home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 30 print"[147]":poke53272,19:ad=49152:poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 40 sys57812"chn font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,8:sys65493
- 45 gosub55:goto2300
- 53 :
- 54 rem --- setup program ---
- 55 dim lt(26),gr(12),uw$(220)
- 60 x=rnd(-ti):hq=0:ml=39777
- 70 pt$=chr$(255)+chr$(169):rem pointer
- 100 gs=1050:gr(1)=1227:gr(2)=1235
- 105 gr(3)=1243:gr(4)=1251:gr(5)=1259
- 110 lm=1827:return
- 148 :
- 149 rem --- game screen ---
- 150 print"[147] [192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 155 forx=1to8:print"[151] [186] [180][180][180][180] [186] [180][180][180][180] [186] [180][180][180][180] [186] [180][180][180][180] [186] [180][180][180][180]":next
- 160 print" [192][192][192][192][192][192][156][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 165 gosub275:sysad+69
- 185 sysad+18,112:sysad+18,120:sysad+18,128:sysad+18,136:sysad+18,144
- 195 goto3100
- 198 :
- 199 rem ---- print custom-letter ----
- 200 pokepk,lt+64:pokepk+1,lt+128:pokepk+40,lt+96:pokepk+41,lt+160
- 210 cl=55296+(pk-1024)
- 220 pokecl,co:pokecl+1,co:pokecl+40,co:pokecl+41,co
- 225 return
- 228 :
- 229 rem --- clear custom letter ---
- 230 pokepk,32:pokepk+1,32:pokepk+40,32:pokepk+41,32
- 240 return
- 248 :
- 249 rem --- print grid-letter ---
- 250 cl=55296+(pk-1024)
- 255 pokepk,lt:pokecl,2+nm
- 260 return
- 273 :
- 274 rem --- clear home word ---
- 275 sysad+24,26,0,"[151][161][162][161][162][161][162][161][162]":sysad+24,26,1,"[163][164][163][164][163][164][163][164]"
- 280 sysad+24,2,1," "
- 290 return
- 348 :
- 349 rem --- quit ---
- 350 ph$=" [158][209][213][201][212]![159] [193]re you sure? y[154]/n":gosub410
- 355 poke 781,22:sys 59903:poke 781,23:sys 59903
- 360 geta$:ifa$=""then360
- 365 ifa$<>"y"then return
- 390 print"[147]":poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke53272,23:poke186,8
- 394 goto40000
- 398 :
- 399 rem --- print / center ---
- 400 poke781,22:sys59903:sysad+27,22,ph$:return
- 405 poke781,23:sys59903:sysad+27,23,ph$:return
- 410 poke781,24:sys59903:sysad+27,24,ph$:return
- 419 :
- 420 sysad+24,11,22,"f1[154] -[196]elete [204]etter "
- 430 sysad+24,4,24," f3[154] -[200][197][204][208]! f7[154] -[209]uit "
- 440 return
- 888 :
- 889 rem --- oops ---
- 890 for x=0to1:poke781,23+x:sys 59903:next
- 895 lt=121:co=7:pk=wc-3:gosub250:lt=111:pk=pk+1:gosub250:return
- 899 :
- 900 rr=0:ph$="oops":forx=1to4:co=1+x
- 910 p$=mid$(ph$,x,1):lt=asc(p$):gosub200:pk=pk+2:next
- 914 :
- 915 fory=1to4:sysad+24,12,23,"[212]hat's not excepted!"
- 917 forx=1to100:nextx
- 920 sysad+24,12,23,"[154][212]hat's not excepted!"
- 922 forx=1to100:nextx:nexty:sysad+27,24,"[212]ry [193]gain...":forx=1to500:nextx
- 931 rr=1:if gm=1thenreturn
- 932 forx=3to0step-1:pk=wc+x:lt=116:co=11:gosub250:next:pk=wc-2:lt=122
- 933 gosub250:pk=pk-1:lt=32:gosub250:xx=0:gosub275:wg=wg-1:return
- 1098 :
- 1099 rem --- missing link ---
- 1100 print"[147]";:wd$(1)="":wd$(2)="":w(1)=1024:w(2)=1655:co=10:lm=1650:wg=1
- 1105 gr(2)=1267:gr(3)=1387:gr(4)=1507:gr(6)=1280:gr(7)=1400
- 1107 gr(8)=1520:gr(10)=1293:gr(11)=1413:gr(12)=1533
- 1110 gr(1)=1147:gr(5)=1160:gr(9)=1173
- 1120 gosub1150
- 1130 forx=1to2:sys ml+9,4:wd$(x)=w$
- 1132 fory=0to3:lt=asc(mid$(w$,(y+1),1))
- 1135 pk=w(x)+(y*2):gosub200
- 1140 nexty:nextx:gr=1:wd$=wd$(1):uw$(1)=wd$:goto1200
- 1149 :
- 1150 forx=1to4:print"[151] [161][162][161][162][161][162][161][162][160][160][160][160][160][161][162][161][162][161][162][161][162][160][160][160][160][160][161][162][161][162][161][162][161][162]"
- 1155 print"[151] [163][164][163][164][163][164][163][164][160][160][160][160][160][163][164][163][164][163][164][163][164][160][160][160][160][160][163][164][163][164][163][164][163][164]":print
- 1160 nextx:printtab(7)"?[220][221][146]";tab(27)"[158]_<="
- 1165 print" [154][192][192][192][192][156][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][154][192][192][192][192]"
- 1170 print"[152] [158]\]^_[146]":sysad+24,16,18,"[158]>?[220][221][255][223][188][189][146]"
- 1175 return
- 1199 :
- 1200 gosub420:pk=gr(gr)+xx:lt=97:co=7:gosub210
- 1210 get lt$:if lt$=""then1210
- 1220 if lt$="[134]"then rl$="how.link":gosub3050:goto1210:rem ...f3
- 1225 if lt$="[133]"then co=11:gosub2100:rem ...f1
- 1230 if lt$="[136]"then goto2700:rem ...f7
- 1235 if lt$<"a"orlt$>"z"then1210
- 1240 gs$=gs$+lt$:co=5:lt=asc(lt$):gosub200:xx=xx+2
- 1250 if xx=8then pr=23:gosub1280:gosub2112:gosub1265
- 1255 goto1200
- 1260 wg$=str$(wg):sysad+24,4,16,wg$:return
- 1265 gosub1300:gosub1260:ifa$<>"[133]"then gs$=""
- 1270 return
- 1279 :
- 1280 for x=0to3:poke781,21+x:sys59903:next:rem ... erase last 4 lines
- 1285 return
- 1299 :
- 1300 ifa$="[133]"thenreturn:rem --- f1
- 1305 if mk<1 then gosub 1280:pk=1946:gosub900:if rr=1then rr=0:goto1455
- 1315 gosub1280:gosub1350:ifc<>3thengoto1450
- 1317 ifc=3then rr=0:gosub2920:if rr=1then rr=0:gosub1455:wg=wg-1:return
- 1320 ph$="[217] o u [215][160][201][160][206][160]!"
- 1325 ww$=wd$:wd$=wd$(2):gosub1350:ifc=3thensysad+27,21,ph$:goto2600
- 1330 wd$=ww$:gs$="":goto1410
- 1349 :
- 1350 c=0:forj=1to4:ifmid$(gs$,j,1)=mid$(wd$,j,1)thenc=c+1
- 1355 next:return
- 1409 :
- 1410 gr=gr+1:ifgr>12 then goto2600
- 1420 xx=0:gosub1280:return
- 1449 :
- 1450 gosub2930
- 1455 lt=91:co=11:forx=0to6step2:pk=gr(gr)+x:gosub200:next
- 1460 rem:gr=gr-1:if gr<1then gr=1
- 1465 gosub1280:xx=0:wg=wg-1:return
- 1897 end
- 1898 :
- 1899 rem --- load concatenation ---
- 1900 print"[147]":ph$="concatenation":pk=1745:sysad+24,5,15,"[159][204]oading:":co=3
- 1910 forx=1tolen(ph$):lt=asc(mid$(ph$,x,1)):gosub200
- 1920 pk=pk+3:co=co+1:if co=16then co=3
- 1930 next:ph$="[150][194]e right back ...":gosub400
- 1940 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 1950 q$=chr$(34):print"[144]load"q$"concatenation"q$","dv
- 1960 print"run"
- 1970 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2
- 1980 new
- 2098 :
- 2099 rem --- delete character ---
- 2100 ifpk=gr(gr)or pk=1050 thenreturn
- 2102 pokepk+80,32:pokepk+81,32
- 2103 lt=91:co=11:gosub200:pk=pk-2
- 2105 lt=91:co=7:gosub 200:xx=xx-2:ifxx<0thenxx=0:return
- 2107 gs$=left$(gs$,(len(gs$)-1)):return
- 2108 :
- 2109 rem --- 4th letter pause ---
- 2110 poke781,pr:sys59903
- 2112 poke214,pr:print:print" f1[154] -delete letter [210][197][212][213][210][206][154] "
- 2115 geta$:ifa$=""then2115
- 2120 ifa$="[133]"then goto2105:rem --- f1
- 2125 ifa$<>chr$(13)then2115
- 2135 mk=0:sys ml,gs$:ifw$<>gs$then mk=0:goto2175
- 2140 mk=1:forx=1to4:lc=asc(mid$(gs$,x,1)):poke56063+(lc-65),7:next:rem alphabet
- 2160 :
- 2175 wg=wg+1:return
- 2188 :
- 2189 rem --- prompts ---
- 2190 poke214,22:print:print" f1[154] -delete letter f3[154] -help "
- 2192 print" f5[154] -change screens f7[154] -[209]uit "
- 2195 return
- 2298 :
- 2299 rem --- main screen ---
- 2300 print"[147]";:
- 2310 printchr$(159)"[188][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][188]";
- 2315 fori=1to19
- 2320 print"[191]"chr$(31)"[219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219][219]"chr$(159)"[191]";
- 2325 nexti:print"[188][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][191][188]";
- 2327 print"[146][150][220][202]athiah[208]roductions[208]resents[220][154]"
- 2330 sysad+69:poke214,9:print
- 2332 printtab(6)"[156][188][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][188]";:forx=1to2
- 2334 printspc(12)"[190]"spc(26)"[190]";:next
- 2336 printspc(12)"[188][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][180][188]"
- 2340 sysad+15,7,32,11,12,32,0:poke214,10:print
- 2345 printtab(34)" ":forx=1to2
- 2350 printspc(34)" ":next
- 2355 printspc(7)" "
- 2375 poke214,20:print:fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 2399 :
- 2400 poke214,21:print:print"f1[154] - [211]elect [199]ame to [208]lay ..."
- 2405 print"f3[154] - [201]nstructions f7[154] - [209]uit [199]ame"
- 2410 c=2:y=0:ifq5=0thenq5=1:sysad+18,208
- 2415 geta$:poke646,c+y:gosub2494
- 2420 ifa$="[133]"thenpoke646,7:gosub2494:sysad+18,224:goto2450:rem play
- 2425 ifa$="[134]"thenrl$="how.menu":gosub3050:goto2415:rem rules
- 2430 ifa$="[135]"thengosub500:goto2415:rem words
- 2435 ifa$="[136]"thengosub350:sysad+21,208:goto2415:rem quit
- 2437 y=y+1:ify=12theny=2
- 2440 goto2415
- 2448 :
- 2449 rem --- which game ---
- 2450 forx=0to2:poke781,22+x:sys59903:next
- 2453 sysad+24,3,22,"[198]1[154] [205]issing link [198]3[154] [195]hain [204]etters"
- 2454 sysad+24,2,24,"[198]5[154] [195]oncatenation [198]7[154] [198]orget it."
- 2455 gm=0:sysad+45,"[133][134][135][136]":iff%=1then gm=1:goto1100:rem ... link
- 2460 iff%=3then1900:rem ... conc
- 2462 iff%=4then forx=0to3:poke781,21+x:sys59903:next:goto2400
- 2465 gm=2:c(1)=159:c(2)=156:c(3)=30:c(4)=31:forx=0to3:poke781,21+x:sys59903
- 2466 next:sysad+27,24,"[200]ow many [208]layers? (2 to 4)":sysad+45,"234":pl=f%+1
- 2468 sysad+27,22,"[156][208]layer's [158][206][193][205][197][156]:"
- 2469 poke781,24:sys59903
- 2470 forx=1topl:poke214,22:print:printtab(8)" "
- 2475 poke214,23:print:printtab(15)"[158]#"x"[157]: ";:
- 2480 sysad+66,22,6,10:ifw$=""thengoto2480
- 2485 nm$(x)=chr$(c(x))+w$
- 2490 next:goto150
- 2493 :
- 2494 sysad+24,7,11,"c[195]h[200]a[193]i[201]n[206]l[204]e[197]t[212]t[212]e[197]r[210]s[211]":rem...upper
- 2495 sysad+24,7,12,"#[163]([168]![161])[169].[174],[172]%[165]4[180]4[180]%[165]2[178]3[179][146]":rem...lower
- 2497 return
- 2498 :
- 2499 rem --- re-run ---
- 2500 gosub60:ad=49152
- 2510 goto2300
- 2598 :
- 2599 rem ---end of game ---
- 2600 if gm=2then2608
- 2602 ifwg=13then yw=1
- 2604 ifwg<13 and wg>1then yw=2
- 2605 ifgs$=""then yw=0
- 2606 goto 2620
- 2608 rt=0:poke781,23:sys59903:poke781,24:sys59903
- 2620 on (yw+1) goto 2650,2625,2630
- 2625 ph$="[206]ot bad! [199]ive it another try.":gosub410:goto2645
- 2630 ph$="congratulations":pk=1949:ln=15:co=1:forx=1toln
- 2635 p$=mid$(ph$,x,1):lt=asc(p$)
- 2640 gosub200:pk=pk+2:nextx
- 2645 fori=0to2000:next
- 2650 tp=tp+wg:gp=gp+1:av=tp/gp:av$=left$(str$(av),6)
- 2655 fori=21to24:poke 781,i:sys 59903:next
- 2660 poke214,20:print:printtab(7)"[159][211]core for this game: "wg
- 2665 printtab(11)"[159][210]unning average: "av$
- 2670 ifgm=2then ifyw>0then print"[154] [212]he [215][201][206][206][197][210] is ";nm$(nm)"!"tab(26);:goto2672
- 2671 printtab(13);
- 2672 print"[208]ress any key"
- 2675 geta$:ifa$=""then2675
- 2677 xx=0:gs$="":goto 2500
- 2698 :
- 2699 rem --- quit game
- 2700 ph$=cl$:gosub400:gosub405:gosub410:poke214,23:print
- 2705 if gm=2 then 2750
- 2710 ph$=" [158][209][213][201][212]![159] [193]re you sure? y[154]/n":gosub410
- 2715 geta$:ifa$=""then2715
- 2720 ifa$<>"y"then gosub420:goto1210
- 2722 ph$="[154] [210]eplay [211][193][205][197] [215]ords? y[154]/n[154] ":gosub410
- 2724 geta$:ifa$=""then2724
- 2726 ifa$="n"then2745
- 2730 ifa$<>"y"then2724
- 2735 print"[147]":gosub1150:co=10:for x=1to2
- 2737 fory=0to3:lt=asc(mid$(wd$(x),(y+1),1))
- 2740 pk=w(x)+(y*2):gosub200:next:next:gr=1:wd$=wd$(1):uw$(1)=wd$
- 2742 gosub1260:forx=1towg:uw$(x)="":next:wg=1:goto1200
- 2745 gs$="":goto2600
- 2749 rem --- game 2 /player-game
- 2750 ph$="quit":pk=1945:co=7:forx=1to4:p$=mid$(ph$,x,1):lt=asc(p$)
- 2755 gosub200:pk=pk+2:next:sysad+24,13,23,"[153]f1 <[208]layer [153]f3 <[199]ame"
- 2760 sysad+24,15,24,"[153]f7 <[203]eep playing"
- 2765 geta$:ifa$=""then2765
- 2770 ifa$="[134]"then yw=0:goto2600:rem --- f3
- 2775 ifa$="[136]"then return:rem --- f7
- 2780 ifa$<>"[133]"then 2765:rem --- not f1
- 2785 nm$(nm)="":nm=nm+1:ifnm>plthennm=1:goto2785
- 2787 return
- 2898 :
- 2899 rem --- cmpare w/ list, chain ---
- 2900 uw=0:ifwg=1thenwd$=gs$:goto2960
- 2905 c=0:forj=1to4:ifmid$(gs$,j,1)=mid$(wd$,j,1)thenc=c+1
- 2910 next:ifc=3then goto2920
- 2915 goto2930
- 2919 :
- 2920 forgw=1towg:ifgs$=uw$(gw)then uw=1
- 2925 next:ifuw=1then rr=1:uw=0:goto2945
- 2927 wd$=gs$:goto2960
- 2929 :
- 2930 if gm=2then co=1:lt=106:pk=pk-6:gosub250:lt=103:pk=pk+1:gosub250
- 2935 forx=1to4:sysad+27,23,"[196]oes [206][207][212] [198][201][212] the [195][200][193][201][206]."
- 2936 fory=1to80:next:sysad+27,23,"[196]oes [206][207][212] [198][201][212] the [195][200][193][201][206]."
- 2937 fory=1to80:next:next:sysad+27,24,"[159][212]ry again."
- 2940 for x=1to1000:next:cc=1:return
- 2944 :
- 2945 ifgm=2then co=1:lt=121:pk=pk-6:gosub250:lt=111:pk=pk+1:gosub250
- 2950 forx=1to4:sysad+27,23,">> [193][204][210][197][193][196][217] [213][211][197][196] <<"
- 2951 fory=1to80:next:sysad+27,23,">> [193][204][210][197][193][196][217] [213][211][197][196] <<"
- 2952 fory=1to80:next:next:sysad+27,24,"[159][212]ry again."
- 2955 for x=1to1000:next:cc=1:return
- 2959 :
- 2960 ifgm=2then co=1:lt=119:pk=pk-6:gosub250:lt=110:pk=pk+1:gosub250
- 2965 uw$(wg)=gs$:cc=2:return
- 2968 :
- 2969 rem...chain:
- 2970 gosub2900:gosub275
- 2975 sysad+18,104+(s*8)
- 2980 if cc=1 thengs$="":gosub932:goto3110
- 2985 if cc=2 then3225
- 3048 :
- 3049 rem ---rules display ---
- 3050 sys ad+18,208:print "[147][159]":poke 53272,23
- 3055 sysad+51,rl$,dv
- 3060 print"[147]":poke53272,19:sysad+21,208
- 3065 return
- 3098 :
- 3099 rem --- chain letters ---
- 3100 nm=1:xx=0:s=1:gr=1:wc=gr(gr):wg=1:gosub3170:
- 3105 sysad+24,2,1,nm$(nm)+"'s turn"
- 3107 w$=str$(wg):sysad+24,35,1,""+w$:sysad+24,36,2,"[152]?[220][221]"
- 3108 s$=right$(str$(s),1)
- 3109 sysad+24,19,3,"[146][152][176][177][178][179]"+s$
- 3110 gosub2190
- 3115 pk=1050+xx:co=7:gosub210
- 3120 getlt$:iflt$=""then3120
- 3122 iflt$="[136]"thenrr=1:gosub2700:gosub2190:goto3400:rem --- f7
- 3135 iflt$="[134]"then rl$="how.chn":gosub3050:goto3120:rem --- f3
- 3137 iflt$="[133]"thengosub2100:rem --- f1
- 3140 iflt$="[135]"thenpokepk+80,32:pokepk+81,32:gosub3300:goto3105:rem --- f5
- 3145 iflt$<"a"orlt$>"z"then3120
- 3150 gs$=gs$+lt$
- 3155 co=13:lt=asc(lt$):pokepk+80,32:pokepk+81,32
- 3160 gosub200:xx=xx+2:ifxx=8thenpr=23:gosub2110:ifa$<>"[133]"then3200
- 3165 goto3110
- 3169 :
- 3170 wd$="":sysml+9,4:wd$=w$:print" * "wd$
- 3175 wc=wc+80:uw$(wg)=wd$:return
- 3198 :
- 3199 rem --- copy word ---
- 3200 xx=0:ifwc>lm thengosub3250
- 3205 forj=0to6 step2
- 3207 lt=peek(gs+j)-64:pk=wc+(j/2)
- 3210 gosub250:nextj
- 3215 ifmk=1thenpoke781,23:sys59903:poke781,24:sys59903:goto2970
- 3219 :
- 3220 gosub890:pk=1946:gosub900:gosub275:gs$="":goto3105
- 3224 :
- 3225 forx=1to4:lc=asc(mid$(gs$,x,1))
- 3230 poke56143+(lc-65),7:rem highlight alphabet
- 3235 next:gosub275:gs$="":rem ifa$="n"then3242
- 3240 wc=wc+80
- 3241 nm=nm+1:ifnm>pl then nm=1
- 3242 ifnm$(nm)=""then 3241
- 3245 goto3400
- 3249 :
- 3250 gr=gr+1:if gr>5then goto3280
- 3260 wc=gr(gr):return
- 3269 :
- 3270 pp=pk:pk=1050:forx=1to4:lt=asc(mid$(gs$,x,1))
- 3275 gosub200:pk=pk+2:next:pk=pp:return
- 3279 :
- 3280 s=s+1:if s>5 then s=5:gosub3290:goto 2600
- 3285 gr=1:gosub3365:gosub3270:sysad+18,208+(s*8):goto3260
- 3289 :
- 3290 poke781,22:sys 59903:poke781,24:sys59903:forx=1to4
- 3292 sysad+24,12,22,"[156][197]nd of [199]ame ...":fory=1to80:next
- 3294 sysad+24,12,22,"[197]nd of [199]ame ...":fory=1to80:next:next:return
- 3298 :
- 3299 rem --- change screens ---
- 3300 sysad+24,24,0," [151][161][162][161][162][161][162][161][162]"
- 3301 sysad+24,24,1," [151][163][164][163][164][163][164][163][164]"
- 3302 sysad+24,35,1," ":rem clear #
- 3305 sx=s:ifwg>40then3315
- 3307 sysad+24,1,1,"[206]o other screen yet!":forx=1to2000:next
- 3310 sysad+24,1,1," ":xx=0:return
- 3314 :
- 3315 poke 781,23:sys 59903:poke 781,24:sys59903
- 3320 poke214,22:print:printtab(10)"f1[154] -go back to game"
- 3325 print" f5[154] -lower screen f7[154] -higher screen"
- 3327 sys ad+18,104+(s*8):rem ...save
- 3330 geta$:ifa$=""then3330
- 3335 ifa$="[133]"thengoto3380:rem ..... f1
- 3340 ifa$="[135]"thens=s-1:gosub3360:rem f5
- 3345 ifa$="[136]"thens=s+1:gosub3355:rem f7
- 3350 goto3320
- 3355 ifs>4thens=4
- 3357 ifs*40>=wg+40thens=s-1
- 3360 ifs<1thens=1
- 3365 sysad+21,104+(s*8)
- 3370 s$=right$(str$(s),1):sysad+24,19,3,"[152][176][177][178][179]"+s$
- 3375 return
- 3380 xx=0:s=sx:sysad+21,104+(s*8):rem ..... restore
- 3385 poke781,22:sys 59903:poke781,24:sys59903:gosub275:return
- 3399 rem --- test last name for gm2
- 3400 x=0:fory=1topl:ifnm$(y)<>""then x=x+1
- 3410 next:if x=1then yw=2:goto2600
- 3420 goto3105
- 9998 end
- 9999 :
- 10000 print"[147]scratching chain letters"
- 10001 d=peek(186):n$="0:chain letters":open15,d,15,"s"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=8to29:poke820+i,i:next:ifdv>8anddv<30thenpoke828,dv:poke820+dv,8
- 40010 a$="presenter":gosub40030:a$="hello connect":gosub40030
- 40020 print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40030 forj=8to29:i=peek(820+j):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:return
- 40070 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end