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- u
- G O Z A
- by Lance C. Thomas
- [DAVE'S PRE-RAMBLE:] Lance has
- produced a delightful bunch of games
- over the last couple of years.
- However, GOZA is probably the SINGLE
- most [difficult] challenge so far. You
- will figure out the game in about 10
- seconds. Working out a strategy that
- will regularly defeat the Computer?
- From my short experience with this
- game, that might be a major quest.
- But here's Lance to explain GOZA:
- [------------]
- GOZO is played on a 7x7 checkered
- board with blue and white squares.
- There are two players; Black and Red.
- The players take turns, placing their
- pieces on the blue squares. Black
- places the first piece. A piece
- cannot be placed on the center
- square, except for a "capture" move.
- The object is to place pieces so
- as to enclose a white square. The
- player who finishes the enclosure, or
- "Capture" gets an icon on the White
- square -- and another turn.
- A capture move is placing a piece
- on the last blue square adjacent to a
- white square. If there is a capture
- move present, it must be made. After
- making a capture move, the player
- must place another piece. Each
- captured white square is worth one
- point.
- The player that scores the most
- points wins the game. If both players
- score the same number of points, the
- game is a tie.
- [----------]
- The pointer can be moved by a
- mouse in port 1, or a joystick in port
- 2, or the keyboard cursor keys.
- For the joystick, the FIRE button
- and [F7] are used as the left and
- right mouse buttons, respectively.
- For the keyboard, [SPACE] and
- [RETURN] can be used as the left mouse
- button, and [F7] as the right mouse
- button.
- The left mouse button, or its
- equivalent, is used to make a
- selection. A selection can also be
- made with an indicated [KEY]. While
- the program is "busy", the arrow
- pointer will be yellow. The program
- will not process mouse clicks or key
- presses while the arrow is yellow. So
- if you want to select something while
- the arrow is yellow; press a key and
- wait, or hold down the left mouse
- button, or its equivalent, and wait.
- Note, [STOP] has been disabled.
- [Help Screen]: You can use the right
- mouse button, or its equivalent, to
- page up and down. For the keyboard,
- use [CRSR Left/Right] to page up and
- down.
- [---------------]
- There are four command buttons on
- the game screen; Play, Edit, Help and
- Quit.
- [PLAY] starts a new game using the
- current setup options. You must click
- on the PLAY button to begin a game.
- [EDIT] brings up the setup screen,
- and allows you to edit the setup
- options. The options can be changed
- during play. If you want to start a
- new game, you must use the PLAY
- button.
- [HELP] brings up the help screen
- that shares this same text.
- [QUIT] brings up the quit screen.
- You must confirm you want to quit
- GOZO. You will be returned to LOADSTAR
- or BASIC. If you go to BASIC, the top
- of BASIC will be at 14272(192+55*256)
- instead of 40960(0+160*256).
- [-----]
- [Human.] Use this option to
- control which players are human. The
- default is Black.
- [Level.] Use this option to
- control the computer's play level. The
- higher the number, the harder the
- computer player is to beat. At levels
- 2 and 3, the computer can take quite a
- while to place a piece, so be patient,
- especially, if you don't have an
- accelerator. The default is 1.
- [Pause.] Use this option to
- control the duration of the built-in
- pauses. The default is 2 seconds.
- The options take effect when you
- quit the setup screen.
- [-------]
- To create this program, I used the
- following tools:
- SYSRES(tm) by Don Lekei
- from Hands-on Software Inc.
- FONT STUDIO by Anthony Rose
- by Lee Novak
- ZIP BASIC 2.0 by Rick Nash
- from LOADSTAR.
- This program incorporates the
- following tools:
- by Lee Novak
- RANDOM 2-254 by Bob Markland.
- I can't beat the dang thing on Level 1
- -- even by playing Red instead of
- Black!
- Kudos to Lance on this mind-boggling
- game.