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- From LS #138
- by Fender Tucker
- Mom and Pop companies aren't
- given much respect in the 90s. The
- current philosophy is that if your
- company isn't headed towards the
- Fortune 500 then it's headed for
- bankruptcy. Fortune seems to think
- 500 companies are all this country
- needs.
- [2003 Perspective]: It's getting
- worse. The kids don't want to take Mom
- and Pop's place, so Fortune's
- Favorites gobble up the blood, sweat,
- and tears, and turn it over to an over
- paid exec who is inordinately proud of
- his parachute.
- I've always considered Softdisk a
- Mom and Pop company because even when
- its megalomania was at its peak, it
- still only had about 100 employees.
- And while I can vaguely imagine Al
- Vekovius as a wise-cracking Citizen
- Kane, Judi Mangham has always been
- "Mom" to me. Well, at least until we
- got married.
- In my opinion, there'd still be a
- RUN and Gazette if they hadn't been
- owned by huge publishing cartels.
- They were still quite profitable by
- my standards, but not enough to suit
- the suits in their puny 20-story
- towers in New Hampshire and North
- Carolina.
- But life is change; that's how it
- differs from the rocks. And even
- though Softdisk has been a Mom and
- Pop organization for 14 years now,
- it's time for a new Pop. Al and Judi
- recently came to an agreement where
- LOADSTAR has split from Softdisk and
- is now published by J & F Publishing,
- Inc. That's the company that has
- Judi and me as Mom and Pop.
- You will not notice much change,
- except for our copyright boxes.
- Softdisk will continue to do all of
- the mundane things: copying and
- mailing disks, taking orders, tech
- support, stuffing envelopes, etc. But
- now Judi and I will make decisions
- about marketing and promotion. Or
- rather, Judi will, since I've still
- got the money-making sensibilities of
- a Karl Marx. I was planning on
- moving from Grand Exalted Mojo to CEO
- but after a call from Maurice Jones
- reminding me of all of the nasty
- things I've written about the "High
- Sheriffs", I didn't even argue with
- Judi when she took over the biggest
- chair in the penthouse.
- So really all that's changed is
- that from now on when an idea pops
- up, we won't have a meeting; instead,
- Judi, Jeff and I will go out for
- pizza at lunchtime and talk about it.
- You don't have to worry about Judi or
- me getting ambitious and wanting to
- move on to bigger and better things.
- I smoked all the ambition out of my
- system years ago. I just want to
- keep putting LOADSTARs together until
- I can cash in an annuity in 2006 and
- spend the rest of my life collecting
- and reading books.
- Just call me "Pop".
- The above change-over took place
- just 5 years and 3 months ago. Now,
- LOADSTAR has changed its "Mom" and
- "Pop." These things aren't supposed
- to happpen. When an interloper calls
- with a ridiculous idea about a
- Pentium Computer magazine from
- Classic software, even Grand Mojos
- don't say "Go for it, Dave!"
- Certainly CEOs would look twice at
- such a deal.
- I expected Fender to be at my
- elbow, looking over my shoulder, and
- generally Mojoing around eLOADSTAR.
- He did keep an eye on the project.
- But he made it clear that I was in
- charge.
- Wow! Thousands of incredibly
- great programs in the LOADSTAR
- Library -- and all at my disposal!
- Last year, I essentially dumped all
- the book work on Judi -- and all she
- said is, "Do you want your check now,
- or wait until later?" That is [not]
- how it is supposed to work!
- Then last fall, Sheri and I
- decided that if J & F was not going
- to continue LOADSTAR, we should try
- our hand at it. We met with J & F in
- October to work out the deal (which
- is quite nice for both parties) and
- insure a smooth switch-over to the
- Tower West.
- Then around the Second of
- January, Fender called. "Here it is!
- Good luck!" Judi emailed the book
- work data for Sheri to continue. And
- we will definitely need ideas,
- suggestions, and moral support from
- Shreveport. For one thing, the 1541
- disks will still be copied by J & F,
- since they have the copier. Fender is
- even willing to divy up the programs
- to the four sides of the 1541. This
- year.
- For my part, I discovered that
- putting together a LOADSTAR was much
- more difficult than composing
- eLOADSTAR. The programs here have
- been tested and proven workable.
- LOADSTAR will have new software,
- which means more quality testing and
- tweaking. But, at least so far, I
- really enjoy quality testing and
- tweaking.
- The LOADSTAR adventure continues
- -- heading (I hope) in some new
- directions. But with each month, a
- new floor is added to the Mighty
- LOADSTAR Tower. Even as I type, Sheri
- is copying and stuffing LS #200's on
- 1581 disks.
- Who'da Thunk!
- [And 20 Floors LATER:]
- Well, ahem, we missed a few issues
- over the last two years. eLOADSTAR had
- to go by the wayside. Sorry to those
- who enjoyed the "One Button" PC
- program. But on the otherhand, we quit
- using the Frodo emulator and went to
- VICE -- which just keeps getting
- better and better.
- I am rushing to get this issue
- finished before I go to Pastor's
- School in Denver. My professional
- position requires 20 contact hours
- with [new ideas], which may sound
- strange if you are unfamiliar with
- practical religion. In a way, it is
- also a chance for Sheri and I go get
- out and have some fun. One year, I
- skipped classes to go downtown for the
- Bronco's Super Bowl Victory parade.
- Two years in the Tower has been
- like a month and a half. I am still
- excited about what the C-64 can do --
- and wait with bated breath for the
- CommodoreOne to make its debut.
- worms. THAT explains it!
- And we keep finding new and
- interesting things to bring to you.
- Our new email subscriptions have
- overtaken losses. I can't grump about
- the subscriptions that have been
- canceled. In most cases, the reason is
- that a LOADSTARite has moved on to a
- higher and -- we are sure -- better
- place. Such is life. The mortality
- statistics haven't changed: every
- birth is equaled with a death.
- But not LOADSTAR. Not yet! The
- Home Tower project is very rewarding,
- though I am surprised that more 1541
- users haven't taken the plunge.
- During these two years, I have
- become a tad more humble. Before
- embarking on this adventure, I was
- certain that, given the opportunity, I
- would be the world's greatest business
- person and marketer. The fact is, I am
- not driven by that SUV! I love to
- play. Putting out LOADSTAR is, most of
- the time, pure, unadulterated play.
- Don't tell my congregation, but so
- is clergy work -- at least for me.
- Eighty-nine percent of the time, I do
- things that are fun and/or rewarding.
- I just don't know how I became so
- fortunate. Brer God calls me right
- into the briar patch, and Fender hands
- me a 199 Story Tower and says, "Go for
- it!"
- Well, that's my State of the Tower
- speech for 2003. Another exciting year
- is stretched out before us. Do stick
- around. You can never know what will
- happen next!