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- this micro is in more homes than any other model\3commodore 64\c 64\c-64
- it's the next size up from a micro computer\3mini computer\^\^
- it's the device that allows telephone communications\3modem\motem\modim
- it's the acronym a central processer is known by\3cpu\a cpu\c.p.u.
- it's the number of bits in a byte\38\eight\^
- alu stands for this\3arithmetic logic unit\^\^
- this 2 digit numbering system is used in all digital computers\3binary\^\^
- this invention of w. shockley's replaced the vacuum tube\3transistor\^\^
- memory that can be accessed randomly is known as this\3ram\r.a.m.\^
- this acronym describes memory that can't be changed\3rom\r.o.m.\^
- the largest business computers are known by this name\3mainframe\main frame\^
- this acronym stands for cathode ray tube\3crt\c.r.t.\^
- it's beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code\3basic\^\^
- it's the lowest level computer language\3machine language\machine code\^
- it's the acronym for common business oriented language\3cobol\^\^
- this company was the 1st to mass produce computers in 1950\3univac\^\^
- he invented the 1st programmable computer in 1832\1charles babbage\babage\^
- it's any device capable of retaining information\3memory\^\^
- it's the counter-part of hardware\3software\soft ware\^