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- 1
- 1st
- "1789-1796"
- "Federalist"
- "John Adams"
- "Martha Dandridge Curtis"
- "George Washington"
- "Washington"
- "Was a surveyor in his youth"
- "'First in war - first in peace'"
- "The Father of His Country'
- "Only president elected unanimously"
- "Never lived in Washington D.C."
- washington g.g
- 2
- 2nd
- "1797-1800"
- "Federalist"
- "Thomas Jefferson"
- "Abigail Smith"
- "John Adams"
- "John Adams"
- "Signed Declaration of Independence"
- "1st president to live in White House"
- "Unpopular for Alien & Sedition Acts"
- "Made John Marshall Chief Justice"
- "His son also became president"
- adams j.g
- 3
- 3rd
- "1801-1808"
- "Dem.-Rep."
- "1. Aaron Burr 2. George Clinton"
- "Martha Wales Skelton"
- "Thomas Jefferson"
- "Jefferson"
- "Louisiana purchase"
- "Lewis and Clark expedition"
- "Passage of the Embargo Act"
- "The 'Sage of Monticello'"
- "'Father of the Univ. of Virginia'"
- jefferson.g
- 4
- 4th
- "1809-1816"
- "Dem.-Rep."
- "1. George Clinton 2. Elbridge Gary"
- "Doretha 'Dolly' Payne Todd"
- "James Madison"
- "Madison"
- "The shortest president"
- "The 'Father of the Constitution'"
- "President during War of 1812"
- "White House burned during presidency"
- "Demilitarized US/Canada Border"
- madison.g
- 5
- 5th
- "1817-1824"
- "Dem.-Rep."
- "David D. Tomkins"
- "Elisabeth Kortright"
- "James Monroe"
- "Monroe"
- "Era of Good Feeling"
- "Virtually unopposed for 2nd term"
- "Signed Missouri Compromise of 1820"
- "Obtained Florida from Spain"
- "Doctrine against Europe in Americas"
- monroe.g
- 6
- 6th
- "1825-1828"
- "Dem.-Rep."
- "John C. Calhoun"
- "Louisa Cathrine Johnson"
- "John Quincy Adams"
- "John Quincy Adams"
- "Helped start Smithsonian Institution
- "His father was also president"
- "Expanded executive power"
- "Opened Erie Canal"
- "Fought 'Gag Resolution' "
- adams j q.g
- 7
- 7th
- "1829-1836"
- "Democrat"
- "1. John Calhoun 2. Martin Van Buren"
- "Rachel Donelson Robards"
- "Andrew Jackson"
- "Jackson"
- "He was known as 'Old Hickory'"
- "Advisors were 'The Kitchen Cabinet'"
- "1st to be born in a log cabin"
- "1st to ride on a railroad train"
- "His estate was known as 'Hermitage'"
- jackson.g
- 8
- 8th
- "1837-1840"
- "Democrat"
- "Richard M. Johnson"
- "Hannah Hoes"
- "Martin Van Buren"
- "Van Buren"
- "First born in New York"
- "Known as the 'Little Magician'"
- "Started Independent Treasury System"
- "Refused to spend land revenues"
- "Financial panic of 1937"
- van buren.g
- 9
- 9th
- "1841"
- "Whig"
- "John Tyler"
- "Anna Tuthill Symmes"
- "William Henry Harrison"
- "William Henry Harrison"
- "His father signed Declar. of Indep."
- "Nicknamed 'Tippecanoe'"
- "Gave longest inaugural address"
- "Had the shortest presidential term"
- "His grandson was 23rd president"
- harrison w h.g
- 10
- 10th
- "1841-1844"
- "Whig"
- "None"
- "Latitia Christian, Julia Gardiner
- "John Tyler"
- "Tyler"
- "1st president not elected prrsident"
- "Known as 'His Accidency'"
- "Opened Asia for U.S trade"
- "Signed resolution annexing Texas"
- "Fathered 14 children"
- tyler.g
- 11
- 11th
- "1845-1848"
- "Democrat"
- "George M. Dallas"
- "Sarah Childress"
- "James Polk"
- "Polk"
- "1st born in North Carolina"
- "Commanded U.S. in Mexican War"
- "1st 'dark horse' candidate elected"
- "Compromized on Oregon border"
- "He made Florida the 27th state"
- polk.g
- 12
- 12th
- "1849"
- "Whig"
- "Martin Fillmore"
- "Margaret Mackall Smith"
- "Zachary Taylor"
- "Taylor"
- "Called 'Old Rough and Ready' "
- "Served in war on Mexico"
- "Hero of battle of Beuna Vista"
- "Resumed spoils system"
- "Worked to admit Calif. as Free State
- taylor.g
- 13
- 13th
- "1850-1852"
- "Whig"
- "None"
- "Abigail Powers"
- "Millard Fillmore"
- "Fillmore"
- "1st to have a stepmother"
- "Favored Compromise of 1850"
- "Signed Fugative Slave Law"
- "Refused honorary degree from Oxford"
- "His wife set up White House Library"
- fillmore.g
- 14
- 14th
- "1853-1856"
- "Democrat"
- "William R. King"
- "Jane Means Appleton"
- "Franklin Pierce"
- "Pierce"
- "1st born in 19th century"
- "1st born in New Hampshire "
- "Supported Kansas-Nebraska Act "
- "Signed reciprocal treaty with Canada"
- "Approved Gadsten purchase"
- pierce.g
- 15
- 15th
- "1857-1860"
- "Democrat"
- "John C. Breckenridge"
- "No one"
- "James Buchanan"
- "Buchanan"
- "1st born in Pennsylvania"
- "The only president never to marry"
- "Dred Scott decision"
- "1st Atlantic cable laid"
- "Southern states secede"
- buchanan.g
- 16
- 16th
- "1861-1865"
- "Republican"
- "1. Hannibal Hamlin 2. Andrew Johnson"
- "Mary Todd"
- "Abraham Lincoln"
- "Lincoln"
- "The tallest president"
- "1st president to wear a beard"
- "1st president to be assassinated"
- "Only one to be awarded a patent"
- "Issued the Emancipation Proclamation"
- lincoln.g
- 17
- 17th
- "1865-1868"
- "National Union"
- "None"
- "Eliza McCardle"
- "Andrew Johnson"
- "Andrew Johnson"
- "A tailor before entering politics"
- "Learned to write when 17 years old"
- "Consented to purchase Alaska"
- "Known as the Veto President"
- "The 1st president to be impeached"
- johnson a.g
- 18
- 18th
- "1869-1876"
- "Republican"
- "1. Schuyler Colfax 2. Henry Wilson"
- "Julia Boggs Dent"
- "Ulysses S. Grant"
- "Grant"
- "1st born in Ohio"
- "Nickname 'Unconditional Surrender'"
- "He is buried in Grant's Tomb"
- "The 'Hero of Appomattox'"
- "Depicted on the fifty dollar bill"
- grant.g
- 19
- 19th
- "1877-1880"
- "Republican"
- "William A. Wheeler"
- "Lucy Ware Webb"
- "Rutherford Hayes"
- "Hayes"
- "Won election without majority vote"
- "1st to visit West Coast"
- "1st White House Easter Egg Roll"
- "Backed a sound-money policy"
- "Started Civil Service reform of 1877
- hayes.g
- 20
- 20th
- "1881"
- "Republican"
- "Chester Arthur"
- "Lucretia Rudolph"
- "James Garfield"
- "Garfield"
- "1st left-handed president"
- "Second president to be assassinated"
- "Killed by disgruntled job-seeker"
- "Could speak in German"
- "Investigation of Postal Scandal"
- garfield.g
- 21
- 21st
- "1881-1884"
- "Republican"
- "None"
- "Ellen Lewis Herndon"
- "Chester Arthur"
- "Arthur"
- "1st born in Vermont"
- "Signed Civil Service reform act"
- "Brookyn Bridge built"
- "Prohibition of Chinese immigration"
- "Transcontinental railway completed"
- arthur.g
- 22
- 22nd
- "1885-1888"
- "Democrat"
- "Thomas A. Henricks"
- "Frances Folsom"
- "Grover Cleveland"
- "Cleveland"
- "Was married in White House"
- "Lost reelection and later reelected"
- "Goverment regulation of railroads"
- "Great railroad strike putdown"
- "Chicago World's Fair of 1893"
- cleveland.g
- 23
- 23rd
- "1889-1892"
- "Republican"
- "Levi P. Morton"
- "Caroline Scott, Mary S. L. Dimmick"
- "Benjamin Harrison"
- "Benjamin Harrison"
- "Grandfather served as 9th president"
- "Signed Sherman Anti-Trust Act"
- "Authorized silver coinage"
- "Raised inport trade tariff"
- "Expanded the navy"
- harrison b.g
- 24
- 24th
- "1893-1896"
- "Democrat"
- "Adlai E. Stevenson"
- "Frances Folsom"
- "Grover Cleveland"
- "Cleveland"
- "Was married in White House"
- "Lost reelection and later reelected"
- "Government regulation of railroads"
- "Great railroad strike putdown"
- "Chicago World's Fair of 1893"
- cleveland.g
- 25
- 25th
- "1897-1901"
- "Republican"
- "Theodore Roosevelt"
- "Ida Sexton "
- "William McKinley"
- "McKinley"
- "1st to campaign by telephone"
- "Enacted highest tariff in history"
- "Signed the Gold Standard Act"
- "Victory in Spanish American War"
- "Assassinated by anarchist Czolgosz
- mckinley.g
- 26
- 26th
- "1901-1908"
- "Republican"
- "Charles W. Fairbanks"
- "Alice Hathaway Lee"
- "Theodore Roosevelt"
- "Theodore Roosevelt"
- "The 'Bull Moose' president"
- "The youngest president"
- "1st to get the Nobel Peace prize"
- "1st to ride in an automobile"
- "1st to ride in an airplane"
- roosevelt t.g
- 27
- 27th
- "1909-1912"
- "Republican"
- "James S. Sherman"
- "Helen Herron"
- "William Taft"
- "Taft"
- "He was the heaviest president"
- "1st to open the baseball season"
- "1st buried at Arlington Cemetery"
- "He later become Chief Justice"
- "Encouraged 'Dollar Diplomacy'"
- taft.g
- 28
- 28th
- "1913-1920"
- "Democrat"
- "Thomas R. Marshall"
- "Ellen L. Axson, Edith Bolling Galt
- "Woodrow Wilson"
- "Wilson"
- "War declared against Germany"
- "1st to cross Atlantic during term"
- "'Fourteen Points' for peace proposed"
- "He won nobel peace prize in 1919"
- "Woman Suffarage amendment passed"
- wilson.g
- 29
- 29th
- "1921-1923"
- "Republican"
- "Calvin Coolidge"
- "Florence Kling DeWolfe"
- "Warren Harding"
- "Harding"
- "Budget Bureau established"
- "Vetoed Soldiers' Bonus bill"
- "Opposed League of Nations"
- "Stressed a 'Return to Normalcy'"
- "Term marred by 'Teapot Dome Scandal'"
- harding.g
- 30
- 30th
- "1923-1926"
- "Republican"
- "Charles G. Dawes"
- "Grace Anna Goodhue"
- "Calvin Coolidge"
- "Coolidge"
- "1st sworn in by his father"
- "Bill reducing Immigration passed"
- "Marines sent to Nicaragua"
- "Kellog-Briand Treaty signed"
- "Vetoed Farm relief bill"
- coolidge.g
- 31
- 31st
- "1927-1932"
- "Republican"
- "Charles Curtis"
- "Lou Henry"
- "Herbert Hoover"
- "Hoover"
- "Federal Home Board created"
- "Federal Radio Commission formed"
- "Claims against Germany reduced"
- "Veterans' Administration formed"
- "The Stock Market crashed in his term"
- hoover.g
- 32
- 32nd
- "1933-1945"
- "Democrat"
- "1. Garner 2. Wallace 3. Truman"
- "Anna Eleanor Roosevelt"
- "Franklin Roosevelt"
- "Franklin Roosevelt"
- "Contracted Polio"
- "Launched the New Deal"
- "World War II Allied leader"
- "1st to appear on television"
- "1st three-term president"
- roosevelt f d.g
- 33
- 33rd
- "1945-1952"
- "Democrat"
- "Alben W. Barkley"
- "Elisabeth Virginia 'Bess' Wallace"
- "Harry Truman"
- "Truman"
- "He said 'The buck stops here'"
- "Authorized 1st use of the A-bomb"
- "He created NATO"
- "He started the Marshall Plan"
- "He relieved General MacArthur"
- truman.g
- 34
- 34th
- "1953-1960"
- "Republican"
- "Richard M. Nixon"
- "Mamie Geneva Doud"
- "Dwight Eisenhower"
- "Eisenhower"
- Originated "Domino Theroy" concept"
- "Supreme Commander European forces WW2
- "He led the Normandy invasion"
- "Authored book 'Crusade in Europe'"
- "Helped to end Korean War"
- eisenhower.g
- 35
- 35th
- "1961-1963"
- "Democrat"
- "Lyndon B. Johnson"
- "Jacqueline Lee Bouvier"
- "John Kennedy"
- "Kennedy"
- "Ordered 'Bay of Pigs' disaster"
- "The 1st Roman Catholic president"
- "Pulitzer prize winning president"
- "Demanded USSR remove missles in Cuba"
- "He advanced US space program"
- kennedy.g
- 36
- 36th
- "1963-1968"
- "Democrat"
- "Hubert H. Humphrey"
- "Claudia 'Lady Bird' Alta Taylor"
- "Lyndon B. Johnson"
- "Lyndon Johnson"
- "Earned Silver Star for bravery"
- "Took oath of office on 'Air Force 1'
- "Won passage of Civil Rights bill"
- "Advocated the 'Great Society'"
- "Won passage of Medicare/Medicaid"
- johnson l b.g
- 37
- 37th
- "1969-1974"
- "Republican"
- "1. Spiro T. Agnew 3. Gerald R. Ford"
- "Thelma Catharine Patrica Ryan"
- "Richard Nixon"
- "Nixon"
- "1st president to visit Red China"
- "Began withdrwal from Vietnam"
- "Watergate led to his downfall"
- "Resigned without completing his term"
- "He received a presidential pardon"
- nixon.g
- 38
- 38th
- "1974-1976"
- "Republican"
- "Nelson Rockefeller"
- "Elizabeth Bloomer Warren"
- "Gerald Ford"
- "Ford"
- "He was born Leslie King Jr."
- "Never chosen by national election"
- "Pardoned Richard Nixon"
- "Ended Vietnam war"
- "He survived attack by Squeaky Fromme"
- ford.g
- 39
- 39th
- "1977-1980"
- "Democrat"
- "Walter F. Mondale"
- "Rosalynn Smith"
- "James Carter"
- "Carter"
- "Was a peanut farmer"
- "1st to use a word processor"
- "Attacked by a swimming rabbit"
- "Iran 444 day hostage crisis"
- "Won Nobel Peace prize in 2002"
- carter.g
- 40
- 40th
- "1981-1988"
- "Republican"
- "George H. W. Bush"
- "Anna Frances 'Nancy' Robbins Davis"
- "Ronald Reagan"
- "Reagan"
- "He was the oldest president"
- "He was a former Hollywood actor"
- "He visited 'The Evil Empire'"
- "Boycotted the Moscow Olympic Games"
- "Iran-Contra scandal plagued him"
- reagan.g
- 41
- 41st
- "1989-1992"
- "Republican"
- "Dan Quale"
- "Barbara Pierce"
- "George H. W. Bush"
- "George H. W. Bush"
- "He said 'Read my lips - no new taxes'
- "Sent troops to Panama"
- "Declared 'Operation Desert Storm' war
- "Supported Soviet reforms
- "Vetoed abortion-rights legislation"
- bush g h w.g
- 42
- 42nd
- "1993-2000"
- "Democrat"
- "Al Gore"
- "Hillary Rodham"
- "William Clinton"
- "Clinton"
- "Born William Jefferson Blythe IV"
- "North Anerican Free Trade Agreement"
- "His plan for Health Care rejected"
- "Sent troops to Bosnia"
- "Second president to be impeached"
- clinton.g
- 43
- 43rd
- "2001-now"
- "Republican"
- "Dick Chaney"
- "Laura Welch"
- "George W. Bush"
- "George W. Bush"
- "He has twin daughters"
- "His father was 41st president"
- "As fighter pilot he was shot down"
- "Won election without majority vote"
- "Terrorist attack on NY Twin Towers"
- bush g w.g