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- L O A D S T A R F O R U M
- from some Great LOADSTARites
- -----------------
- Dave
- The lady I know lost a son, not a
- daughter in the WTC disaster. I am
- looking at a picture on a page from
- the October 27th New York Daily News
- with this caption:
- MOM'S GRIEF Helmet of 28-year-old
- Firefighter Christian Regenhard
- carried by mother, Sally, at St.
- Patrick's Cathedral Mass. Regenhard
- may have been FDNY's youngest victim
- on Sept. 11th.
- No, I am not near enough to have
- the fumes of the disaster, though my
- elder son works about a mile from
- "Ground Zero" and he probably had the
- fumes and soot for awhile.
- For awhile the papers carried a
- tally of the bodies recovered: at
- last count about 600 - a little over
- 10% - but lately no tally has been
- published,
- Ken Barsky
- Bronx, NY
- Dear Ken
- My apologies for getting the facts
- messed up. Our hearts and prayers go
- out to the Regenhards and all the
- families that grieve today because of
- the horrid attacks. I also feel sorrow
- for families in Afghanistan and
- elsewhere whose lives have been torn
- asunder by our merciless retaliation.
- And yet, how else is the United States
- to respond to such vicious treachery?
- Once again, thank you for helping us
- have a real connection to the tragedy.
- -------------
- Dave & Sheri
- Good news! The replacement Issue
- #206 came and appears to work fine. On
- Issue #207, the READ IT for About Ring
- Ware keeps stating words to the effect
- that "Side One not found." Since this
- is a 1581 disk with only Side 1, I
- wonder if the problem is in the SEQ
- file "Files on Side 1".
- Secondly, on #207, "Ant Wars"
- locks up while "thinking" during level
- 2. An info fix as in the past would be
- welcome.
- Thank you for the Commodore
- Gazette information. The #207 issue
- is one of your best. Please accept my
- order for the Back Order Special
- enclosed.
- Henry Sien
- Manhasset, NY
- Dear Henry,
- Thank you for the kind words. The
- problem with the READ IT file for
- About Ring Ware is not in the "Files
- on Side 1" file. That file is used by
- the Copy It feature and evidently
- doesn't do anything for Reading or
- Running programs. The problem is in
- the "FEATURES" file -- an ordinary
- Edstar file that lists the Menu
- items, the Comment Bar comments, and
- the filename to load. In FEATURES, I
- listed the file as ABOUT RINGWARE,
- but on the directory it became just
- "ABOUT". You can either
- 1. Use Edstar or Mr.Edstar to edit
- FEATURES to look for "about", or
- 2. Rename "ABOUT" to "ABOUT
- The Ant Wars lock-up happens
- sometimes. The code is too complex
- for me to decipher it. Other times it
- works just fine. If anyone out there
- wants to get in there and figure it
- out, we could use a real fix on this.
- "ANT WARS.PKD" is an all Basic
- program that has been linked and
- packed with Lee Novak's Linker and
- Packer. It can be dissolved with
- Dissolver. All three of these
- utilities are available on LS #205.