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- O L D M A I D P O K E R
- by Dennis Hildreth
- Greetings folks! The Old Maid here
- to tell you all about my new game:
- Old Maid Poker.
- Here is a card game that up to
- four people can play. The rules are
- simple so sit back and relax as I
- explain them to you. And please pay
- attention. I hate repeating myself!
- The object of the game is to be
- the first player to get 1000 points.
- How do you get these points? Well,
- keep quiet and I'll tell you.
- You are dealt five cards at the
- beginning of your turn. Try to get
- the highest poker hand you can by
- holding any cards you want and either
- drawing more cards or staying if your
- hand is high enough. You can draw as
- many times as you want in order to
- get a high hand. The higher the hand
- the more points you get!
- There's one thing I should
- probably mention right now. The deck
- in this game uses 53 cards. You heard
- me right! I said 53 cards. Stop
- interrupting me and I might actually
- be able to finish these instructions!
- The 53rd card is my card, the Old
- Maid card. Should that card ever be
- dealt, not only will your turn end,
- you will lose 50 points. To give you
- a fair chance, I have arranged it so
- my card will never be one of the
- first five cards dealt. But any time
- after that, watch out! It can appear
- just when you least expect it and set
- you back 50 points.
- This game is played in rounds.
- Everybody gets to play one hand each
- round. Even when a player reaches the
- goal, the round is finished by the
- rest of the players. Should more than
- one player reach 1000 points, the
- player with the most points is
- declared winner. In case of a tie, it
- is the player who reached it first.
- So, that's the game. I told you it
- was simple! Wait! Don't leave yet,
- there's still a few things to go over
- before you dive into my game.
- First of all, you MUST have a
- mouse or a joystick plugged into the
- usual outlets: Port 1 for the mouse,
- port 2 for the joystick. You do have
- one of these two items, don't you?
- Good! Let's move on then.
- Your first task in playing this
- game is to enter the number of
- players. One to four people can play.
- I've allowed one person to play for
- all you lonely people out there with
- no friends! Heh, heh, just kidding.
- Where was I? Oh, yes, afterwards
- you enter the names of those people
- playing. You then have a chance to
- make corrections, should you screw
- up -- er -- make an error.
- When the game finally starts,
- notice that the players are listed on
- the right and the poker hands with
- their point values are on the left.
- Keep an eye on the left when you
- are playing, it will let you know the
- value of your hand. The right side
- keeps track of the players and their
- points as well as whose turn it is.
- In the middle are three choices,
- Use the mouse or joystick to click
- on 'DEAL'. Five cards will pop up on
- the bottom of the screen. Click
- on any card you want to hold. Should
- you change your mind click again to
- unhold. Click on 'DEAL' to replace
- the cards you don't want. Click on
- 'STAY' whenever you are done with
- that hand. You will get your points
- and then you can pass the mouse or
- joystick to the next player.
- [ Programmers note:] If you have
- more than two players it might be
- easier to pass around the joystick
- than using the mouse. Now, back to
- the Old Maid...
- Notice now that the 'DEAL' button
- has changed to 'NEXT'. Click on this
- to turn over the game to the next
- player in line. The current hand will
- disappear and the 'DEAL' button will
- return.
- Clicking on the 'MENU' button
- brings up a small menu for your use.
- 'NEW GAME' lets you start another
- game, even if you are not done with
- the current one. You have a choice of
- changing the players if you want.
- 'HELP' gets you to this help
- screen. You probably already knew
- that.
- 'CANCEL' lets you return to the
- game in progress.
- 'QUIT' returns you to Loadstar or
- BASIC, whichever you came from.
- By the way, don't try getting the
- menu in the middle of a hand. I won't
- let you!
- Let me think, is there anything
- else I need to tell you? No, I
- believe that's all. Now, run along
- and play nice.
- Oh, and watch out for my card!
- Heh, heh, heh...
- DH