chip. The
- VIC II was created in 1981 to be the
- Mother of All 8-bit Video Devices,
- and became one of the reasons the
- Commodore 64 was designed and on the
- market in just three months.
- The VIC II has a ton of features:
- 40-column text screen
- 320x200 pixel High Resolution
- Bitmap Graphics
- 160x200 (double-wide) pixel
- Multi-color Bitmap
- Graphics
- 16 colors -- with up to four
- colors in each character
- cell
- Raster Interrupts for split
- Screens
- Light Pen capable
- 8 Sprites
- Being 1981 technology, the VIC II
- has limitations. But remember, it is
- a 4 Megahertz co-processing chip
- which must share memory with the 1
- Megahertz 6510 micro-processor. What
- it accomplishes is pure magic.
- Like sprites. If you have ever
- read what a programmer has to do to
- get moving objects on a VGA screen,
- you will certainly appreciate how
- easy sprites are to program. However,
- the programming is hardware based,
- involving many of the 47 registers of
- the VIC II chip. (A register is a
- memory location inside the C-64 which
- controls a co-processor such as the
- VIC II. When you POKE53281,0 to get a
- black background, you have just put 0
- into one of the VIC II registers.
- Sprites require quite a bit of
- set-up. An ML module such as
- JoySprite greatly helps in
- controlling sprites -- and even adds
- a number of features through clever
- Machine Language programming.
- Here we will look at sprites
- themselves -- and use some of the
- registers to make, display, and move
- sprites around the screen. The
- problem for programmers is that in
- their rush to get the C-64 out the
- door, Commodore included BASIC 2.0,
- which was actually designed for the
- PET computer some five years before.
- No BASIC commands were added for
- sprites (or sound).
- However, BASIC 2.0 does have PEEK
- and POKE, which allow use to directly
- access memory and registers. Which we
- will now do.
- A sprite must have an image -- a
- 24x21 pixel bitmap. In high
- resolution mode, the On pixels can be
- any one color. The Off pixels are
- transparent, showing whatever is on
- the screen behind the sprite. So our
- first step is to create a sprite. A
- [simple] sprite, that is. You can do
- all this in immediate mode, or write
- the code as program lines and RUN
- your program. We will just show the
- code.
- FOR X=0TO63:POKE832+X,255:NEXT
- This FOR-NEXT loop POKEs 255's
- into memory locations 832 to 895. In
- binary digits, 255 = 11111111. With a
- bitmap, every bit (BInary digiT) that
- is on or 1 becomes a pixel on the
- screen. So here we have created a
- block of on pixels.
- Now a sprite must know what image
- to display. Sprite images are
- numbered 0 to 255, and point to a
- memory location divided by 64. That
- means that the sprite image at 832 is
- image number 832/64 or 13. (We have 3
- easy to use locations for sprites at
- 832, 896, and 960 -- numbered 13, 14,
- and 15 respectively. See "Build a
- Boot" for move about making room for
- more sprites.)
- The sprites themselves are also
- numbered -- 0 through 7. So we will
- put image 13 in sprite 0.
- POKE2040,13
- The sprite image pointer bytes
- begin 1016 bytes after the beginning
- of the text screen. For the default
- text screen, that means 2040-2047
- hold the sprite image numbers for
- sprites 0-7.
- So far, so good. Now we have to
- turn on the sprite. The sprite enable
- register (53269) uses bit-logic to
- tell which sprites are on or off.
- Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- M: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- To turn on Sprite 0, we must set bit
- 0. (Do you see a pattern here?) That
- would be:
- Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- M: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
- Values:128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
- If you add up the Values of the
- set bits, you will have the decimal
- value to POKE into 53269. In this
- case it is easy: 1.
- But where is the sprite? We have
- not positioned it on the screen yet.
- Each sprite has an X and Y location,
- with the values in the following
- memory locations:
- 53248 Sprite0 X
- 53249 Sprite0 Y
- 53250 Sprite1 X
- 53251 Sprite1 Y
- 53252 Sprite2 X
- 53253 Sprite2 Y
- 53254 Sprite3 X
- 53255 Sprite3 Y
- 53256 Sprite4 X
- 53257 Sprite4 Y
- 53258 Sprite5 X
- 53259 Sprite5 Y
- 53260 Sprite6 X
- 53261 Sprite6 Y
- 53262 Sprite7 X
- 53263 Sprite7 Y
- You don't have to remember every
- number. The X-coordinate POKEd with
- X- POKE 53248 + SP# * 2, location
- Y- POKE 53249 + SP# * 2, location
- For our purposes, we will put the
- sprite at 100x100:
- POKE 53248,100:POKE 53249,100
- And there it is! OK, it is just a
- block of color. But you did it
- yourself, right!
- We have one little problem with
- the X-coordinate. The screen is 320
- pixels across. Moreover, sprites can
- hide behind the borders, so the first
- full position on the screen is 24.
- Try it!
- Now try POKE 53248,320. It does
- not work. A byte can only hold a
- value of 0 through 255. And we need
- at least 344 to put the sprite behind
- the right border. What we need is
- just one more bit (binary digit).
- Then we can use values 0-511.
- The designers didn't have room on
- the chip for eight more registers, so
- they had to use a bit-logic byte for
- the high bit of the X-coordinate --
- 53264. This works just like the
- sprite enable byte. For Sprite 0,
- this is not too hard. You have to
- divide the X-coordinate into low and
- high bytes.
- When I am programming and need
- LO/HI divisions, I write a couple of
- DEFined FuNctions:
- 10 DEF FNL(X)=X-FNH(X)*256
- 20 DEF FNH(X)=INT(X/256)
- Here is a clunky way to do it in
- immediate mode:
- X = 300
- XH = INT(X/256)
- XL = X-XH*256
- POKE 53248,XL
- POKE 53264,XH
- Since we are working with Sprite
- 0, we are only dealing with bit 0 in
- 53264. When you are working with more
- sprites, use JoySprite -- which does
- all the grunt work!
- Now for the color. The color
- registers begin at 53287. So, POKE
- 53287+Sprite#,Color will do the
- trick. For Sprite 0, just POKE
- 53287,7 to turn your sprite yellow.
- Multi-color (another bit-logic
- byte at 53276) will turn any or all
- sprites to multi-color mode. To do
- this, two bits are used for each
- pixel, which is then twice as wide as
- a high resolution pixel. The two bits
- give each sprite a possibility of
- three colors (and transparent).
- 00 - Transparent
- 01 - Color 1 53285
- 10 - Color 2 53287+Sprite#
- 11 - Color 3 53286
- All sprites share 01 and 11, with
- the color registers as shown above.
- Only Color 2 (01) is peculiar to the
- particular sprite.
- To see multi-color at work, do
- this:
- FOR X=0TO63:POKE832+X,16+8+2+1:NEXT
- This will create three sets of four
- vertical bars -- 00, 01, 10, and 11
- (in that order). You can then POKE
- the registers with various color
- codes.
- Sprites are not all that big --
- 24x21 pixels on a 320x200 screen. So
- we can double the width and height of
- a sprite, again with two bit-logic
- bytes:
- X-expand 53277
- Y-expand 53271
- Since we are working with Sprite 0,
- POKEing a 1 into these registers will
- affect our image. Note: the
- resolution is not improved, becoming
- rather blocky.
- Sprites can appear on top of
- screen pixels or behind, depending on
- the Priority register. This, too, is
- a bit-logic byte -- at 53275.
- The last pair of sprite registers
- report collisions. When a sprite
- touches any other sprite, or any
- screen pixel, the event is recorded
- in one of two bit-logic bytes:
- Sprite to Sprite Collision 53278
- Sprite to Pixel Collision 53279
- These registers show [all] sprites
- involved in collisions. The Sprite to
- Sprite register cannot sort out which
- sprite touched which other sprite.
- This requires more programming to
- compare relative locations.
- Sprites are fun -- easy to move,
- easy to switch and animate. Working
- with the raw hardware registers,
- using PEEKs and POKEs, can be
- nerve-racking -- which is why
- JoySprite is so useful in program
- construction.
- Below is a list of all sprite
- registers, in numerical order.
- 53248 (+ sprite# * 2) X-coord (low)
- 53249 (+ sprite# * 2) Y-coord
- 53264 (bit-logic) X-coord (hi)
- 53269 (bit-logic) Sprite Enable
- 53271 (bit-logic) Y-expand
- 53275 (bit-logic) Priority
- 53276 (bit-logic) Multi-Color
- 53277 (bit-logic) X-expand
- 53278 (bit-logic) Sprite Col
- 53279 (bit-logic) Pixel Col