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- L O A D S T A R # 2 1 8
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- Happy WinterFest to all, and to
- all a Merry LOADSTAR!
- [Errata].......................Side 1
- We see an oversight and fix a
- bug.
- [Masthead].....................Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Billboard]...........Side 1
- Full Screen Promotions of neat
- and wonderful stuff.
- [LOADSTAR Label 218]...........Side 1
- Now email subscribers can stick it
- with the best of them.
- [F U N W A R E]
- [Snow Crazy]...................Side 1
- by Richard Derocher
- Enjoy a fierce fight of frozen orbs
- from the comfort of your computer.
- [Mod Star Pinochle]............Side 1
- by Dr. Jame T. Jones
- Here is another heart-warmer for the
- coming cold nights. Dr. J makes it
- work on any drive.
- [U T I L I T Y W A R E]
- [C-64 F-Keys]..................Side 1
- by Dr. James T. Jones
- Put those big brown keys to work,
- like they do for the 128.
- [W I N T E R F E S T W A R E]
- [Huggy Bear's Fist Christmas]..Side 2
- by William O. Nelson
- Follow Huggy Bear in a great advent
- adventure.
- [Christmas 1982]...............Side 2
- by Wayne Eastwood, H. Rex Boucher,
- & Stephen Murri
- A marvie little Demo -- especially
- since it uses only standard font
- characters. Can you figure out the
- date?
- [The Night Before Christmas]...Side 2
- by Steve Emsley
- A more modern and whimsical reply
- to the above.
- [Chanukah Greeting]............Side 2
- by Kenneth Barsky
- Lest we forget that Winterfest would
- be a pagan orgy if it wasn't for
- the Children of Israel.
- [B R A I N W A R E]
- [Puzzle Page]..................Side 3
- by Barbara Schulak & Fender Tucker
- It is time to cash in on the annual
- buying frenzy. Fender knows how!
- [Santa Clues]..................Side 3
- by Ian Adam
- A text adventure for the holiday.
- Can you save Christmas?
- [H Y P E R B O O K W A R E]
- [Sammy Marlo, PI Pt.2].........Side 3
- by Joshua, Richard,
- & Matthew Derocher
- The exciting conclusion of the
- adventures of Phillip Spade's long
- lost cousin. This book is rated W
- for Wierd!
- [M U S I C W A R E]
- [World Music]..................Side 4
- from People of Liberty
- The Euro "musics" used on Scene
- World, plus how to use "musics"
- yourself.
- [Stephen C. Foster II].........Side 4
- transcribed by Corky Cochran
- More popular melodies with words
- from the best composer of 19th
- Century Plantation Songs.