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- geoLIGHTNING 2.1
- by Brian L. Crosthwaite
- [NOTE:] geoLightning was written in
- goBASIC, which needs to have the GEOS
- Optimised Mode turned off from the
- Toolbox within Wheels to get it to
- work.
- In the tradition of my infamous
- screen burners, comes geoLightning 2.1
- L. geoLightning is simply a fun
- program to mess around with. It is a
- small mathematical ditty that renders
- lightning strikes onto the screen of
- your computer. Here's the Bird's Eye
- Lowdown....
- [GEOS]
- [----]
- [INFO]
- [----]
- Simply, that, a bit of useless info,
- kinda gratuitous, but it's there none
- the less ;)
- [FILE]
- [----]
- [--- ----]
- Calls up a dialog box that lists keys
- that can help you along.
- When you select view mode (below)
- you continue by pressing [RETURN].
- [UP ARROW] will exit plot mode, so
- when you've selected 20 strikes and
- told your machine to render, but
- sanity sets in once again, you can
- abort this madness at any time.
- [STOP] will drop you directly back
- to the Desktop as if you had never run
- the fool thing in the first place!
- Well, ok it won't erase any pictures
- you saved or anything thing like that,
- but it'll get you out at just about
- any point within the program.
- [VIEW]
- [----]
- Loads the last completely rendered
- picture for your viewing pleasure.
- [RETURN] brings back the menu.
- [SAVE]
- [----]
- Opens a requester that lets you type
- in a name to save a picture under.
- Unfortunately there is no directory
- listing, so don't use an existing
- filename or you'll be dumped to the
- Desktop and your picture (unless
- completely rendered) will be gone.
- Also make sure before hand that there
- is enough room on the disk prior to
- running. This is what I consider to be
- the week part of the program as you
- may have something totally awesome to
- save, but stopped the rendering to
- save it -- then running out of room on
- the disk -- I think you get the idea.
- [LOAD]
- [----]
- This will open a requester asking for
- the name of a file to load -- no
- directory available here either, but
- since it erases what's on screen
- anyway, you can exit look at the DIR
- then reload.
- [-----]
- Will print out your wonderful new
- creation. Beware it will print a black
- page with white strikes on it at full
- page (over half a sheet) -- you might
- want to use this sparingly.
- [QUIT]
- [----]
- I don't know what this does.
- [PLOT]
- [----]
- [lightning!]
- [----------]
- This is kinda redundant on this
- version, there was another option
- called mask on the C128, Amiga and
- Atari ST versions of the program, but
- selecting lightning will begin the
- rendering process. It takes a while,
- but is a zillion (a highly technical
- term) times faster than version 1.0,
- or Zx.
- A note about the SuperCPU: the math
- is made to work under the regime of
- the 8602 (I haven't tested it on an
- actual C64 as my 64 is not set up for
- GEOS, only my 128D and it works in
- both GEOS2.0 and GEOS128 2.0. Sorry,
- I've been told it does not work under
- Wheels :(
- Any who, the math makes strange lines
- on the screen that tend to go more to
- the left of the screen most of the
- time with the SuperCPU -- I do hope to
- tweak it into submission when next I
- get a chance, mean while you'll just
- have to settle for the fast plot mode
- (still, below).
- [-------]
- Lets you pick how many lightning
- strikes will hit -- choices are 1, 2,
- 3, 5, 7, 10, and 20. You can also add
- to the ones already there (as long as
- you complete the render, in other
- words, not hitting [UP ARROW] before
- the plotting session ends using the
- keep screen option under the control
- menu (yet, below).
- [-------]
- [---- ------]
- Opens a requester and asks if you
- want to plot on top of (add to) the
- last completed rendering phase.
- [----- ---------]
- Sets everything back to the way it
- was when the program was first run.
- This will not turn off fast plot
- mode.
- [------- ----]
- Opens a requester asking if you want
- to have the computer make that cheesy
- sound at the end of every strike,
- rather than wait until they are all
- rendered.
- [--------- -----]
- Opens a requester asking if you want
- to flash the screen upon completion of
- each strike.
- [---- ----]
- Opens a requester asking if you want
- to use the fast plot. The fast plot
- simply plots half the dots over double
- the screen (what? -- cuts screen in
- half, calculates half the plots and
- plots two dots at 2 time the y
- coordinate to fill the screen more
- quickly).
- [-----]
- There must be a bug somewhere as I
- ust had thunder bolt and lightning
- flash selected and when it finished it
- popped me back to the desktop. :/
- Darn. Well, guess I'll be working
- sooner than I thought.
- Enjoy the program, but don't take it
- too seriously as it is meant as a
- diversion more than anything else.
- BC
- Noesis Creation