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- L O A D S T A R # 228
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Dave talks about completion and
- balance.
- [Masthead].....................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
- Every good LOADSTARite does Fine.
- [Label 228]....................Side 1
- Ready to glue-stick to your disk.
- [C= Micro-Palooza].............Side 1
- Here's the story of the rollicking
- get-together -- complete with
- pictures.
- [C l a s s i c W a r e]
- [Dig Dug]......................Side 1
- from Namco
- A quarter-consuming underground
- adventure.
- [Mr. Do].......................Side 1
- from Datasoft
- Another quarter-consuming under-
- ground adventure.
- [Monster Power]................Side 1
- by Scott Elder
- Rumble, roar, rampage and race
- monster trucks and tractors.
- [N e w W a r e]
- [Cherry Dash]..................Side 1
- New Program by Richard Bayliss
- Grab the cherries, watch out for
- Falling Rock.
- [Knight's Journey].............Side 1
- New Program by Richard Derocher
- A new text adventure as a knight
- errant.
- [R.S.V.P]......................Side 1
- New Program by Per Olofsson
- Arrange your dinner party guests
- so they sit by their friends.
- [G r a p h i c s W a r e]
- [LOADSTAR Gallery].............Side 1
- by Jerry Jones
- Enter the fabulous Gallerie d'Art
- (23rd floor of the LOADSTAR Tower)
- to enjoy the finer things in life.
- [Redneck Tech].................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Learn what computerese means in
- them-thar hills.
- [GEOS Bird Cards]..............Side 1
- New from Jane Voskamp-Jones
- Greeting Cards for GEOS folks --
- with images for the rest of us to
- enjoy.
- [M u s i c W a r e]
- [Patriotic Music 2]............Side 1
- New from Corky Cochran
- Hear the tunes that took us to the
- War to End All Wars.
- [Grassroots Jukebox]...........Side 1
- by Jim Weiler
- A classic collection of classic
- Americana. Tune up your fiddles.