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- A C Q U I R E
- by Sid Sackson & G. C. Crawshay
- ACQUIRE is a business game in
- which players are investors in hotel
- chains.
- During the course of the game the
- chains grow and merge until most of
- the board is covered. The object is
- to become the wealthiest player by
- wise investment.
- This is a solitaire version played
- against your chosen number of computer
- opponents. The board is a 9 x 12 grid,
- for each square of which there is a
- corresponding tile. Each player has 6
- tiles. There are 7 hotel chains spread
- amongst 3 categories, as follows:
- 3-star Luxor & Tower
- 4-star American, Festival &
- Worldwide
- 5-star Continental & Imperial
- There are 25 shares available in each
- chain. They start at $200, 300 & 400
- respectively depending on category and
- initially go up quite quickly as the
- chains expand, but this slows down
- when the chains get somewhat larger.
- The full details appear later in these
- instructions.
- Each player starts with $6,000.
- The game opens with all players
- drawing one tile and placing it on the
- board. This gets the board going and
- determines who goes first (the one
- with the nearest tile to square A/1).
- A normal turn consists of two
- action - laying a tile and buying
- shares, in that order.
- A hotel chain is created by laying
- a tile next to another one. "Next to"
- means orthogonally - not diagonally.
- The chain-maker chooses the name of
- the new chain and gets one free share.
- Thereafter any additions to those
- tiles will cause the chain to expand.
- If all 7 chains are in use no new
- chain can be created. Tiles which
- could normally be played to make a new
- chain are in this case temporarily
- "dead".
- After laying a tile, a player may
- buy shares. Purchases are limited to
- only 3 per turn, but of any chain or
- mixture of chains may be purchased, as
- long as they are established on the
- board. Current prices and number
- available of each share are obtainable
- from the menu. (Accessing the menu is
- explained later). To choose to [not]
- buy any shares during a turn, press
- <0> instead of the hotel letter.
- You have the option of knowing
- other players' holdings, but once you
- are practised at the game it is more
- fun to deprive yourself of this
- knowledge.
- When a tile is laid which joins up
- 2 chains, a merger is declared and the
- larger chain takes over the smaller.
- The players with the largest and 2nd.
- largest holdings of shares in the
- chain which is absorbed - i.e. the
- smaller one - receive big cash
- bonuses, equal to 10 and 5 times the
- share prices respectively. Where equal
- holdings are involved the bonuses are
- proportionally divided.
- Sometimes there can even be a
- triple merger. These are dealt with as
- 2 separate mergers, with the larger of
- the absorbed chains being settled
- first.
- In the case of a merger of 2 chains
- of the same size, the merger-maker
- chooses which takes over which.
- After settling the bonuses each
- player with shares in the absorbed
- chain has to decide what to do.
- Options include
- 1) sell them
- 2) exchange them on a 2 for 1 basis
- for shares in the survivor
- 3) keep them
- 4) a mixture of the above
- When all decisions have been settled
- the defunct chain is available for
- restarting when the opportunity
- presents itself.
- Mergers are all-important in
- ACQUIRE. It is [vital] to note that
- there is no regular income or dividend
- payment to players throughout the
- game. Their sole means of raising new
- cash is by bonuses or sales resulting
- from a merger.
- Here is a chart of the progression
- of share prices as chains grow larger.
- ------------------------------------
- # of Hotels in a Chain ! Price
- L T ! A F W ! C I !
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 2 ! - ! - ! $200
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 3 ! 2 ! - ! $300
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 4 ! 3 ! 2 ! $400
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 5 ! 4 ! 3 ! $500
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 6-10 ! 5 ! 4 ! $600
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 11-20 ! 6-10 ! 5 ! $700
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 21-30 ! 11-20 ! 6-10 ! $800
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 31-40 ! 21-30 ! 11-20 ! $900
- -------+-----------+-------+---------
- 41+ ! 31-40 ! 21-30 ! $1000
- ---------------------------+---------
- - ! 41+ ! 31-40 ! $1100
- ---------------------------+---------
- - ! - ! 41+ ! $1200
- -------------------------------------
- 1st/2nd Merger and End Bonuses are
- 10x and 5x share price.
- The game continues in this way
- with chains expanding and merging.
- However, note that when a chain
- reaches the size of 11 hotels, it
- becomes [safe] and is immune from
- takeover.
- This means that a tile which would
- merge two safe chains becomes
- unplayable and can be changed as long
- as there is a stock of spare tiles.
- Any player can end the game under
- either of the following conditions:
- - all chains on the board are safe
- - one chain has 41+ hotels
- This is not compulsory - it is up
- to each player to decide at the end of
- his turn.
- When the game is declared over by
- a player, all shareholdings are valued
- at current prices, terminal bonuses
- are awarded in the same way as in a
- merger and these values are added to
- players' cash to make a grand total.
- During the game a winking [red]
- [star] at the top of the screen acts
- as a prompt when it needs either an
- input of information or a press of any
- key to carry the game forward.
- At strategic intervals during your
- turn the following sign will appear:
- ME
- NU
- This means you can access the menu,
- which provides several types of
- information, by pressing <M>. When
- first running the program it is
- recommended that you look at the menu
- to see what is available.
- To finish with the menu and return
- to the program needs a press of <Z>.
- You can also exit ACQUIRE and return
- to LOADSTAR by pressing <Q> in the
- menu.
- When the sign appears and you do
- not wish to go to the menu, just press
- any key other than <M>.
- [DAVE'S AFTERWORD]: Since 1969,
- ACQUIRE has been one of my favorite
- board games. Our group at college (the
- Friendly Freaks) were addicted to it,
- spending nearly as much time making
- and merging hotels as we spent playing
- Hearts! In December, 1974, when our
- son was a good week overdue, my family
- spent long hours in our little 10x40
- foot trailer house playing this game.
- I found this program on the Clark
- County Commodore Computer Club disk
- magazine that Wayne Worley sent me. I
- have made a few adjustments (i.e.,
- returns to LOADSTAR and the Quit
- option). Otherwise, it is the game
- Avalon Hill published back in the
- glory days of C-64 software.
- But it is [all] in BASIC. If you want
- to understand the computer player
- logic, the information is all here --
- ready for you to print it out and mull
- it over.