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- 10 rem lamerz keep out!!!!!(NULL)
- 90 v=53248:poke53272,20
- 100 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 110 print"[147]"
- 190 gosub2000
- 200 gosub1000
- 210 gosub3000
- 220 gosub4000
- 230 gosub5000
- 240 goto 6000
- 999 end
- 1000 :
- 1010 rem intro
- 1020 :
- 1090 t$="mac/erd "
- 1100 forx=30to1step-1:print"[147]";right$(t$,x):nextx
- 1110 t$="presents "
- 1120 forx=39to1step-1:print"[147]";right$(t$,x):nextx
- 1130 t$="a ruling production "
- 1140 forx=60to1step-2:print"[147]";right$(t$,x):nextx
- 1150 c$="[144][159][156][158][129][149][150][151][152][153][154][155]"
- 1152 fory=17to1step-1
- 1155 print"[147]";:forx=1to3:print:nextx
- 1160 forx=1to16step2 :printmid$(c$,x,1);:printtab(y);"cisab"
- 1170 printmid$(c$,x+1,1);:printtab(34-y);"cisab":nextx
- 1180 nexty
- 1190 print"[147]"
- 1200 forx=1to5
- 1210 gosub2500
- 1220 fory=15to0step-1:poke53280,y:poke53281,y:nexty
- 1230 nextx
- 1999 return
- 2000 :
- 2010 rem init sid
- 2020 :
- 2030 forx=54272to54296:pokex,0:next
- 2040 return
- 2500 :
- 2510 rem sound
- 2520 :
- 2530 poke54296,15:poke54277,190:poke54278,248
- 2540 poke54273,17:poke54272,37:poke54276,17
- 2550 fort=1to250:nextt
- 2560 poke54276,16
- 2999 return
- 3000 :
- 3001 rem circle
- 3002 :
- 3005 t$=" hey mac from erd here... the "
- 3010 t$=t$+"ntsc elite ruling division... what you're looking at here is a nice"
- 3020 t$=t$+" peice of code if i do say so myself... hey bioticus, beat "
- 3030 t$=t$+"this!!!!!!! "
- 3100 forx=0to62:poke832+x,255:nextx
- 3110 poke2040,13:pokev+21,1:pokev+0,100:pokev+1,100:pokev+39,3
- 3200 forx=1tolen(t$):print"";mid$(t$,x,40)
- 3210 a=a+.1:x1=(cos(a)+1)*110:y1=(sin(a)+1)*80
- 3215 x1=x1+30:y1=y1+50
- 3220 pokev+0,x1:pokev+1,y1
- 3230 nextx
- 3998 pokev+21,0
- 3999 return
- 4000 :
- 4010 rem part 2
- 4020 :
- 4100 t$=" and this is a realtime star "
- 4110 t$=t$+"feild generater... ibet bioticus could teech me a better way of "
- 4120 t$=t$+"doing this... not!!!! this"
- 4130 t$=t$+" routene is allready in a word, perfecton!!"
- 4200 forx=1tolen(t$):print"";mid$(t$,x,40)
- 4300 s=rnd(1)*900:poke55396+s,rnd(1)*15:poke1124+s,81
- 4310 s=rnd(1)*900:poke55396+s,rnd(1)*15:poke1124+s,81
- 4400 nextx
- 4999 return
- 5000 :
- 5010 rem dycp
- 5020 :
- 5030 print"[147]"
- 5050 d$=""
- 5060 c$=" [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 5100 t$=" and now we have arived at the"
- 5110 t$=t$+" grand finally of this producton... the gratest dycp youve ever"
- 5120 t$=t$+" seen!! i couldnt make a megadycp but mabe next time!!!"
- 5130 t$=t$+" "
- 5200 forx=1tolen(t$)
- 5210 y2=y2+.3
- 5220 y3=y2
- 5230 fory=0to6
- 5240 print"";tab(y);c$;
- 5250 printleft$(d$,(cos(y3)+1)*5);mid$(t$,x+y,1)
- 5260 y3=y3+.3
- 5270 nexty
- 5280 nextx
- 5999 return
- 6000 :
- 6010 rem ending/credits
- 6020 :
- 6030 print"[147]"
- 6040 print"all code/gfx/sound by mac/erd"
- 6050 print
- 6060 print"copywrite 2001"
- 6070 print
- 6080 print"p.s. light i hope this is good enuf!!!"
- 6090 t=ti+360
- 6091 ift>tithen6091
- 6092 poke214,12:print:printtab(15)"bye bye for now
- 6093 t[178]ti[170]180
- 6094 [139]t[177]ti[167]6094
- 6095 [137]40000
- 9999 [128]
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"cisab":[159]15,d,15,"s0:"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d:[128]
- 40000 [129]i[178]0[164]21:[151]828[170]i,8[170]i:[130]
- 40010 [139]dv[179]8[176]dv[177]29[176]dv[178]8[167]40030
- 40020 a[178][194](828):b[178][194](828[170]dv[171]8):[151]828,b:[151]828[170]dv[171]8,a
- 40030 a$[178]"hello connect":[129]j[178]8[164]29:i[178][194](828[170]j[171]8):[139]i[178]14[167][130]
- 40040 [160]2:[159]2,i,2:[160]2:[139]st[167]40060
- 40050 [160]15:[159]15,i,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$:[132]15,er:[160]15:[139]er[178]63[167]40070
- 40060 [130]:[153]"load":[151]53272,23:[151]186,8:[128]
- 40070 q$[178][199](34):[151]646,[194](53281):[153]"load":[151]53272,23
- 40080 [153]"loadp(NULL)2048,0:p(NULL)44,8:p(NULL)43,1:p(NULL)56,160:p(NULL)55,0:clr:l(NULL)"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 [153]"run:":[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[162]