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- 10 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:print""
- 20 print"[147]";tab(9)"**********************"
- 30 printtab(9)"*[144] [195][193][205][197][204][160] [212][210][197][203] *"
- 40 printtab(9)"**********************"
- 50 gosub2790
- 60 printtab(18)"[159]by r.w. kober[154]"
- 62 print"[144][204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is not public domain."
- 64 print"[144][208]lease respect the author's rights."
- 70 ford=1to3500:next
- 80 tr%=0:tc%=0:td%=0
- 90 forsc=1to20:print"":next
- 100 print"[144] [215]ould you like some instruction as to"
- 110 print" how this game is played?? y or n [154]"
- 120 forsc=1to5:print"":next
- 130 getd$:ifd$="n"then420
- 140 ifd$<>"y"then130
- 150 print"[147][144][215]elcome to [195][193][205][197][204][160][212][210][197][203]. [212]he object is to"
- 160 print"travel across the great [199]obie desert---"
- 170 print"a tribe of cannibalistic pygmies will"
- 180 print"be chasing you.------------ [217]ou will be"
- 190 print"asked for commands to continue play."
- 200 ford=1to1000:next
- 210 forda=1to40:print"-";:ford=1to100:next:next
- 220 poke198,0:print"[154] your choices will be as follows."
- 230 gosub2400
- 240 print" <press a key to continue>"
- 250 ifpeek(197)=64then250
- 260 :
- 310 poke198,0
- 320 print"[147][144][217]ou have 1 quart of water which will"
- 330 print"last you 6 drinks. [217]ou may refill your"
- 340 print"your canteen at an oasis. [217]ou will get"
- 350 print"1/2 quart if your miracle occurs."
- 360 print"[201]f you hope for a miracle and don't"
- 370 print"get it";:forda=1to15:print"-";:ford=1to500:next:next
- 380 printtab(24)"[144]you're dead!![154]"
- 390 ford=1to2000:next
- 400 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145] [211]elect difficulty level":goto430
- 410 restore
- 420 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145] [211]elect difficulty level"
- 430 restore:print" #1[146][154] = 50 mile trek"
- 440 print" #2[146][154] = 100 mile trek"
- 450 print" #3[146][154] = 150 mile trek"
- 460 print" #4[146][154] = 200 mile trek"
- 470 getm$:ifval(m$)<1orval(m$)>4then470
- 480 onval(m$)goto490,500,510,520
- 490 m=50:j=32:k=53:l=48:kk=3:goto530
- 500 m=100:j=49:k=48:l=48:kk=3:goto530
- 510 m=150:j=49:k=53:l=48:kk=2:goto530
- 520 m=200:j=50:k=48:l=48:kk=2:goto530
- 530 forgg=0to4:readg
- 540 ifg=-1thenprint"[147]":goto410
- 550 poke1918+gg,g:next
- 560 formm=0to5:readp
- 570 ifp=-1thenprint"[147]":goto410
- 580 poke1926+mm,p:next
- 590 forcs=0to13:poke56190+cs,0:next
- 600 data7,15,1,12,61,32,13,9,12,5,19,-1
- 610 poke1923,j:poke1924,k:poke1925,l
- 620 print" good luck and good camel trekking."
- 630 ford=1to2000:next
- 640 print"[147][217]ou are in the middle of the [199]obie "
- 650 print"desert, at an oasis-----------------"
- 660 gosub2380
- 670 print"[217]our trek is just about ready to begin":goto880
- 680 ifc>m-1then1810
- 690 z=z-1:q=q+1:qq=0
- 700 ifz=1thenprint"[158]----- [215][160][193][160][210][160][206][160][201][160][206][160][199] [146]-----[144] get a drink[154]"
- 702 fordl=1to600:nextdl
- 710 ifz<0then2310
- 720 x2=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 730 ifq<kkthen870
- 740 c1=c1+x2
- 750 ifc1<cthen850
- 760 poke53280,2:poke53281,11
- 770 print"[147][158] "
- 780 print" *** [212]he pygmies have captured you.*** "
- 790 print" [146]":gosub2740
- 800 print" [195]amel's [195]ream of [208]eople soup is their"
- 810 print" favorite meal---":ford=1to3000:next
- 820 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:ford=1to500:next
- 830 printtab(25)"[144]b [145]u [145]r [145]p---[154]"
- 840 goto2040
- 850 ifc-c1<10thenprint"[158] [193][204][197][210][212]![146][154] [212]he pygmies are";c-c1;"miles behind":goto870
- 860 print"[212]he pygmies are ";c-c1;" miles behind you."
- 870 print"[217]ou have traveled ";c;" miles so far."
- 880 print" [215]hat is your command?"
- 890 print" (for choices press <f7>)"
- 900 print"[153]----------------------------------------[154]"
- 910 ifpeek(197)=64then910
- 920 ifpeek(197)=3thengosub2400:goto925
- 925 gety$:ify$="q"then63000
- 930 ifval(y$)<1orval(y$)>6then910
- 940 onval(y$)goto1260,1020,1120,1210,1300
- 950 t=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 960 ift>3then1800
- 970 poke198,0:print" [217]ou have been found in a state of "
- 980 print" unconsciousness."
- 990 s=3
- 1000 z=4
- 1010 goto680
- 1020 poke198,0:f=f+1
- 1030 print"[147]":gosub2600
- 1040 iff=8then1780
- 1050 gosub1420
- 1060 x1=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 1070 c=c+x1
- 1080 ifqq=1then680
- 1090 print" [217]our camel likes this pace!"
- 1100 iff>5thenprint" [158] but [146][154]--he is getting tired"
- 1110 goto680
- 1120 poke198,0:f=f+3
- 1130 print"[147]":gosub2670
- 1140 iff>7then1780
- 1150 gosub1420
- 1160 x1=int(rnd(1)*20+1)
- 1170 c=c+x1
- 1180 ifqq=1then680
- 1190 print"[217]our camel is[150] burning[154] up the desert sand"
- 1200 goto680
- 1210 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 1220 poke198,0:print"[147] [217]our camel thanks you. [159]zzz-zzz-zzz-zzz[154]"
- 1230 f=0:c1=c1+10
- 1240 ford=1to2000:next
- 1250 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:goto680
- 1260 print"[147]":poke198,0:poke53280,11:poke53281,11
- 1270 forvb=1to7:print"[159][205]mm";:ford=1to100:next:next
- 1280 printtab(17)"[145][145][145][145][156]---- good water [146][154]"
- 1290 ford=1to100:next:poke53280,6:poke53281,6:goto1360
- 1300 print"[147]":poke53280,9:poke53281,9
- 1310 poke198,0:print"[217]our camel has";7-f;" good days left"
- 1320 print"[217]ou have";s;"drinks left in your canteen."
- 1330 print"[217]ou can go";z;"commands without drinking."
- 1340 print"you still have ";m-c;" miles to travel"
- 1350 ford=1to3000:next
- 1360 poke198,0:s=s-1:poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 1370 ifs<0then1800
- 1380 ifs>2then1400
- 1390 print"[158] ----[194]etter watch for an oasis[146]----[154]"
- 1400 z=4
- 1410 goto880
- 1420 a=int(rnd(1)*100+1)
- 1430 ifa>5then1700
- 1440 print" [215]ild [194]erbers hidden in the sand have"
- 1450 print" captured you. [204]uckily, the local sheik"
- 1460 print" has agreed to their ransom demands---"
- 1470 print" but---watch out for the pygmies!!!!"
- 1480 ford=1to4000:next
- 1490 print"":forda=1to40:print"[152]-";:ford=1to30:next:next
- 1500 print"[154] [217]ou have two new choices of commands"
- 1510 print" #7[146][154] = [193]ttempt an escape"
- 1520 print" #8[146][154] = [215]ait for payment"
- 1530 print" [215]hat is your command?"
- 1540 print"[159]---------------------------------------[154]"
- 1550 getx$:ifx$="8"then1640
- 1560 ifx$<>"7"then1550
- 1570 x1=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 1580 ifx1<6then1610
- 1590 print"[195]ongratulations---you've escaped!!!"
- 1600 goto680
- 1610 print"[217]ou were mortally wounded by a pig"
- 1620 print"stabber while escaping."
- 1630 goto2040
- 1640 x1=int(rnd(1)*100+1)
- 1650 ifx1>24then1680
- 1660 print"[217]our ransom has been paid, you are free."
- 1670 goto680
- 1680 print"[212]he local sultan is collecting---wait--"
- 1690 ford=1to3000:next
- 1700 a=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 1710 ifa>3then1870
- 1720 print"[217]ou have arrived at an oasis. [217]our camel"
- 1730 print"is filling your canteen and eating figs."
- 1740 c=c+10
- 1750 z=4
- 1760 s=6:qq=1
- 1770 return
- 1780 print"[147][212]oo bad....you ran your poor old camel"
- 1790 print"too death!!"
- 1800 goto2040
- 1810 print"[150][147] *********** [217][160][207][160][213][160][160][215] [201] [206] ***********"
- 1820 gosub2790
- 1830 print"[152] [193] party is being given in your honor."
- 1840 print"[144] [212]he pygmies are planning to attend.[154]"
- 1850 tc%=tc%+1
- 1860 goto2240
- 1870 x1=int(rnd(1)*100+1)
- 1880 ifx1>5then1980
- 1890 print"[217]ou have been caught in a sand storm!"
- 1900 x5=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 1910 x6=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 1920 ifx6<5then1950
- 1930 c=c+x5
- 1940 goto1960
- 1950 c=c-x5:ifc<0thenc=0
- 1960 print"[217]our new position is ";c;" miles so far."
- 1970 goto880
- 1980 x1=int(rnd(1)*100+1)
- 1990 ifx1>5thenreturn
- 2000 c1=c1+1
- 2010 print" [217]our camel hurt his hump."
- 2020 print" [204]uckily the pygmies were footweary."
- 2030 goto880
- 2040 u=int(rnd(1)*10+1)
- 2050 print"[150][217]ou died in the desert----------------[154]"
- 2060 gosub2930
- 2070 ifu>1then2110
- 2080 print"[212]h[217]e national camel's union is boycotting"
- 2090 print"your funeral!!!!!"
- 2100 goto2240
- 2110 ifu>3then2150
- 2120 print"[217]our body was eaten by buzzards and"
- 2130 print"some imported cannibals!!!!!"
- 2140 goto2240
- 2150 ifu>5then2190
- 2160 print"[212]he local sheik now uses your skull for"
- 2170 print"a change purse!!!!!"
- 2180 goto2240
- 2190 ifu>7then2230
- 2200 print"[201] think you should steer clear of"
- 2210 print"all deserts!!!"
- 2220 goto2240
- 2230 print" [201] don't think you should be riding camels!!!!"
- 2240 ford=1to5000:next:print""
- 2250 print"[147][150] "
- 2260 print" [215]ant a new camel and a new trek??? "
- 2270 print" [146][154]"
- 2280 getd$:ifd$="y"thenprint"[147]":goto400
- 2290 ifd$<>"n"then2280
- 2300 goto2330
- 2310 print"[147][150][217]ou ran out off water.......sorry![154]"
- 2320 goto2040
- 2330 print"[147][158]";tab(11)"*****************"
- 2340 printtab(11)"*[212]ry again later*"
- 2350 printtab(11)"*****************[154]"
- 2360 gosub2740
- 2370 goto2480
- 2380 z=4:s=6:c=0:c1=0:f=0:q=-1:tr%=tr%+1
- 2390 return
- 2400 poke198,0:print"";tab(9)"[152]'[195][160][207][160][205][160][205][160][193][160][206][160][196][160][211]'[154]"
- 2410 print" #[152]1[146][154] = [196]rink from your canteen"
- 2420 print" #[152]2[146][154] = [193]head at moderate speed"
- 2430 print" #[152]3[146][154] = [193]head at full speed"
- 2440 print" #[152]4[146][154] = [211]top for the night"
- 2450 print" #[152]5[146][154] = [210]equest a status check"
- 2460 print" #[152]6[146][154] = [200]ope for a miracle"
- 2465 print" [152]q[146][154] = [209]uits"
- 2470 return
- 2480 ford=1to2000:next
- 2490 forsc=1to25:print"":next
- 2500 print"";tab(13)"[212] [200][160][197][160][160][197] [206][160][196]"
- 2510 print"[159][217]ou embarked on";tr%;:iftr%=0thenprint"trek.":goto2520
- 2511 print"treks."
- 2520 print"[217]ou sucessfully completed";tc%;:iftc%=1thenprint"trek":goto2530
- 2522 print"treks"
- 2530 print"[150]but, you died, in some way,";tr%-tc%;:iftr%-tc%=1thenprint"time.":goto2540
- 2532 print"times."
- 2540 :
- 2550 print"[144] [217]our survival rate =";tc%*100/tr%;"%[154]"
- 2560 print"[144] [208]ress any key to end program!!![154]"
- 2570 ifpeek(197)=64then2570
- 2580 forsc=1to25:print"":next
- 2590 goto63000
- 2595 :
- 2600 fort=1to5
- 2610 ss=54272:foraa=0to24:pokess+aa,0:next
- 2620 pokess+24,15:pokess,220:pokess+1,68:pokess+5,15:pokess+6,215:pokess+4,129
- 2630 pokess+7,120:pokess+8,100:pokess+12,15:pokess+13,215
- 2640 pokess+11,17:pokess+24,0
- 2650 ford=1to200:next:next
- 2660 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:return
- 2670 fort=1to5
- 2680 ss=54272:foraa=0to24:pokess+aa,0:next
- 2690 pokess+24,15:pokess,220:pokess+1,68:pokess+5,15:pokess+6,215:pokess+4,129
- 2700 pokess+7,120:pokess+8,100:pokess+12,15:pokess+13,215
- 2710 pokess+11,17:pokess+24,0
- 2720 ford=1to75:next:next
- 2730 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:return
- 2740 sq=54272:forsz=sqtosq+24:pokesz,0:next
- 2750 pokesq+24,15:pokesq+1,7:pokesq,75
- 2760 pokesq+5,64:pokesq+6,250:pokesq+4,33:fort=1to1500:next
- 2770 pokesq+1,4:fort=1to1500:next
- 2780 forsz=10to0step-1:pokesq+24,sz:next:return
- 2790 forl=54272to54296:pokel,0:next
- 2800 poke54296,15:poke54277,64:poke54278,250:poke54272,75:poke54276,65
- 2810 x=54273:poke54275,5:poke54274,250
- 2820 pokex,34:ford=1to100:next
- 2830 pokex,43:ford=1to100:next
- 2840 pokex,51:ford=1to100:next
- 2850 pokex,68:ford=1to200:next
- 2860 pokex,57:ford=1to100:next
- 2870 pokex,68:ford=1to500:next
- 2880 poke54296,0
- 2890 return
- 2900 :
- 2910 pokex,26:ford=1to1000:next
- 2920 rem
- 2930 forl=54272to54296:pokel,0:next
- 2940 poke54296,15:poke54277,64:poke54278,250:poke54272,75:poke54276,65
- 2950 x=54273:poke54275,5:poke54274,250
- 2960 pokex,26:ford=1to500:next
- 2970 ford=1to10:pokex,0:next
- 2980 pokex,26:ford=1to200:next
- 2990 ford=1to10:pokex,0:next
- 3000 pokex,34:ford=1to1000:next
- 3010 ford=1to100:poke54296,0:next:poke54296,15
- 3020 pokex,26:ford=1to500:next
- 3030 ford=1to10:pokex,0:next
- 3040 pokex,34:ford=1to200:next
- 3050 ford=1to10:pokex,0:next
- 3060 pokex,43:ford=1to2000:next
- 3070 poke54296,0
- 3080 return
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.camel trek":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=0to21:poke828+i,8+i:next
- 40010 ifdv<8ordv>29ordv=8then40030
- 40020 a=peek(828):b=peek(828+dv-8):poke828,b:poke828+dv-8,a
- 40030 a$="hello connect":forj=8to29:i=peek(828+j-8):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:end
- 40070 q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 63000 rem connect to l.s.
- 63010 goto40000:remd"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"qqqqruns"
- 63020 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]