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- C H I C A G O E X P O 2 0 0 2
- Notes by Dave Moorman
- Out here on the prairie, I get
- lonely. I have one friend who
- appreciates the C-64, but he is
- studying Cisco Systems (how the
- Internet runs) and doesn't have a lot
- of time to play with the 8-bit
- Classic.
- So going to Chicago and meeting
- friends, old and new, was a huge
- delight. Sheri even enjoyed the Expo,
- though she and Jan Myers (Dale
- Sidebottom's friend) took off to the
- mall during the afternoon.
- A more complete report is on on
- Scene World 5, which showed up just in
- time to be right here on this issue!
- But I want to share with you some of
- my impressions:
- C= People come in all shapes,
- sizes, ages, genders, education
- levels, programming skill levels,
- sanity levels. If the attendance at
- the Hammond Inn was any sort of cross
- section, then the one and only
- unifying factor of this congregation
- is a deep love for the Commodore
- computers. Of the 50-some people
- present, I found about 60 different
- reasons to be "Techno-Amish!"
- Er -- Techno-Amish with souped up
- Allison V-12's in their buggies! While
- others did show and tell demos of
- their latest discoveries and
- achievements, Maurice Randall sat at a
- work bench and built a 128 Super CPU,
- loaded with Super RAM! At the end of
- the day, he tested his work. It
- didn't. The CPU was plugged in wrong.
- So another CPU was pushed into the
- socket and the Rocket zoomed across
- the screen to applause and cheers from
- the audience.
- Greg Nacu waxed eloquent on the
- WINGS Operating System. This
- UNIX/LINUX like OS is packed to the
- CIA with power. Did I say, "Allison
- V-12?" Try "GE Jet Engine!"
- Jeri Ellsworth brought a
- near-working prototype of the C=1.
- Progress has been slow recently since
- she has moved back to Oregon and is
- now going to college in Walla Walla,
- WA. She needs the degree to prove the
- genius we all already know! We had a
- great chance to visit with Jeri during
- the "banquet," and learned how much
- entrepreneurial gumtion she has.
- Besides the demos, small group
- visits opened my mind to some
- spectacular bits of information. Robin
- Harbron explained to several of us how
- the Atari 2600 was a 6507 machine (the
- 6507 was a 6402 with no interrupts)
- with 128 bytes of RAM. (Yes - just a
- half-page). And graphics had to be
- created by the programmer almost one
- raster line at a time!
- What happens if you plug two SID
- chips to the same socket? Dirk Klettke
- of Warden, Germany, was there to tell
- us the mystifying answer! (He doesn't
- know why, but they play STEREO, with
- some added effects. HuH?)
- Many of us went to the hotel's
- restaurant for a leisurely supper. But
- some code-heads ordered pizza and
- holed away in their adjoining rooms
- for a demo-fest -- creating the
- Chicago 2002 Demo to stun and amaze
- the (occasionally condescending) Euro
- Dudes. It did not get completed, but
- the crew took home their sections and
- will bring it all together through the
- email.
- The kick-butt feature they were
- working with is a new "IRQ Loader"
- that works with NTSC as well as PAL
- computers. We will bring you more on
- the subject as well as the completed
- demo as soon as it is ready.
- I wish I could mention everyone I
- met -- and I will. First, I want to
- get a list of attendees from Randy
- Harris, who so graciously and
- efficiently organized the Expo. Once I
- have all the names (and correct
- spellings) I will be able to remember
- our conversations. Watch LOADSTAR
- Files!