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- [2k Sweeper of Mines]
- by chill
- Machine Language Version
- chill@gol.com
- [The Game]
- Anyone who has had a few minutes
- to kill on a Windows machine has
- probably played Minesweeper, and there
- are versions of this game for many
- OS's. Now we have one for the CBM
- line of 8-bits, too.
- I won't bore people by explaining
- the rules in great detail... if you
- were able to download and unzip this,
- I'm sure you've played Minesweeper
- somewhere before. Use the CRSR keys
- to move, press SPACE to reveal the
- square under the cursor (neighbouring
- squares will automatically be revealed
- if safe), use ENTER to toggle the
- marking of an unrevealed square.
- While marking a square prevents you
- from accidentally revealing it and
- gives you a visual assist in tracking
- where you think mines might be, the
- goal of the game is not to mark all
- the mines but to reveal all squares
- EXCEPT the ones which contain the
- nasty mines.
- No "Beginner" or "Advanced"
- configurations. You choose the
- playfield dimensions and number of
- mines to place within it. Because of
- the slowness of my program, it doesn't
- keep track of how long you take to
- complete a game. You either win or
- lose.
- I originally hoped to be able to
- squeeze this into a 512-byte entry
- but, modesty aside, I'm pretty damn
- lousy at programming in assembly. The
- only other project like this I've
- tackled was a demo I wrote about 6
- years ago. Finishing just a day before
- the compo deadline, it has taken me,
- on and off, one whole month since
- submitting the original BASIC version
- to complete this machine language
- version. Regardless of whether the
- result impresses anyone else or not,
- I'm pleased with it and what I've had
- to learn in the process of
- accomplishing this.
- Four notable changes from the
- BASIC version:
- 1) Written only for the C64. It's
- actually still fairly generic, but
- would need a few tweaks for it to
- ever work right on other CBMs.
- 2) Color! Having given up the
- generic aspect, I've added some color
- and even make limited use of Extended
- Background Color mode (a first for
- me).
- 3) Rather than typing the numbers
- for your desired minefield
- parameters, use the CURSOR keys to
- increase/decrease the shown value.
- Press ENTER to select the shown
- value.
- 4) Warp mode no longer necessary.
- The source code for this version
- is available for the asking. I don't
- include it here because... well...
- it's 1800+ lines of embarrassing
- naivete.
- September 29, 2001