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- (TYB-C64)
- Program and Text by Doreen Horne
- ML Module by Craig Bruce
- and Doreen Horne
- This is an adaption for the C64
- of Craig Bruce's C128 program LITTLE
- RED READER which transfers files
- between MSDOS and CBM formats. TYB
- requires that MSDOS disk operations
- be done on a 1581 or compatible
- drive. On the CBM side any drive can
- be used.
- Being for the C64 has imposed
- certain restrictions on the number of
- MSDOS and CBM files that can be
- handled. The C128 has the great
- advantage of being able to store its
- BASIC variables in BANK1 and use the
- whole of BANK0 from $1C01 to $FF00 or
- thereabouts for both a BASIC program
- and storage space.
- The TYB-C64 BASIC program, whilst
- based on the original LLR for the
- C128 has had to be trimmed severely
- (couldn't compete at all with the
- expanded V2.7 on LS C128#41). To
- provide more memory for BASIC
- variables TYB has its binary code at
- $C000. Other than that I only made
- such alterations as were necessary
- for the C64 (some locations in zero
- page which were used for storage of
- machine code variables by the C128
- cannot be used for this purpose by
- the C64 and vice versa). Also the
- burst protocol which the 1581 and
- compatible drives can use when driven
- by a C128 had to be replaced by other
- code.
- Even the SUPER CPU/C64 cannot
- increase the the clock speed of the
- C64's serial port to the necessary 2
- Mhz required for the burst protocol
- used by LRR when accessing MSDOS
- disks. (I confirmed this with CMD).
- Using the replacement code, TYB-
- C64 does not need Jiffy-DOS anywhere
- at all but transfer speed is much
- improved when Jiffy-DOS is involved
- and Fender has confirmed that it runs
- successfully even with RAMLink.
- You may ask why a C64 version at
- all? My C128 equipment is slowly
- giving up. I already have two C128C
- keyboards and a 1571 drive out of
- action and have only my C128D still
- in working order. Secondhand
- equipment is hard to come by and no
- one is able and willing (and has
- spares) to repair that which comes to
- a halt. Australia is PC country!
- I found to my dismay that the BIG
- BLUE READER/C64 will not even read a
- disk directory file which is longer
- than 1000 (probably 1023) blocks so
- the only way forward is to make the
- hardy C64 (with the assistance of
- Craig Bruce's adapted LRR) do the
- job.
- As the newer PCs run only on 3.5
- inch disks there seems no point in
- including code for 5.25 inch MSDOS
- disks. TYB-C64 needs two drives and
- whatever does the MSDOS work needs to
- be 1581 compatible. The 1581 will
- write only to a 3.5 inch disk
- formatted in 720K MSDOS format.
- WINDOWS does this for me. However if
- an FD is used for MSDOS writing, like
- LRR, TYB will write to a disk in the
- high density 1.4M format.
- The maximum number of MSDOS files
- that can be accessed is the first 30
- on the disk and likewise the first 30
- on the CBM disk. This had to be done
- to avoid "out of memory" problems and
- interminable garbage collections by
- the C64. Everything else works much
- the same as does LRR. Available free
- disk space is the only limit to the
- size of files which can be
- transferred. These transfer from disk
- to disk via a memory buffer of 1024
- bytes.
- For those who may not have used
- LRR what follows are some quick "how
- to use" instructions. More "how it
- works" information is found in
- Craig's docs on LS 128 #41.
- The program always reverts to one
- of the two main screens, either the
- MSDOS directory screen or the one for
- the C64 directory. As with LRR the
- program can be used as an ordinary
- file copier but if you intend getting
- involved with MSDOS transfers then
- the first thing to do is decide the
- device numbers of your CBM and MSDOS
- drives, using the F and M keys
- respectively.
- With device numbers selected
- ensure you are in the MSDOS screen
- (see top left hand corner) then type
- D to load the MSDOS directory even if
- it is at that stage an empty
- formatted disk.
- [CBM to MSDOS]
- To transfer files from the CBM
- disk to the MSDOS disk use the swap
- key "/" (slash) to produce the CBM
- screen, then use D to access the CBM
- directory.
- The files will be presented as
- BIN(ary)/P(RG) or ASC(ii)/S(EQ)
- depending on their type in the CBM
- directory. All SEQ files (shown as
- ASC) will be translated to TRUEASCII
- by the program unless the ASC is
- changed to BIN. If you wish to
- transfer the selected file to MSDOS
- format to be used by that system as
- an "attachment" for further
- transmission to a CBM system then the
- file information should be changed to
- BIN(ary). All files designated BIN
- are transferred with data exactly as
- saved on the CBM disk.
- For use as email on a PC system
- it may need translation to TRUEASCII.
- Only a file in CBMASCII will
- translate correctly so you need to
- ensure that the word processor you
- use to write this file in the first
- place saves the file as CBMASCII and
- not screen codes. If the file is
- saved as TRUEASCII you won't need
- translation and the BIN option should
- be selected.
- The cursor is at the top of the
- column marked S(elect) at first.
- Using the T key at this point will
- toggle/select for transfer all the
- files presented. An "*" is shown
- against each. The T key used again
- de-selects the lot. Using the CRSR
- keys up and down in this column and
- typing RETURN alongside a selected
- name will produce the "*" against
- that name only.
- Similarly typing RETURN over BIN
- or ASC in the TRN column changes the
- translation status of that particular
- file.
- When the selection process is
- complete type C and the files marked
- with the "*' will be copied to your
- MSDOS disk.
- [MSDOS to CBM]
- To copy from an MSDOS disk to a
- CBM disk ensure that you are using
- the MSDOS screen (see top left hand
- corner and use "/" to get there if
- you are not). Use D to acquire the
- directory of the MSDOS disk.
- It is presented in much the same
- format as the CBM directory and the
- selection and TRN columns work in the
- same way but should you require the
- result as a SEQ file then take the
- CRSR key to the TYP column and type
- RETURN. Similarly changing BIN to ASC
- will ensure its translation from
- TRUEASCII to CBMASCII. Use C to copy
- when ready and the files will be
- saved to your CBM disk.
- If there are more than 17 files
- in your directories the balance is
- shown on the second page and you can
- get between the two screens
- containing the directory by using the
- "+" and "-" keys.
- [REMOVE:] When you have the MSDOS
- directory on screen you can REMOVE
- unwanted files by using R(emove). The
- process is irreversible and what is
- more this does not make inaccessible
- files, if there are any, in the MSDOS
- directory available. The "cancelled"
- space is only written over when a new
- file is saved to the MSDOS disk.
- Whilst files transferred to MSDOS use
- only 32 bytes in the MSDOS directory,
- a file written to the disk by a PC
- does on occasion use 64 bytes of
- directory space and in the worst case
- one could only have 10 files on the
- directory available to TYB.
- [CBM/CBM COPY:] To use the program
- as an ordinary CBM file copier two
- drives are still required but two
- 1541s will do. Ensure that you have
- used the F key to nominate the source
- device and have the source directory
- available on the CBM screen. If you
- wish to change the source disk type D
- for a new directory. Select your
- files and type X. You will need to
- provide the device number of the
- destination drive then copying of the
- selected files will proceed.
- In the MSDOS/CBM copying process
- disk errors do happen. MSDOS #255
- usually occurs if you try to load the
- directory when you still have a CBM
- disk in the drive. Change the disk
- and type D again. It sometimes also
- occurs if you try to read the same
- MSDOS disk a second time. Whatever
- the situation try typing D again.
- Error #3 (no address mark
- detected on MSDOS disk) also turns up
- sometimes when transferring, which
- brings to a halt the copying process
- of the file concerned. When this
- happens during transfer from MSDOS to
- CBM one does sometimes succeed in
- getting the job done by having
- another go when the screen indicates
- that all other files selected have
- been dealt with. When re-transferring
- to CBM one need not scratch the
- incomplete destination file. The
- program will do it for you after a
- request.
- Transferring from CBM to MSDOS is
- another matter. If I understand the
- original LRR documentation for the
- C128 correctly it seems that after
- the first fault one can recopy the
- file to the same disk although there
- appears to be snags about its
- subsequent recovery. In my testing I
- did not encounter any faults during
- this process. If it does occur I will
- use a newly formatted MSDOS disk when
- trying again, and then endeavour to
- transfer back to CBM any prior files
- of importance on the questionable
- disk for retransfer to a better
- disk.
- Errors on the CBM side cause the
- file being read/written to be closed.
- They are reported and are usually
- either a READ ERROR (corrupted
- sector) or DISK FULL.
- There is one other thing which
- persons who write files for email on
- their CBM word processors have
- probably already discovered. Keeping
- the filename to eight or less
- characters with a trailing .TXT makes
- it easier to "insert" into the PC
- system. Don't forget the need for
- Another interesting fact for
- users of a 1581 and MSDOS disks in
- 720K format is that the CBM disk has
- a larger capacity than the MSDOS
- disk. A newly formatted CBM disk with
- its 3160 blocks free can hold 808960
- bytes whereas the MSDOS disk has only
- 730112 bytes (2852 blocks) available
- for use. As these are used in units
- of 1024 bytes quite a bit gets wasted
- if a program ends near the beginning
- of a unit. The high density MSDOS
- disk works in allocation units of 512
- bytes. The CBM using a sector of 256
- bytes at a time doesn't waste disk
- space to the same extent.
- When transferring between CBM and
- MSDOS it is a good idea to keep an
- eye on the FRE bytes available on the
- destination disk. If MSDOS space runs
- out an error #00 will be reported.
- For generously making his
- equipment available to me for testing
- with JIFFY-DOS I do thank Merv
- Carroll. My thanks too to Ivan Blitz,
- who tested the program for me and
- made sure that I had the equipment I
- needed, and to Reiner Richter who
- advised me that he'd been able to
- write to and read from high density
- MSDOS disks using TYB before I was
- even satisfied that I was getting the
- correct results on 720K format.
- When all seemed to be going well
- on our PAL systems, I sent the files
- to Fender, only for him to find that
- I had managed to create an NTSC/PAL
- incompatibility. To Fender my thanks
- for repeatedly testing "another
- possible correction", usually in the
- early hours of his morning, until it
- finally all came right.
- Endeavouring to convert the
- original LRR to work on the C64 gave
- my 1581 drives a hard time for
- several months whilst I tried to
- figure out how to read from and write
- to PC disks. Useful available
- literature on the subject does not
- seem to exist. Without the original
- binary code and BASIC program written
- by Craig Bruce I probably would never
- have got any further than that.
- My thanks to him for generously
- making his LRR available in the
- public domain.
- Doreen Horne
- Brisbane, Australia
- August 2000
- [FENDER'S POSTMUMBLE:] It's a good
- thing email is cheap because Doreen
- and I did a lot of it getting this
- program ready for publishing. Copying
- from MSDOS tp CBM was no problem; it
- worked on the first version Doreen
- sent, and it worked on every other
- version. It was the CBM to MSDOS
- copying that gave us fits.
- I kept getting corrupted directories
- on the MSDOS when I wrote to them on
- my high-end system, which has a
- SuperCPU and RAMLink. Later versions
- would work on my second system, as
- long as I disabled RAMLink.
- But Doreen persevered (as I knew she
- would) and this latest version she
- sent works for me on both systems,
- with or without RAMLink. The SuperCPU
- does have to be switched down to 1
- MHz, but that's expected for any
- program that does heavy-duty writing,
- especially to a foreign disk.
- We all have friends and relatives
- with PCs. Now, thanks to Doreen Horne
- and Craig Bruce, anyone with a
- Commodore computer and a 3.5 inch
- drive can share files with them.