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- B L O C K H E A D S II
- Program and Text by Kate and Ron Slaminko
- Those pesky blockheads are back. 50 more time-wasting screens full
- of the annoying little buggers. If you remember the original
- Blockheads from LS128 #39, this will all look familiar and you can
- jump right into playing, though you might want to read the "What's
- New" section. Longer instructions are included for the uninitiated.
- What's New:
- -----------
- -> Blockheads II has 50 new screens, all generally more difficult
- than the originals. Once you solve number 50, the random level
- generator kicks in.
- -> The graphics have been updated slightly. If you prefer the look
- of the old game, just replace the file "BHCHARSET" on this disk with
- the file of the same name from issue 39, or copy the file BHLEV.SET2
- to your old Blockheads disk. Both versions of Blockheads will
- automatically detect the presence of multiple level sets, and if
- more than one set is found, a scrolling file requestor is presented.
- -> The timing has been adjusted slightly, so the game should now
- work fine with a SuperCPU. The old version disabled the SCPU.
- --------------------
- This is a "falling blocks" game, but it's not TETRIS. It's a lot more.
- There are 50+ screens (or levels) in this game, each 16 spaces wide by 19
- high. To finish a screen, eliminate all the blockheads. At the beginning of
- each level, you are presented with a menu of options:
- S - save current game to disk
- L - load a saved game from disk
- J - jump to any level
- Q - quit
- RETURN or joystick FIRE button - start current level
- SAVE - saves the current game status (last level completed and score) to
- disk. Filename is pre-pended with "bhsav." so the entered name is limited
- to 10 characters.
- LOAD - presents a list of saved games on the disk. Use the CRSR UP/DOWN
- keys to highlight the desired file and press RETURN or use the joystick
- UP/DOWN to highlight and press the FIRE button to load.
- JUMP - lets you jump directly to any level for practice.
- QUIT - ends the game after an "are you sure" prompt. If you've made a top
- 10 score, enter your initials at the prompt.
- ---------------
- Blockheads are the funny looking guys with the squarish heads and bad
- hair. There are four blockhead colors: red, blue, green, and purple. To
- eliminate a blockhead, drop 3 (or 4) squareblocks (outlined, solid squares)
- of the same color on his head. Blocks of various types fall 2 at a time
- from the top of the screen. When a block lands on something, its companion
- immediately falls straight down as far as possible (except "sticky" blocks
- -- see below).
- Use these controls to maneuver the blocks:
- -------- ---------------
- Move left cursor left left
- Move right cursor right right
- Move down cursor down down
- Rotate cw cursor up up
- Drop SPACE bar button
- Pause p (use keyboard)
- Press any key or the FIRE button to resume a paused game.
- In addition to blockheads and square blocks, several other types of
- blocks may appear on each screen: obstacles, weapons, and others.
- Obstacles: you can't get rid of these by stacking them up.
- Bricks - (look like the playing field outline except gray) the most common
- obstacle.
- Glass - (doesn't look like anything) just like bricks but invisible - you
- won't know it's there until you land on it.
- Steel - (in I-beam form) stronger than bricks - impervious to bombs.
- Diamond - (shaped like, well, a diamond) harder than glass - impervious to
- bombs and acid.
- Kudzu - (ugly brown plant) a fast growing weed. Only a blockhead would
- plant kudzu.
- Weapons: use these to clear things out of the way.
- Bombs - (round things with fuses) destroys whatever it lands on except
- blockheads (They wear armor), steel, or diamonds.
- Nukes - (red missile-like things) destroys a 3x3 area around itself, but
- won't harm blockheads (It's really good armor).
- Acid - (green stuff in a flask) eats through everything below it (down to
- the bottom of the screen), even blockheads, but is stopped by diamonds.
- Miscellaneous:
- Transformer - (the question marks) these change into whatever they land
- on. If one lands on a blockhead, it changes into a squareblock of the same
- color.
- Bonus - (the big yellow $ signs) score extra points or get other good
- stuff by stacking 4 or 5 of these. The first bonus completed in a level
- turns on the look-ahead feature. The second displays level parameters (how
- many bombs, what speed, stuff like that). Subsequent bonuses could be any
- of the following:
- \ kill all kudzu
- \ make the background visible
- \ turn off sticky blocks
- \ make next pair acid/nuke
- \ make next pair 2 transformers
- \ 400 points.
- Other variables:
- Background - may be visible or clear. A visible background makes it easier
- to see where you are.
- Sticky blocks - if turned on, blocks don't fall when their companion
- lands. This can make space utilization tricky. In some levels, only some of
- the blocks are stuck together.
- Speed - falling speed of blocks is different from level to level and may
- vary within a level.
- Vanish - Sometimes, the falling blocks will disappear from the screen for
- a brief period.
- -------
- You get 100 points for eliminating a blockhead (without using acid),
- 400 (sometimes) for a bonus stack, and 200 for finishing a level. You also
- get 1 point for each empty square in the brickyard when you finish a level,
- so neatness counts. If you die on a level (there's no room for new blocks),
- you lose all points earned that level and 200 more as a penalty.
- ------------
- There are 50 designed levels in this game. All are solvable (some
- require a bit of luck). If you complete all 50 levels, an infinite number
- of extra levels will be randomly generated. Random levels may not be
- solvable, and will be different each time you play the game.
- ------------
- \ You can get rid of some unwanted blocks (like the wrong color on a
- blockhead) by building a stack of 4 or 5 matching blocks, or with bombs,
- nukes, or acid. Not every level will include weapons, however, so stash
- junk wisely!
- \ Acid will destroy blockheads, but you don't get points that way.
- \ Destroy, or at least contain, kudzu as quickly as possible.