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- he was in charge of the alamo\1jim bowie\bowey\^
- the orchestra -musical knights- was led by him\1horace heidt\height\hite
- he ruled cuba before castro\1bastista\bastesta\bestista
- the russian revolutionary leader assassinated in mexico\1leon trotsky\trotski\^
- the salvation army was founded by him\1william booth\bill booth\boothe
- he lead rats over a cliff in the fairy tale\1pied piper\peiper\pipor
- it's what you call the leader of an orchestra\3conductor\conducter\conductar
- he's the current leader of the usa\1ronald reagan\ragan\reigan
- he lead the confederacy to defeat\1robert lee\leah\leigh
- he lead the union army to victory during the civil war\1ulysses grant\^\^