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- by Dave Moorman
- You will need to use Wraptor to
- unWraptor GODOT.W3 to a work disk.
- Boot the first program with:
- LOAD"*",dv (where dv is the drive
- number) and
- After a moment of "Waiting for
- GoDot" (a sly reference to Samuel
- Beckett's play), the main screen
- appears.
- In the [upper left] corner are two
- command buttons. The text tells you
- which Loader and Saver are currently
- plugged into GoDot. When you boot
- GoDot, the 4-Bit GoDot Loader and
- Saver are plugged in. To change the
- Loader, click the upper button.
- This takes you to the file server
- screen. You can choose the drive, then
- choose the Loader you want. For
- example, you can load the LOADSTAR
- loader, which will load our SHP files.
- [VICE Users:] GoDot can access D64
- disk images with no problem. However,
- to get a directory of a D81 image, you
- must use True Drive. See below for
- instructions on turning on True Drive.
- Back on the main screen, the Saver
- button works the same way. Again, you
- might choose the LOADSTAR Saver, which
- creates SHP format files.
- The [upper right] corner command
- buttons actually do the loading and
- saving of graphics. Remember, GoDot
- can load from and save to 1541 or 1571
- disks (or compatible partitions on an
- FD or HD drive).
- In the [bottom left] corner are
- the Display buttons. You can choose
- between Hi-Res or Multi-Color. You
- also can limit the number of colors in
- the palette. [Display] actually
- renders the graphic in memory.
- The [center left] area of the
- screen are the Color Controls. [Dith:]
- refers to the pattern of dots used in
- a black and white print-out to create
- a gray scale. The [Balancing] button
- switches on a contol panel where you
- can change the Brightness and Contrast
- of the picture.
- Brightness "skews" the palette. If
- you are working with a palette of
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F,
- and move Brightness 2 steps to the
- negative, the result would be
- 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D.
- A Brightness of +3 would result in
- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F F F F.
- Contrast "skews" the palette from
- the middle to the ends, creating
- greater or lesser differences between
- the numbers on the scale.
- The values of the palette are
- associated with colors. The results of
- Contrast and Brightness are based on
- monochrome, and the output in color
- may be quite strange.
- The [Palette] button on the main
- screen lets you see the order of
- colors GoDot uses by default. Also in
- this command box, you can click on a
- color from the Commodore Color row and
- place it anywhere on the GoDot color
- palette. This is a great way to turn
- all Black pixels to Orange, etc.
- In the [lower right] corner of the
- main screen is the [Image Operators]
- section. This boots up with Clip
- Controls already plugged end. Click
- the name of the Module to go to the
- file requester. There you can pick one
- of dozens of magical image
- manipulators. The most powerful is
- [Convolve], which does a great number
- of special effects by itself. Load it
- and give it a whirl by clicking
- Execute.
- Convolve will show you a 3 x 3
- grid where you can input positive and
- negative values. To enter a value,
- point and click the number. For
- negative values, you must move the
- cursor a space to the left and press
- the minus sign, then the value (0 -
- 9).
- However, to start, try LOADing an
- existing pattern -- Deep Emboss. You
- will see how values are put in the
- grid. Click Apply, then Display your
- graphic to see the results.
- Quite frankly, I cannot adequately
- describe what the Modules each will
- do. So I am working on a slide show
- for next month to display "before and
- after" examples of many of the
- effects. The [best] way to learn the
- tremendous power of GoDot is to [play]
- with it! Try something. See what
- happens!
- The last area of the main screen
- is [right center] -- Image Information
- -- which shows the name of the current
- graphic and its size. Click on the box
- to see a thumbnail.
- This short document should be
- enough to get you started. Many of us
- are not really artists. But with
- GoDot, we all can take an existing
- image and play with it. When the over
- all effect is pleasing -- you have
- committed [art]! Send your new art to
- LOADSTAR, and become an honest to
- Godot Artiste!
- [Turning on True Drive on VICE]
- Press <Alt-E><R> and choose drive
- 8 or 9. Click on the type of drive you
- are planning to use, then "OK". Press
- <Alt-O><T>. You will have to reset
- VICE <Alt-R><Y>, then load GoDot. All
- disk images must be the same type.
- Actually, everything works better
- (in my opinion) when using D64 disk
- images without True Drive, which
- drastically slows disk access time.
- But the capability is available if and
- when you need it.