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- by Ira Sloke
- Getting 1541 DD/DS "flippies"
- (that is, with two index holes) is
- getting to be a real chore here at the
- Tower. Our current batch (and
- evidently, the ones Fender and Judi
- used last year for 1541 LOADSTAR's) do
- not have a hub ring, and might not
- have exactly the right coating for
- some 1541 or 1571 drives. One
- LOADSTARite has just recently put his
- C-128 system back together, and found
- that issues 201 through 205 would not
- load on his system.
- The 1541 is certainly the standard
- for the C-64. But DD/DS disks are no
- longer supported by the Incredibly Big
- Machines, so the manufacturers don't
- make them. And in a way, this is not
- bad. Let's face it -- the 1541 was the
- club foot of the C-64. Disk access had
- to be crippled to work with a drive
- designed for the VIC-20. And with slow
- drive access, the C-64 very soon
- earned the monicker of "game machine."
- The 1581 3.5 inch disk is much
- better designed (no paper sleeves,
- hard container). And it holds about 5
- times the data. The whole LOADSTAR
- experience is seamless with a 1581
- disk.
- But, alas, 1581's are not easy to
- find. Every now and then, I see one or
- two on eBay -- going for about $40.
- (Not bad -- except that $40 might get
- you a defunct unit. eBay's like that,
- sometimes.) The other 3.5 alternative
- is an FD2000, which Maurice Randall
- builds for $189 plus shipping.
- Now, friends -- putting a
- JiffyDOSed FD2000 on your C-64 turns
- it into a brand new machine. You won't
- have nearly as much time for getting
- coffee or relieving your bladder --
- but most people aren't bothered by
- excellent access times.
- And here at the Tower, we have
- promised to NEVER force anyone to
- upgrade. We will continue to produce
- 1541 disk versions until A) Our
- subscription base drops below 100, or
- B) we can't get the blessed disks --
- whichever comes first.
- [DAVE'S NOTE:] Right now, we are in
- the 300's and if y'all renew, life
- will be good!
- What we can do is suggest an
- alternative way of getting a 1581
- drive for as little as $20. A fellow
- by the name of Nick Coplin has
- developed a MS-DOS program that will
- run on almost any old PC (386 25Mhz or
- faster). Somewhere near you, someone
- is getting ready to toss just such a
- computer into the trash, VGA monitor
- and all!
- This program runs under MS-DOS,
- not Windows, so does not need a fancy
- machine. All you will need to buy --
- for about $20 -- is the XE1541 cable,
- which connects the PC's printer port
- to the serial port of the C-64.
- I just got the cable and program
- and spent about 2 hours getting my old
- PC connected and the program running.
- And -- It works! I need to tweak
- it some more to get the access just
- right. But now I have, in effect, a
- nice, big hard drive for my C-64! I
- can put 1581 disks on the PC hard
- drive with a slick little MS-DOS
- program called 1581Copy. Then it is
- just a matter of LOADing the path and
- the desired program and RUNning it.
- This might not be the alternative
- for you. But then again, it could be
- exactly what you need to carry your
- C-64 on into this Century!
- For further information, write:
- Nicholas Coplin
- 9 Forbes Crt
- ncoplin@lycos.com
- You will need an X1541 or XE1541
- cable that hooks your C= serial port
- to the PC's printer port. If you are
- interested, write to:
- Kovacs Balazs
- Orsolya utca 5. IV/12.
- 1204 Budapest
- Hungary
- sta.ANTI@SPAM.c64.org
- Balazs Kovacs (Hungarians typically
- put their last name first) also goes
- by Joe Forester and gladly constructs
- the cables. Write him first for
- details.
- [Late Breaking News]
- I just got a note from Nick. The
- one bug I found made 64HDD not work
- with LOADSTAR. Nick informs me the bug
- will be fixed in a couple of weeks.