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- by Scott E. Resh
- Your first question may be "What
- exactly ARE state tables?" Well, state
- tables are a method of QUICKLY
- changing data from one state to
- another, by replacing numerous
- calculations with indexed addressing.
- The Run It file for this article
- demonstrates just how fast a whole
- screen's worth of color bytes can be
- changed -- in a predetermined pattern
- -- by using state tables. Pay close
- attention to the SEQUENCE of colors
- as they move.
- The colors are not in NUMERICAL
- sequence, i.e. white does not follow
- black, red does not follow white,
- etc.... Sometimes the traditional
- numerical pattern isn't what is
- wanted. With state tables, the
- pattern is up to the programmer.
- Using a custom pattern would be quite
- a bit slower than using the Black-
- White-Red-Cyan- etc. pattern if you
- didn't use the state table technique.
- Note that in the Run It file
- screen memory isn't changing at all --
- only color memory is being changed.
- Because there are 256 possible
- color combinations for a hi-res color
- byte, we need a state table consisting
- of 256 bytes.
- For example, let's take a color
- byte that says we have a RED
- foreground and a WHITE background. We
- want to change that to a PURPLE
- foreground and YELLOW background. This
- means going from 33 ($21) to 71 ($47).
- Where do these numbers come from?
- Look at the hex numbers. Red is $2,
- right? White is $1. Red on white is
- therefore $21. Purple ($4) on yellow
- ($7) is $47. This is the way color
- memory is stored in your computer.
- After the PURPLE/YELLOW we want to
- combination, 71 ($47) to 251 ($FB).
- We can't add a constant to the color
- byte because the numeric difference
- between the color bytes is not the
- same! We could use a whole bunch of
- CMP and BNE commands, but that's a
- lousy idea for TWO reasons --
- (1) it could be VERY slow and
- (2) it would take at least 2560
- bytes of memory for the program! Why
- 2560 bytes?
- Imagine --
- CMP #COLOR1 ; Is it color #1?
- BNE N1 ; No, try next color
- LDA #COLOR2 ; Yes, load new color
- JMP PCOLOR ; Jump to Put COLOR
- N1: CMP #xx ; Is it color #xx?
- Each color byte (all 256 of them!)
- would require 10 bytes of code.
- Now the fun stuff begins. Let's
- imagine that we have a state table
- consisting of 256 color bytes. Let's
- take our FIRST color byte RED/WHITE --
- 33 ($21), and use it as an INDEX into
- our state table. We want to change
- the state of our color byte from 33
- to 71. This means that position #33
- of our state table must hold a 71.
- Our color byte now holds PURPLE/
- YELLOW byte. Next we want to change
- to LIGHT GRAY/DARK GRAY as mentioned
- above. Numerically speaking, 71
- ($47) to 251 ($FB).
- This means that position #71 of
- our state table must hold a value of
- 251. Here is a part of the code --
- LDX #0 ; Init index
- ; byte
- LDA StateTable,Y ; Use as index
- ; into states
- ; color value
- INX ; Loop back 256
- BNE LOOP ; times
- That simple little loop will
- replace 256 bytes of color memory
- with NEW values from our state table.
- If changing colors isn't your
- thing, then don't worry. This simple
- technique can be used for all kinds
- of data handling. Adventure games
- often use state tables to indicate
- where you will go when you leave a
- room in a particular direction.
- Or suppose that you wanted to make
- a mirror image (for whatever reason)
- of a hi-res screen. Keep in mind that
- a hi-res screen is made up of 8000
- bytes. We need to do it FAST.
- Most people would do it by using a
- little ROtate loop for every byte --
- LDA Data ; Get byte to 'mirror'
- STA Temp ; Put in z-page buffer
- LDX #8 ; Init count register
- LOOP:ROL Temp ; Rotate buffer LEFT
- ROR A ; Rotate Acc RIGHT
- DEX ; Loop back 8 times
- STA Data ; Store mirrored byte
- A sequence of 8 ROL/ROR pairs
- instead of the loop, would speed
- things up. But it still wouldn't be
- as fast as state table substitution.
- While the above loop would have
- to be performed 8000 times, the
- following loop would only need 32
- iterations.
- LDX #0 ; Init index register
- LOOP:LDY Screen,X ; Perform the
- LDA TABLE,Y ; actual
- STA Screen,X ; substitution
- INX ; Loop back 256 times
- The speedup is due to the fact
- that the state table would already
- contain the 256 rotated bytes.
- Don't let my little examples
- limit your creativity. Take the
- concept of state tables and run with
- it.
- After you've taken the time to
- create a state table, they can be
- incredible time and space savers.
- SR
- [Dave's Note:] Right you are, Scott.
- A zillion situations can be controlled
- by state tables. And here is the rule
- in a nut-shell:
- Your data becomes the pointer to the
- next data.
- This can be done in Basic by using
- arrays. Tables and arrays are
- conceptually identical. Let me write a
- bit of code and see what it does:
- 10 a(0)=4
- 20 a(4)=1
- 30 a(1)=22
- 40 a(22)=5
- 50 a(5)=0
- 60 i=0: rem set pointer
- 70 ?chr$(64+a(i));: rem print char.
- 80 i=a(i): make data become pointer
- 90 if i>0 then 70 :if not 0, loop
- 100 print
- I have organized the array as a state
- table. If the state is 0, then the
- data is 4, which produces a printed
- "D" in line 70.
- In line 80, the data becomes the
- pointer, in the first case, 4. Loop to
- 70, and an "A" is printed.
- I hope you get the idea. Combine
- state table thinking with a random
- number and a bunch of sprites, and you
- can create "randomation". A sprite of
- a little guy faces forward. From that
- state, he can do one of three things:
- 1) Turn Right
- 2) Turn Left
- 3) Not Change.
- Use a random of 1 - 3 to choose. Then
- from each other option, devise three
- possibilities. For example, from Face
- Left, you can
- 1) Turn Front
- 2) Not Change
- 3) Not Change.
- Someone once told me, when I had a
- TRS-80 Model I, that "your imagination
- is your only limitation." I have since
- hedged on this blanket statement. The
- TRS-80 did not have color, sound, or
- even lower case characters.
- But these are only hardware
- limitations. Imagination can reach
- far beyond such minor considerations!