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- By Dave Moorman
- I have had a few calls from C-128D
- owners who had a conflict between the
- built-in 1571 on device 8 and the
- LOADSTAR feature on 64HDriver.
- I have two possible fixes. The
- first will eliminate the 1571 from
- your working device list in 64HDriver.
- This is the easiest to accomplish.
- 1. LOAD"64:*",15 but do not RUN
- 2. Type in these lines:
- 70 OPEN1,8,15,"U0>"+CHR$(16)
- 71 CLOSE1
- 3. Type and RETURN:
- GOTO10000
- This changes the 1571 to Device
- 16, which is out of 64HDriver's range.
- Now Device 8 is free for the Tower,
- and using LOADSTAR on the Tower.
- I realize that this does not help
- if you want to use the 1571 with the
- Tower. (You may want to put an inquiry
- with the above lines in the boot
- program.) I really wanted to be able
- to switch the 1571 to any otherwise
- unused drive number.
- However, in the process of polling
- the drives, the following C=DOS
- command is used:
- FORX=8TO15:OPEN1,X,15,"UI":CLOSE1:
- The problem is that when the 1571 is
- changed to another device (9 - 15),
- this line effectively undoes the
- change.
- But there IS hope. You will have
- to DISSOLVE "begin.pkd" (in C:/64hdd/
- 64hdvr.d81).
- Er -- double darn! Lee Novak's
- Trio do not save to the Tower. It has
- to do with the way he searches for an
- existing file -- and the way Nick
- Copland emulated C=DOS. The three
- programs are on C:/utility.d81. Copy
- the program "begin.pkd" to a real disk
- and use "B.DISSOLVE*" to take it
- apart. You will save the results to a
- real disk, then copy the finished
- program back to C:/64hdd/64hdvr.d81.
- Ok, after dissolving "begin.pkd",
- you can edit "begin". There are two
- FOR-NEXT loops at the beginning of the
- program. Both are
- FOR X = 8 to 15
- Change the 15 to 13 in both loops.
- Use B.LINK* and B.PACK* to put
- "begin.pkd" back together and copy it
- back to C:/64hdd/64hdvr.d81.
- Now, device 8 can be put on device
- 14. The polling will never see it, and
- the Tower device 14 will remain
- disengaged -- which is just fine.
- Oh, yes! You will want to change
- those line in "64:*" to
- "U0>"+CHR$(14)"
- That should do it.
- If all this seems too daunting,
- drop me a note and $5, and I will send
- a disk with the latest updates to
- 64HDriver. As of this writing, the
- above IS the latest update!
- Several noted that further
- tutorials for the Tower and 64HDriver
- would be nice. Please let me know what
- you want to see, what you need to
- know, and/or where you got stuck.