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- 10 gosub60100:clr:print"[147]"chr$(142)
- 100 dim tr(999,2),q$(999)
- 117 gosub 9000
- 140 goto600
- 500 print"[147]is there a file of animals to use? (y/n)"
- 510 get a$:if a$="" then 510
- 520 if a$="n" then 570
- 525 if a$<>"y" then 510
- 530 print"[147] insert disk and press any key"
- 535 get a$:if a$="" then 535
- 540 open 3,8,3,"0:animals,s,r"
- 545 input#3,nx
- 550 for i=1tonx
- 555 input#3,q$(i),tr(i,1),tr(i,2)
- 560 next:close3
- 570 if p$="y" then return
- 595 rem ** main menu **
- 600 print"[147]":printtab(13)"a n i m a l s"
- 602 print:printtab(16)"m e n u"
- 605 print:print" 1) read file of animals"
- 610 print:print" 2) guess an animal"
- 615 print:print" 3) delete an animal"
- 620 print:print" 4) save current file of animals"
- 625 print:print" 5) list known animals"
- 630 print:print" 6) list questions/pointers"
- 640 print:print" 7) end program"
- 650 get a$:if a$="" then 650
- 655 if a$>"0" and a$<"8" then mm=1
- 660 on val(a$) gosub 530,1000,5000,3020,6000,4000,700
- 662 if (mm) then mm=. : goto600
- 665 goto 650
- 700 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 710 ifer<>63thenend
- 720 load"hello connect",8
- 990 rem ** guess **
- 1000 x=1:print"[147]":print
- 1003 print"think of an animal":print "and i will try to guess it":print
- 1005 print"press any key when you're ready":print
- 1010 get a$:if a$="" then 1010
- 1020 if tr(x,1)<0 then print "is it a ";q$(x);"(y/n)? ";:goto 1030
- 1025 print q$(x);"(y/n)? ";
- 1030 get an$:if an$="" then 1030
- 1035 if an$<>"y" and an$<>"n" then 1030
- 1040 print an$
- 1045 if an$="y" and tr(x,1) <0 then gosub9300:goto2100
- 1050 if an$="n" and tr(x,2)=0 then 2000:rem add to tree
- 1055 if an$="y" then x=tr(x,1):goto 1020
- 1060 if an$="n" then x=tr(x,2):goto 1020
- 1065 goto 1020
- 1995 rem ** learn **
- 2000 print"i give up. what is your animal?"
- 2002 le=38:al=1:nu=1:gosub60500:a$=c$
- 2005 print:print "what question should i ask to "
- 2007 print"differentiate between a ";q$(x):print"and a ";a$"?"
- 2008 le=78:gosub60500:nq$=c$
- 2010 print:print"what should the answer be for your ":print"animal (y/n)?"
- 2012 getan$:ifan$<>"y"andan$<>"n"then2012
- 2015 if an$="n" then 2030
- 2020 q$(nx)=a$:tr(nx,1)=-1:q$(nx+1)=q$(x):tr(nx+1,1)=-1
- 2025 q$(x)=nq$:tr(x,1)=nx:tr(x,2)=nx+1:nx=nx+2:goto 2100
- 2030 q$(nx)=q$(x):tr(nx,1)=-1:q$(nx+1)=a$:tr(nx+1,1)=-1
- 2040 q$(x)=nq$:tr(x,1)=nx:tr(x,2)=nx+1:nx=nx+2
- 2100 print:print"play again (y/n)?"
- 2105 get a$:if a$="" then 2105
- 2110 if a$="y" then 1000
- 2115 if a$="n" then return
- 2120 goto 2105
- 2995 rem ** save file **
- 3000 print"want to save what i've learned?(y/n)"
- 3005 get a$:if a$="" then 3005
- 3010 if a$="n" then 3090
- 3015 if a$<>"y" then 3005
- 3020 s$=",":print "[147]insert disk, press any key when ready"
- 3025 get a$:if a$="" then 3025
- 3030 open 3,8,3,"@0:animals,s,w"
- 3040 print#3,nx
- 3050 fori=1tonx
- 3060 print#3,q$(i)s$tr(i,1)s$tr(i,2)
- 3070 next
- 3080 close3
- 3090 return
- 3990 rem ** list questions/ptrs **
- 4000 print"[147]":fori=1tonx
- 4010 if q$(i) <>"" then print i;q$(i);tr(i,1);tr(i,2)
- 4020 next
- 4050 print:print"press any key to continue"
- 4055 get a$:if a$="" then 4055
- 4060 return
- 4990 rem ** delete animal **
- 5000 d=0:print"[147]":print:input"animal to delete";ad$
- 5010 fori=1tonx
- 5015 if q$(i)=ad$ then d=i:i=nx
- 5020 next
- 5025 if d<>0 then 5050
- 5030 print"doesn't exist":print"press any key to continue"
- 5035 get a$:if a$="" then 5035
- 5040 return
- 5050 o=0:dp=0:sp=0:pq=0:fori=1tonx
- 5055 if tr(i,1)=d or tr(i,2)=d then pq=i:i=nx
- 5060 next
- 5100 if tr(pq,1)=d then dp=1:sp=2:goto 5110
- 5105 sp=1:dp=2
- 5110 o=tr(pq,sp)
- 5115 q$(d)="":tr(d,1)=0:tr(d,2)=0
- 5120 q$(pq)=q$(o):tr(pq,1)=tr(o,1):tr(pq,2)=tr(o,2)
- 5130 q$(o)="":tr(o,1)=0:tr(o,2)=0
- 5150 print:print ad$;" deleted":print"press any key to continue"
- 5155 get a$:if a$="" then 5155
- 5160 return
- 5990 rem ** list animals **
- 6000 print"[147]":fori=1tonx
- 6010 if q$(i) <>"" and tr(i,1)=-1 then print q$(i)
- 6020 next
- 6050 print:print"press any key to continue"
- 6055 get a$:if a$="" then 6055
- 6060 return
- 8990 rem initial 'knowledge'
- 9000 q$(1)="does it have wings":tr(1,1)=2:tr(1,2)=3:q$(3)="does it swim"
- 9050 tr(3,1)=4:tr(3,2)=5:q$(5)="does it have legs":tr(5,1)=6:tr(5,2)=7
- 9105 q$(2)="duck":tr(2,1)=-1
- 9110 q$(4)="guppy":tr(4,1)=-1
- 9115 q$(6)="bear":tr(6,1)=-1
- 9120 q$(7)="worm":tr(7,1)=-1
- 9200 nx=8:return
- 9300 print"i guessed your animal!":return
- 60100 poke53280, 6:poke53281,14:print"[147]";
- 60101 print"LOADSTARPRESENTS:"
- 60102 print" "
- 60103 print" [193]nimals "
- 60104 print" "
- 60105 print" By M. Poultonavage "
- 60106 print" "
- 60107 print" (C)opyright 1988 "
- 60108 print" "
- 60109 print" "
- 60110 print"PressSPACEtocontinue"
- 60111 ifpeek(203)<>60then60111
- 60112 return
- 60500 c$="":poke198,.:print"[164]";
- 60510 fora=1tole+1
- 60520 getz$:ifz$=""then60520
- 60530 ifz$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 60540 ifz$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157][157][164]";:a=a-1:c$=left$(c$,a-1):goto60520
- 60550 if(a=le+1)then60520
- 60560 if(nu)and((z$>="0")and(z$<="9"))then60595
- 60570 if(al)and((z$>=" "andz$<="/")or(z$>=":"andz$<="z"))then60595
- 60580 if(al)thenif(z$>="[193]"andz$<="[218]")then60595
- 60590 goto60520
- 60595 print"[157]"z$;:poke212,.:print"[164]";:c$=c$+z$:next