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- L O A D S T A R # 221
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Wars and rumors of war and a word
- from a long time hippy peace-nik.
- [Home Tower News]..............Side 1
- Copying files and disks with the
- all-purpose 64HDriver.
- [Masthead].....................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
- Every good LOADSTARite does Fine.
- [LOADSTAR Billboard]...........Side 1
- Full Screen Promotions of neat
- and wonderful stuff.
- [LOADSTAR Forum]...............Side 1
- Readers write and writers read.
- [Ponderations].................Side 1
- Thoughts and fever dreams from a
- well deranged mind.
- [Your Brave New World].........Side 1
- Signs that you live in 2003.
- [LOADSTAR Label 221]...........Side 1
- Email is $3 less per issue!
- [Zero Page: Bytes].............Side 1
- Recursive Programming and Schotz.
- [Q U I Z W A R E]
- [Presidents Quiz]..............Side 1
- by Kenneth Barsky
- Identify the 43 Presidents of the
- United States.
- [LogiFact].....................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Unscramble the list of facts in
- this 1 to 10 player puzzle/game.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Tapper].......................Side 1
- by Bally Midway
- Classic Arcade game. Keep the brews
- a-coming!
- [Kalendr Kruze]................Side 1
- by Charles Calvert
- Travel through the year, paying
- rent, making money, losing money --
- all the exasperation of real life!
- [Millenium Assault]............Side 1
- by Cosine
- The Force is with you as you take
- the Falcon into unknown territory
- to save Luke and the Galaxy.
- [A D V E N T U R E W A R E]
- [WestFront]....................Side 1
- by Ravenwierd
- Travel through a strange and
- populated world in search of
- treasures and magical items.
- [M E D I A W A R E]
- [Middle Earth Images]..........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Photo Impressionistic images from
- the first great film by Peter
- Jackson.
- [Amiga Ball]...................Side 1
- by The Force
- Who says only Amiga could move large
- objects? Anything "They" can do, we
- can do also!
- [Daring Dots]..................Side 1
- by Ash+Dave
- A mesmerizing demo which you can
- adjust for amazing results.
- [L A G N I A P P E W A R E]
- [Manhunt]......................Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Up to seven players must work
- together to track down and capture
- the nuclear terrorist Dr. Ecks.
- [N E W S W A R E]
- [Centsible Software Sold]......Side 1
- submitted by Robert Bernardo
- The largest retailer of C= and
- Amiga software changes hands.
- [Jeri in the News].............Side 1
- from ComputerBILD
- Jeri Ellsworth's CommodoreOne nears
- completion, as reported by this
- German magazine.