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- The Lord of the Rings
- <c18>
- \
- The unprecidented, three volume work
- languished for twenty years. Then a
- new generation cast off the plastic
- sameness of the their mass culture and
- embraced myth, magic, and chemical
- madness.
- They also rejected the official
- definitions of Good and Evil being
- played out in a jungle far away. The
- Lord of the Rings became a sort of
- alternative scripture, describing
- truth that was deeper than ideologies.
- The story begins in bucolic Hobbit
- Town, where life is safe and simple.
- <l2mill.shp>
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- <d2>
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- <c50>
- <t0>
- But isolation is not enough. Dark and
- terrible things were rising on the far
- horizon.
- The new generation grew too old for
- college loans. They cut their hair,
- bought conservative suits, got
- married, found jobs. Had children.
- If only someone could turn the saga
- into a motion picture!
- Dark Riders were searching for the
- Ring. Not just a magic ring that made
- the wearer invisible, but the
- One Ring to Rule Them All
- One Ring to Find Them
- One Ring to Bring Them All
- And In the Darkness Bind Them.
- <l2brider.shp>
- <w>
- <c50>
- <d2>
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- <t0>
- "I wish I had never come to possess
- this Ring." Frodo, Bilbo's nephew
- laments.
- Gandalf the Wizard replies, "Do not
- think that the only power at work in
- the world is Evil. In some way, you
- were meant to be the Ring Bearer."
- But in the real world, no amount of
- animation magic could bring the story
- to life. All attempts were sadly
- childish or woefully underfunded.
- <l2frodo2.shp>
- <w>
- <c50>
- <d2>
- <l2river2.shp>
- <w>
- <t0>
- The fateful quest is on, and a band of
- happless hobbits make for Rivendale
- and help in disposing of the Ring.
- The problem for filmmaking was that
- pen and paint could not capture the
- wholeness and texture of Tolkein's
- Middle Earth.
- Meanwhile, a new genre developed --
- role playing games. And dungeon
- masters took small bands of wizards,
- dwarves, thieves, elves, and knights
- into imaginary worlds of beasts and
- booty.
- Frodo's pursuers have wounded him and
- are on his heels. Fortunately, the
- magic of the Elves of Rivendale send
- rushing stallions of water to wash the
- Black Riders into oblivion.
- <w>
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- <d2>
- <l2borom2.shp>
- <l0m.me2>
- <s0>