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- L O A D S T A R # 2 1 3
- Table of Contents
- [L O A D S T A R F I L E S]
- [Diskovery]....................Side 1
- With Dave, it's always SOMETHING!
- [Credits/Warranty].............Side 1
- Who's Who and What's What.
- [LOADSTAR Briefs]..............Side 1
- Text, Title Screen, Contents, and
- Directory Printer
- [The LOADSTAR Billboard].......Side 1
- See what's showing -- and Post Your
- Bills Here!
- [LOADSTAR Label 213]...........Side 1
- Now email subscribers can stick it
- with the best of them.
- [Bring Home the Tower].........Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- Some vaporware to get you the
- [A Bit of History].............Side 1
- by Dave Moorman
- The day before Computer Competition
- died. Were you there?
- [Blame Game]...................Side 1
- from John Fleming
- Just for grins.
- [GoDot News]...................Side 1
- from Arndt Dettke
- The latest on the greatest C-64
- image processor.
- [Seuss on the Loose]...........Side 1
- found on the Web
- Here's a rhymer with a timer,
- Who is not a social climber...
- [Wine, Women, and Men].........Side 1
- found on the Web
- Here are some sour grapes of wrath!
- [W O R D W A R E]
- [Word 3-4-5]...................Side 1
- by Lance Thomas
- A mind-boggler that cheats -- and
- so can you!
- [Hangman]......................Side 4
- by Jim Weiler
- Clunky graphcs but still a real
- challenge.
- [J O Y S T I C K W A R E]
- [Blimps].......................Side 1
- by Ari Umkoski
- Your little guy is falling, and the
- barrage of blimps are rising!
- [Reaxion]......................Side 3
- by Cosine
- You will need wits and speed to get
- the best of this Demo-esque mind-
- sapper.
- [Cybercop].....................Side 2
- by Jon Mattson
- The kind of gritty arcade play you
- have come to expect from Jon
- Mattson.
- [B R A I N W A R E]
- [Puzzle Page]..................Side 2
- by Barbara Shulak
- A grand collection of Ike Miller's
- toughest, plus some of Barbara's
- best.
- [Executrivia]..................Side 2
- by Roger Norton
- While knowing all there is to know
- about our current President is not
- that hard (how much [is] there to
- know anyhow), being up on the trivia
- of the Oval Office will score will
- here.
- [Y O U N G S T E R W A R E]
- [Shuterbug]....................Side 3
- by Learning Technologies
- A clever and well executed child's
- matching game.
- [Camel Trek]...................Side 3
- by R. W. Kober
- While some of us would "walk a mile
- for a camel," few of us would want
- to walk a mile [with] a camel. You
- get the idea.
- [1 2 8 W A R E]
- [Gin]..........................Side 4
- by Kate & Ron Slaminko
- An 80-column game for you 80-column
- types. Just when you think you have
- won, the C-128 will say "Gin!"
- [M E D I A W A R E]
- [Murder by Commodore]..........Side 4
- by Robert Bernardo, Juan Chacon,
- and Dave Moorman
- It is shocking what some people will
- do for the love of a Commodore in
- this electrifying Multi-Media
- Mystery.