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- 5 ifi=.thenpoke52,112:poke56,112:clr:i=1:dv=peek(186):load"wfont",dv,1
- 10 ifi=1theni=2:gosub140
- 15 ifi=2theni=3:load"wpix1",dv,1
- 20 ifi=3theni=4:load"wpix2",dv,1
- 25 ifi=4theni=5:load"wdspr",dv,1
- 30 ifi=5theni=6:load"wizml",dv,1
- 35 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 37 gosub325:sysb:gosub275:fori=.to1:r(i,.)=peek(p(i)):forj=1to3:k=j*4-2
- 40 r(i,j)=peek(p(k+2*i))+256*peek(p(k+1+2*i)):next:r(i,4)=peek(p(14+i)):next
- 45 poke53265,peek(53265)or16:fori=.to1:k=.:a$="[208]urple":ifi=1thena$="[199]ray"
- 50 a$=a$+" [215]izard:":gosub125
- 55 j=r(i,.)-r(1-i,.):ifj>.thensys(c)c$(j-1):goto105
- 60 sys(c)c$(6+j):forj=1to4000:next:syss
- 65 j=(r(1-i,1)+1)/(r(i,1)+1):ifj>1.5thenk=1:a$=c$(6):gosub125:goto75
- 70 ifj>1.2thena$=c$(7):k=1:gosub125
- 75 j=(r(i,2)+1)/(r(i,1)+1):ifj<.05thenk=1:a$=c$(8):gosub125:goto85
- 80 ifj<.2thena$=c$(9):k=1:gosub125
- 85 j=(r(1-i,3)+1)/(r(i,3)+1):ifj>1.3thenk=1:a$=c$(10):gosub125
- 90 j=5-(r(.,.)+r(1,.)):ifr(i,4)<jthenk=1:a$=c$(11):gosub125
- 95 ifk>.then105
- 100 a$=c$(12):gosub125:ifi=.andpeek(n)=1andpeek(f)>8thena$=c$(13):gosub125
- 102 ti$="000000"
- 103 ifti$<"000002"then103
- 105 syss:next:a$="[212]ry again (y/n)?":sys(c)a$:poke198,.
- 110 geta$:ifa$="y"thenpoke53265,peek(53265)and239:syso:run35
- 115 ifa$<>"n"then110
- 120 gosub300:poke56,160:poke52,160:clr:goto485
- 125 j=len(a$):ifj>40thenj=j-40
- 130 ifj<40thena$=a$+left$(s$,40-j)
- 135 sys(c)a$:forj=1to1000+1000*k:next:return
- 140 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1:poke648,128:poke53272,2:poke53280,0
- 145 poke53281,0:print"[147] [155]] ";
- 150 print" [[146] ";
- 155 print" ";
- 160 print" [146] [152] <";
- 165 print"[146] [159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][146] [152]> [146] ";
- 170 print" [146] [154][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184]";
- 175 print"[146] [152] [146] ";
- 180 print" [146] [150][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][146] [152] ";
- 185 print" [146] [[146] [185][186][187]";
- 190 print"[188][189][190][191][146] [152]] [146] [151] ";
- 195 print" ";
- 200 print" [146] > ";
- 205 print" <[146]"
- 210 print" [155]] ";
- 215 print" [[146] ";
- 220 print" [152] ";
- 225 print" [146] ";
- 230 print" [194]y [202]on [205]attson ";
- 235 print" [146] [208]ublished on";
- 240 print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [146] ";
- 245 print"1-800-594-3370 1-213-221";
- 250 print"-8718 [146] (c) 1996 by ";
- 255 print"[202] & [198] [208]ublishing, [201]nc. [146] ";
- 260 print" ";
- 265 print" [146] [151]> ";
- 270 print" <":return
- 275 sysd,36864,32768:i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:sysd,i,40960
- 280 i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:sysd,i,55296:i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6
- 285 poke53281,peek(i):poke53280,peek(i+1):gosub290:syss:return
- 290 poke53265,peek(53265)or32:poke53270,peek(53270)or16:poke53272,8:return
- 295 poke53265,peek(53265)and223:poke53270,peek(53270)and239:poke53272,2:return
- 300 syso:poke56576,151:poke648,4:poke53272,21:poke53270,200:poke53265,27
- 305 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147][144]";:return
- 310 sysd,28672,32768:i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:sysd,i,40960
- 315 i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:sysd,i,55296:i=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6
- 320 poke53281,peek(i):poke53280,peek(i+1):gosub290:return
- 325 dimd(7),p(15),r(1,4),c$(13):b=51623:o=49198:s=51804:c=51950:d=52068
- 330 n=52686:f=n+1:fori=.to15:p(i)=52638+i:next:fori=.to7:readd(i):next:s$=""
- 335 fori=1to40:s$=s$+" ":next:fori=.to13:readc$(i):next:reada$:c$(2)=c$(2)+a$
- 340 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:gosub275:poke53265,peek(53265)or16:i=0
- 345 a$="[206]umber of combatants (1 or 2)? ":sys(c)a$:poke198,.
- 350 geta$:ifa$="1"theni=1:goto360
- 355 ifa$<>"2"then350
- 360 poken,i:ifi=.thena$="ves":goto385
- 365 a$="[211]kill of opponent (1=[204]ow to 7=[200]i)? ":sys(c)a$:poke198,.
- 370 geta$:ifa$=""then370
- 375 i=val(a$):ifi<1ori>7then370
- 380 pokef,i*8:a$="f"
- 385 a$=s$+"[208]repare thysel"+a$+" for battle...":sys(c)a$:fori=1to2000:next
- 390 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:syso:gosub310:fori=.to2:poke55297+i,4
- 395 poke55332+i,11:forj=.to7:k=40968+i*8+j:pokek,d(j):pokek+280,d(j):nextj,i
- 400 return
- 405 data0,252,252,252,48,48,0,0
- 410 data"[212]hou art victorious in a well-matched contest!"
- 415 data"[215]ell done! [212]hy skill is commendable."
- 420 data"[212]hy skill is unmatched! [208]erhaps thou shouldst seek battle with a "
- 425 data"[194]rimstone! '[212]was a sorry show, indeed!"
- 430 data"[212]sk,tsk! [212]hou either needeth more luck or more skill!"
- 435 data"[193] valiant effort! [212]hy loss does thee no shame in such an even match."
- 440 data"[212]hy foe overwhelmed thee! [213]se thy magic!"
- 445 data"[208]erhaps thou shouldst fire more often?"
- 450 data"[212]hy aim is dismal! [193]ccuracy! [195]ontrol!"
- 455 data"[212]hy accuracy could stand improvement."
- 460 data"[213]se thy mobility! [212]hou art not a target!"
- 465 data"[210]emember - thy power will be boosted by touching each platform."
- 470 data"[208]ractice would serve thee well, but thy moves are not too dismal."
- 475 data"[208]erhaps a foe of lesser skill would be more appropriate..?"
- 480 data"more worthy opponent..?"
- 485 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 487 open15,dv,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 490 ifer=63then510
- 495 print"[147]":end
- 500 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then500
- 505 goto485
- 510 print"[147]":print"load"chr$(34);
- 515 print"hello connect"chr$(34)","dv:print"run[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":poke631,13
- 520 poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:new
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.wizard duel":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end