home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 140 poke55,0:poke56,56:clr:a$=""
- 142 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 143 dim r$(11),c(11),e(11),an$(13,15)
- 145 gosub60000:t=ti+150
- 146 ifti<tthen146
- 155 def fnd(i)=20-(len(an$(x,i))/2)
- 160 sys57812"aftermathunp.89",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,201:sys65493
- 170 sys57812"package.o",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,80:poke782,195:sys65493
- 180 sys57812"aftermath.shp",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,64:sys65493
- 182 sys57812"f.aftermath",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
- 190 poke251,64:poke252,224:poke253,204:sys51456
- 195 poke252,224:poke253,204:sys51459
- 200 ip=50000:unpack=51456:hgr=51459
- 210 ps=50006:ba=50009
- 220 open2,dv,2,"aftermath text,p,r":get#2,a$,b$:
- 222 j=1:k=0:fori=0to1:sysip,2,40:i=st
- 224 ifa$="*"thenj=j+1:k=0:goto228
- 226 k=k+1:an$(j,k)=a$
- 228 next:close2
- 230 readnp
- 240 forx=1tonp:readr$(x),c(x)
- 250 next:t=ti+150
- 255 ift>tithen255
- 260 syshgr
- 270 forx=1tonp
- 280 gosub1810
- 290 sys57812r$(x),dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,64:sys65493
- 310 gosub1910:ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thengosub1250
- 312 gosub2000
- 320 e(x)=peek(53281)
- 340 kk=0:poke198,0
- 355 ifz3=0then360
- 357 z4=z4+1:z4=z4and15
- 358 poke53281,z4
- 360 kk=kk+1:geta$:ifa$=""andkk<800then355
- 370 ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thengosub1250
- 380 ifa$="s"ora$="[211]"then 470
- 390 ifa$<>chr$(133)then410
- 400 z1=z1+1:z1=z1and15
- 405 poke53280,z1:goto340
- 410 ifa$<>chr$(134)then416
- 412 z2=z2+1:z2=z2and15
- 415 poke53281,z2:goto340
- 416 ifa$<>chr$(135)then420
- 417 z3=1-z3:ifz3=0thenpoke53281,e(x)
- 419 goto340
- 420 syshgr:print"[147]":poke198,0:next x
- 425 goto3000
- 430 goto270
- 440 :
- 450 rem save koala pic
- 460 :
- 470 sys hgr
- 480 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 490 print"[147][154]":poke214,11:print
- 500 print" [211]ave this unpacked picture? (y[154]/n[154])":poke198,0
- 510 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then510
- 520 ifa$="y"then560
- 530 goto1110
- 550 :
- 560 print"[147][154]":poke214,9:print
- 570 print" [201]nsert save disk and enter a filename."
- 580 :
- 590 print" [206]ame : ---------------[145][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][193][146]pic ";
- 600 ln%=10:sp$=" "
- 610 gosub690:ifnm$=""then1110
- 620 nm$=left$(chr$(129)+"pic "+nm$+sp$,15)
- 650 goto820
- 680 rem --- input routine ---
- 690 nm$="":x%=0:c%=peek(646)
- 700 print"[152][164][157]";:poke646,c%
- 710 geta$:ifa$=""then710
- 720 a%=asc(a$)
- 730 ifa%=20andx%thenx%=x%-1:nm$=left$(nm$,len(nm$)-1):print" [157][157]";:goto700
- 740 ifa%=20then710
- 750 ifa%=13thenprint" ":return
- 760 ifx%=ln%then710
- 770 ifa$<" "ora$>"z"anda$<"[193]"ora$>"[218]"ora%=34then710
- 780 nm$=nm$+a$:print""a$;:x%=x%+1:goto700
- 790 :
- 800 rem -- check for 'file exists' --
- 810 :
- 820 open15,dv,15,"r0:"+nm$+"="+nm$:input#15,er,er$:close15
- 830 ifer<>62thengosub1160:goto1110
- 840 :
- 850 rem --- save pic ---
- 860 :
- 920 gosub2000:nm$=nm$+",p,w"
- 930 sysps,nm$:syshgr
- 950 :
- 960 rem --- check for errors ---
- 970 :
- 980 open15,dv,15:input#15,er,er$,y$,z$:close15
- 990 iferthengosub1160:goto490
- 1000 :
- 1010 rem -- everything ok ---
- 1020 :
- 1030 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 1040 print"[147][154]":poke214,7:print
- 1050 print" [211]aving complete."
- 1060 print" [201]f necessary, put the disk in"
- 1070 print" the drive and press [211][208][193][195][197][154]."
- 1080 geta$:ifa$<>" "then1080
- 1090 open15,dv,15,"r0:package.o=package.o":input#15,er:close15
- 1100 ifer<>63 then 1040
- 1110 syshgr:goto420
- 1140 :
- 1150 rem --- print dos error msg ---
- 1160 :
- 1170 poke53280,.:poke53281,.:print"[147] [129] [196] [201] [211] [203] [197] [210] [210] [207] [210] !
- 1180 [151]214,10:[153]
- 1190 a$[178]"print#valrror #"[170][196](er)[170]"print#,"[170]er$
- 1200 x%[178]22[171][195](a$)[173]2:[153][163]x%);a$
- 1210 [151]214,21:[153]
- 1220 [153]"print# (NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenvalprint# to continue."
- 1230 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]1230
- 1240 [142]
- 1250 o[178][194](53270)[175]16
- 1255 [139]o[167][158]51459
- 1260 [151]53281,0:[151]53280,0
- 1270 [153]"loadcont atnre you sure you want to quit? (ycont/ncont)"
- 1280 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]ag$
- 1290 [139]ag$[178]"y"[176]ag$[178]"(NULL)"[167]1330
- 1295 [139]o[167][158]51459
- 1300 [142]
- 1320 [143] quit
- 1330 [137]40000
- 1380 [143] data <title>,<border color>
- 1390 [131] 09
- 1405 [131] 911.shp,0
- 1410 [131] pic 62.shp,0
- 1420 [131] pic 2.shp,0
- 1430 [131] pic 71.shp,0
- 1440 [131] pic 82.shp,0
- 1450 [131] pic 129.shp,0
- 1460 [131] pic 169.shp,0
- 1465 [131] pic 149.shp,0
- 1470 [131] pic 24.shp,0
- 1500 :
- 1770 [153]"";
- 1800 :
- 1810 [151]53281,0:[151]53280,0:[151]53272,31
- 1820 [153]"loadlistortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 1830 [129]qx[178]1[164]14
- 1840 [153]"(NULL)"[163]38)"(NULL)":[130]
- 1850 [153]"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp"
- 1860 [129]lx[178]217[164]217[170]26:[151]lx,([194](lx)[176]128):[130]
- 1870 [153]"print#"
- 1872 [129]i[178]1[164]13:[153]""an$(x,i):[130]
- 1900 [142]
- 1910 kk[178]0
- 1915 [151]214,15:[153]:[153]"list (NULL)hile the slide is showing..."
- 1916 [153]" asc1 sys- changes border color"
- 1917 [153]" asc3 sys- changes background color"
- 1918 [153]" asc5 sys- toggles (NULL)tarasclash (tm)
- 1919 print" [211] [158]- takes you to [211][193][214][197] routine"
- 1920 print" [209] [158]- quits"
- 1925 poke214,23:print
- 1930 print"[155][208]ress [209][155] to quit - [193]ny other to continue[145]"
- 1940 kk=kk+1:geta$:ifa$<>""orkk>1000thenreturn
- 1950 goto1940
- 1980 :
- 1990 :
- 2000 print"[147]";:iffhthenpoke254,0:sysba:goto2040
- 2020 poke251,64:poke252,224:poke253,204
- 2030 sysun
- 2040 poke53280,c(x):poke252,224:poke253,204:syshgr:return
- 2050 return
- 3000 poke214,09:print:q9=8:poke53272,22
- 3010 printtab(q9)" [176][192][174][178] [178][176][192][174] [176][192][174][176][174][174][192][192][174] "
- 3011 printtab(q9)" [221] [171][192][179][171][179] [171][179] [221][173][179][221] [221] "
- 3012 printtab(q9)" [177] [177] [177][173][192][189] [173][192][189][177] [177][173][192][189] "
- 3015 print:print:printtab(q9)"[156][210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]? [217]/[206]
- 3020 [151]198,0:
- 3025 [161]z$:[139]z$[178]""[167]3025
- 3030 [139]z$[178]"y"[167]40000
- 3040 [139]z$[178]"n"[167]430
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"b.aftermath":[159]15,d,15,"s0:"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d:[128]
- 40000 [129]i[178]0[164]21:[151]828[170]i,8[170]i:[130]:[151]788,49
- 40010 [139]dv[179]8[176]dv[177]29[176]dv[178]8[167]40030
- 40020 a[178][194](828):b[178][194](828[170]dv[171]8):[151]828,b:[151]828[170]dv[171]8,a
- 40030 a$[178]"presenter":[141]40040:a$[178]"hello connect"
- 40040 [129]j[178]8[164]29:i[178][194](828[170]j[171]8):[139]i[178]14[167][130]
- 40050 [160]2:[159]2,i,2:[160]2:[139]st[167]40070
- 40060 [160]15:[159]15,i,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$:[132]15,er:[160]15:[139]er[178]63[167]40090
- 40070 [130]:[139]a$[178]"presenter"[167][142]
- 40080 [153]"load":[151]53272,23:[151]186,8:[151]2048,0:[151]44,8:[151]43,1:[128]
- 40090 a$[178]"hello connect":q$[178][199](34):[151]646,[194](53281):[153]"load":[151]53272,23
- 40100 [153]"loadp(NULL)2048,0:p(NULL)44,8:p(NULL)43,1:p(NULL)56,160:p(NULL)55,0:clr:l(NULL)"q$a$q$","i
- 40110 [153]"p(NULL)53272,23:run:":[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 60000 [153]"load":z$[178]" print# ":[151]214,10:[153]
- 60010 [153]" listfrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre":[129]i[178]0[164]10:[153]z$:[130]
- 60020 [153]" pokeposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposprint#"
- 60030 [141]61000
- 60090 [151]214,12:[153]
- 60100 [129]i[178]0[164]8:[153][163]20[171]([195](z$(i))[173]2))""z$(i):[130]:[142]
- 61000 z$(0)[178]"ortan^=tan^ortan^=tan^=tan^or^or^ortan^ortan^= ="
- 61001 z$(1)[178]"-tan<-< (NULL) -< -=exp(NULL)/exp(NULL)-tan< (NULL) -tan<"
- 61002 z$(2)[178]"> >> > >tanexp>/ > >> > > > >"
- 61003 z$(3)[178]"(NULL)ictures by (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) atnrtists"
- 61004 z$(4)[178]"(NULL)ext by (NULL)arion ascinsterwald"
- 61005 z$(5)[178]""
- 61006 z$(6)[178]"(c) 2001 mid$&asc (NULL)ublishing, right$nc."
- 61007 z$(7)[178]""
- 61008 z$(8)[178]"www.loadstar.com"
- 61009 [142]