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- it's the last name of the bee gee's\3gibb\^\^
- darrin & sam's last name in -bewitched\3stevens\stevans\stevins
- it's cher's mainen name\3sarkesian\sarkenson\sarkinson
- it's the italian poet dante's surname\3alighieri\alagerri\alagerry
- it's jethro's last name on -the beverly hillbillies\3bodine\boudine\bodene
- it's the surname of archie bunker's son-in-law\3stivic\stivik\stiveck
- it's juliet's last name\3capulet\kapulet\capulit
- it's fabian's last name\3forte\fort\fourt
- it's buffalo bill's last name\3cody\codie\coty
- it's dagwood & blondie's surname\3bumstead\bumsted\bumpstead
- it's dennis the menace's last name\3mitchell\michell\mitchall
- it's sonny's last name\3bono\bonno\^
- it's the last name of sherlock holmes' landlady\3hudson\hudsen\^
- in the comic -peanuts- it's lucy's last name\3van pelt\vanpelt\^