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- New Product from Nick Copland
- For too many years CMD drive users
- have been without a complete disk
- imaging solution. Sure, backup tools
- exist - but lets face it, how many 3.5
- inch disks do you need to back up a 16
- MB partition? And how many partitions
- do you have? And how often do you
- actually get around to doing it?
- DRIVEGHOST is a tool for "imaging"
- or "ghosting" the contents and
- structure of CMD drives. Drive
- ghosting is far more than a backup -
- it is a complete track and sector
- accurate method of copying data and
- ensuring that systems, not just files,
- can be restored at a later date.
- Programs, databases, GEOS -- anything
- and everything is captured!
- DRIVEGHOST images the contents and
- structure of your CMD HD, FD or
- RAMLINK to special files on a PC
- configured to run 64HDD. These image
- files can be kept on this PC or burned
- to CDROM for a more permanent backup.
- DRIVEGHOST offers the flexibility
- of a complete backup/restore, user
- selected partitions, or the ability to
- import individual partitions to new
- drives or locations. It even lets you
- import D64 files downloaded from the
- internet or from archives onto you CMD
- drive.
- * Complete backup solution for CMD
- drive users - HD, FD or RAMLINK
- * Uses imaging to capture all
- disk data - not just the files
- * Simple, intuitive point and click
- user interface
- * Runs unsupervised once started
- * Works with freeware and
- Professional versions of 64HDD using
- the popular X1541 cable
- * Image files stored in PC format and
- can be transferred to CDROM
- * Ideal for:
- Backups
- Restoration
- Drive mechanism upgrades
- Data exchange
- Installing D64 files
- Shuffling partitions around
- and more!
- DRIVEGHOST is a unique backup tool
- available to the Commodore 64 user.
- It's powerful, yet easy to use. A
- graphical user interface allows easy
- selection of 64HDD and CMD drives,
- tagging of partitions to backup or
- restore, and navigation of your 64HDD
- archives.
- DRIVEGHOST will work with 64HDD
- core version v0.7a4 (or better)
- freeware or Professional versions.
- 64HDD is a MS-DOS PC based emulation
- program that allows 8-bit Commodore
- computers to access the power of PC
- drives via the popular X1541
- compatible cable (The "engine" in the
- LOADSTAR Home Tower). A copy of the
- freeware version of 64HDD is included
- with your distribution of DRIVEGHOST.
- DRIVEGHOST retails for US$24.95
- including Bootable Software Disk,
- 64HDD (latest freeware) and booklet.
- Price includes world-wide postage, and
- free upgrades for the life of v1.xx.
- NC
- [DAVE'S NOTE]: Home Tower owners may
- be interested in this software,
- especially if your PC has a monitor
- and keyboard (necessary to access
- Contact Nick at:
- Nicholas Coplin
- 9 Forbes Court
- Merriwa WA 6030
- Australia
- Web Site: www.64hdd.com