home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 poke52,127:poke56,127:clr:poke53371,0
- 2 dim tl$(36),ga%(17,10),co$(36),ss%(7),om%(143)
- 3 dim ra%(10),rb%(10),ca%(17),cb%(17)
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 15 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:gosub60000
- 18 tq=ti
- 20 rem sys57812"mouse2.1 4k c000",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
- 30 ml=49152:mv=ml+180:bl=ml+54:sysml
- 40 fori=0 to 45:read a:poke 39936+i,a:next
- 50 data 169,144,133,178,160,0,169,255,133,180,162,0,189,0,158,197,180,176,4,134
- 60 data 179,133,180,232,228,178,208,240,165,179,153,0,157,166,179,169,255,157
- 70 data 0,158,200,196,178,208,217,96
- 100 rem sysbl,"f.shisen",dv,136*256
- 102 ifti<tq+200then102
- 200 gosub 9000:sl=64
- 210 goto6300
- 299 end
- 2000 :
- 2005 sysml+3:poke53269,0
- 2020 open15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15
- 2030 open8,dv,8,n$+",s,w"
- 2040 fori=3 to 7:print#8,ss%(i):next:close8
- 2050 sysml:poke53269,1:return
- 2100 :
- 2110 fori=1 to 7:ss%(i)=0:next
- 2115 open15,dv,15,"r0:"+n$+"="+n$:input#15,a$:close15
- 2120 if a$<>"63" then 2150
- 2130 open8,dv,8,n$+",s,r"
- 2140 fori=3 to 7:input#8,ss%(i):next:close8
- 2150 return
- 2500 :
- 2505 if gc=0 then 2590
- 2550 ss%(2)=ss%(2)+1:ss%(4)=ss%(4)+1:if ss%(7)<1 then ss%(7)=ss%(7)-1
- 2560 if ss%(7)>=0 then ss%(7)=-1
- 2570 if ss%(7)<ss%(6) then ss%(6)=ss%(7)
- 2580 gosub2000
- 2590 return
- 3000 :
- 3010 sys ml+12,10,10,"[169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 3020 sys ml+12,10,11,"[171] [195]ongratulations! [171]"
- 3030 sys ml+12,10,12,"[171] [217]ou [211]olved [201]t! [171]"
- 3040 sys ml+12,10,13,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 3050 ss%(1)=ss%(1)+1:ss%(3)=ss%(3)+1:if ss%(7)>0 then ss%(7)=ss%(7)+1
- 3060 if ss%(7)<1 then ss%(7)=1
- 3070 if ss%(7)>ss%(5) then ss%(5)=ss%(7)
- 3080 gc=0:gosub2000
- 3090 goto4100
- 4000 :
- 4005 sysml+6,32768+704:poke53269,1
- 4100 sysml+9
- 4102 if ti>30 and ts>0 then goto 4900
- 4105 if l2%=0 then 4100
- 4110 if cy%=1 and cx%>18 then goto 6000
- 4115 if cx%<4 or cx%>41 or cy%<3 or cy%>20 then 4999
- 4120 tc=int((cx%-2)/2):tr=int((cy%-1)/2)
- 4125 if ga%(tc,tr)=0 then 4100
- 4130 if ts=0 then ts=ga%(tc,tr):r1=tr:c1=tc:goto4900
- 4135 if ga%(tc,tr)<>ts then 4100
- 4140 if tc=c1 and tr=r1 then fc=2:goto4900
- 4150 :
- 4200 gosub7000:if pf=1 then 4500
- 4450 :
- 4455 sysml+12,13,23,"[206]o [208]ath [198]ound!":sysml+24,120
- 4465 sysml+12,13,23," ":goto4100
- 4500 :
- 4505 sysml+12,2*tc+2,2*tr+1,tl$(0)
- 4510 sysml+12,2*c1+2,2*r1+1,tl$(0)
- 4520 ga%(tc,tr)=0:ga%(c1,r1)=0:ts=0:mf=mf+1:if mf=72 then 3000
- 4525 goto4100
- 4900 if fc=0 then dx$=" [157][157] ":fc=1:goto4920
- 4910 dx$=co$(ts)+tl$(ts):i=fc:fc=0:ifi=2 then ts=0
- 4920 sysml+12,2*c1+2,2*r1+1,dx$
- 4930 ti$="000000"
- 4999 goto4100
- 5000 :
- 5010 sysml+12,14,23,"shuffling...":ap=1:qr=0
- 5015 x=rnd(-gn):sysml+12,13,1," ":print"[157][157][157][157][157][157]"gn;
- 5017 fori=3 to 20:sysml+12,1,i," ":next
- 5018 s1=143:s2=255:s3=40448:s4=40192:mf=0:ts=0
- 5020 fori=0tos1:pokes3+i,int(s2*rnd(1)):next
- 5035 sys39936
- 5060 k=0:fori=1to16:forj=1 to 9:ga%(i,j)=1+peek(s4+k)/4:k=k+1
- 5070 sysml+12,2*i+2,2*j+1,co$(ga%(i,j))+tl$(ga%(i,j))
- 5080 next:next:sysml+12,14,23,"[144] ":goto4000
- 6000 :
- 6010 ms=1+int((cx%-19)/5):if ms>4 then 4100
- 6020 on ms goto 6100,6800,6500,6900
- 6090 goto4100
- 6100 sysml+39,sl
- 6110 sysml+12,17,10,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6120 sysml+12,17,11,"[171][206][197][215] [171]"
- 6130 sysml+12,17,12,"[171][211][197][204][197][195][212] [171]"
- 6140 sysml+12,17,13,"[171][210][197][211][212][193][210][212][171]"
- 6150 sysml+12,17,14,"[171][195][193][206][195][197][204] [171]"
- 6160 sysml+12,17,15,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6170 sysml+33,18,24,11,14,0,6+128,""
- 6180 sysml+42,sl
- 6185 if gc=1 and sl%>0 and sl%<4 then gosub2500
- 6187 gc=0
- 6190 on sl% goto 6300,6200,6400,6490
- 6200 sysml+12,17,10,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6210 sysml+12,17,11,"[171][199][193][205][197] # [171]"
- 6220 sysml+12,17,12,"[171] [171]"
- 6230 sysml+12,17,13,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6240 sysml+12,18,12,"":w$=" ":w$="":r$=chr$(13):d$=chr$(20):e$="[157] [157]":j=0
- 6241 geta$:if a$="" then 6241
- 6242 if a$=r$ and j>0 then 6250
- 6243 if j>4 and a$<>d$ then 6241
- 6244 if a$>="0" and a$<="9" then w$=w$+a$:j=j+1:printa$;:goto6241
- 6245 if a$=d$ and j>0 then j=j-1:printe$;:if j>0 then w$=left$(w$,j)
- 6246 if j=0 then w$=""
- 6247 goto6241
- 6250 gn=val(w$):if gn>32767 then gn=32767
- 6260 sysml+42,sl
- 6270 gc=1:goto6400
- 6300 gc=1:gn=int(32768*rnd(1))
- 6400 goto5000
- 6490 goto4100
- 6500 sysml+39,sl
- 6505 sysml+9:ifl1%>0 then 6505
- 6510 sysml+12,3,4,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6515 sysml+12,3,5,"[171] [211][200][201][211][197][206]-[211][200][207] [171]"
- 6520 sysml+12,3,6,"[171] [171]"
- 6525 sysml+12,3,7,"[171] [198]ind matching pairs of tiles [171]"
- 6530 sysml+12,3,8,"[171] that are adjacent or can be [171]"
- 6535 sysml+12,3,9,"[171] connected by 3 or fewer [171]"
- 6540 sysml+12,3,10,"[171] horizontal and/or vertical [171]"
- 6545 sysml+12,3,11,"[171] line segments, without passing [171]"
- 6550 sysml+12,3,12,"[171] through another tile. [171]"
- 6552 sysml+12,3,13,"[171] [171]"
- 6555 sysml+12,3,14,"[171] [211]tatistics are kept of your [171]"
- 6560 sysml+12,3,15,"[171] wins, losses, and streaks [171]"
- 6562 sysml+12,3,16,"[171] [171]"
- 6565 sysml+12,3,17,"[171] [211]how [205]e a [205]atch [171]"
- 6567 sysml+12,3,18,"[171] [210]eturn to [199]ame [171]"
- 6570 sysml+12,3,19,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6575 sysml+33,12,26,17,18,0,6+128,""
- 6580 sysml+63:sysml+42,sl
- 6590 if sl%=2 then 4100
- 6600 :
- 6602 sysml+39,sl
- 6605 sysml+12,12,10,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6610 sysml+12,12,11,"[171] [211]earching...[144] [171]"
- 6615 sysml+12,12,12,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6620 if ap=0 then 6650
- 6625 fp=0:fori=1to16:forj=1to9:k=ga%(i,j):if k=0 then 6640
- 6630 l=i+1:m=j+1:if k=ga%(i,m) then x1=i:y1=j:x2=i:y2=m:j=9:i=16:fp=1
- 6635 if k=ga%(l,j) then x1=i:y1=j:x2=l:y2=j:j=9:i=16:fp=1
- 6640 next:next
- 6645 ap=fp:if fp=1 then 6750
- 6650 :
- 6655 r2=r1:c2=c1:t1=ts:pf=0:qr=1
- 6656 forii=0to143:x1=0:r1=int(ii/16):c1=ii-16*r1:r1=r1+1:c1=c1+1
- 6657 if ga%(c1,r1)=0 then 6659
- 6658 if ga%(c1-1,r1)=0orga%(c1+1,r1)=0orga%(c1,r1-1)=0orga%(c1,r1+1)=0thenx1=1
- 6659 om%(ii)=x1:next
- 6660 forii=0to142:if om%(ii)=0 then6695
- 6661 r1=int(ii/16):c1=ii-16*r1:r1=r1+1:c1=c1+1:ts=ga%(c1,r1)
- 6662 sysml+12,0,24,str$(ii)
- 6667 if ga%(c1-1,r1)=0 or ga%(c1+1,r1)=0 then 6670
- 6668 if ga%(c1,r1-1)<>0 and ga%(c1,r1+1)<>0 then 6695
- 6670 gosub 7100
- 6675 forjj=ii+1to143:if om%(jj)=0 then6690
- 6676 tr=int(jj/16):tc=jj-16*tr:tr=tr+1:tc=tc+1:t2=ga%(tc,tr)
- 6680 if t2<>ts then 6690
- 6685 gosub7200:if pf=1 then x1=c1:y1=r1:x2=tc:y2=tr:ii=142:jj=143
- 6690 next
- 6695 next:qr=0:ts=t1:c1=c2:r1=r2:sysml+12,0,24," ":if pf=1 then 6750
- 6700 sysml+12,14,11,"[206]one [198]ound! "
- 6705 sysml+9:if l1%=0 then 6705
- 6710 sysml+42,sl:goto4100
- 6750 :
- 6755 sysml+42,sl:t1$=co$(ga%(x1,y1))+tl$(ga%(x1,y1))
- 6757 t2$=co$(ga%(x2,y2))+tl$(ga%(x2,y2))
- 6760 dx$=" [157][157] ":sysml+12,2*x1+2,2*y1+1,dx$:sysml+12,2*x2+2,2*y2+1,dx$
- 6765 ti$="000000"
- 6770 sysml+9:if l1%=0 and ti<30 then 6770
- 6775 sysml+12,2*x1+2,2*y1+1,t1$:sysml+12,2*x2+2,2*y2+1,t2$:ti$="000000"
- 6780 if l1%>0 then 4100
- 6785 sysml+9:if l1%=0 and ti<30 then 6785
- 6790 if l1%>0 then 4100
- 6795 goto6760
- 6800 sysml+39,sl
- 6805 sysml+9:ifl1%>0 then 6805
- 6810 sysml+12,3,4,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6815 sysml+12,3,5,"[171] [211][212][193][212][201][211][212][201][195][211] [171]"
- 6820 sysml+12,3,6,"[171] ---------- [171]"
- 6825 sysml+12,3,7,"[171] [212]his session: [215]ins: [171]"
- 6830 sysml+12,3,8,"[171] [204]osses: [171]"
- 6835 sysml+12,3,9,"[171] [171]"
- 6840 sysml+12,3,10,"[171] [207]verall: [215]ins: [171]"
- 6845 sysml+12,3,11,"[171] [204]osses: [171]"
- 6850 sysml+12,3,12,"[171] [171]"
- 6855 sysml+12,3,13,"[171] [211]treaks: [171]"
- 6860 sysml+12,3,14,"[171] [215]ins: [171]"
- 6865 sysml+12,3,15,"[171] [204]osses: [171]"
- 6870 sysml+12,3,16,"[171] [195]urrent: [171]"
- 6875 sysml+12,3,17,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6880 v$=str$(ss%(1)):sysml+12,30,7,""+v$:v$=str$(ss%(2)):sysml+12,30,8,v$
- 6885 v$=str$(ss%(3)):sysml+12,30,10,v$:v$=str$(ss%(4)):sysml+12,30,11,v$
- 6890 v$=str$(ss%(5)):sysml+12,15,14,v$:v$=str$(abs(ss%(6))):sysml+12,15,15,v$
- 6892 v$=str$(abs(ss%(7))):sysml+12,15,16,v$:if ss%(7)=0 then v$=""
- 6893 if ss%(7)>0 then v$=" win":if ss%(7)>1 then v$=" wins"
- 6894 if ss%(7)<0 then v$=" loss":if ss%(7)<-1 then v$=" losses"
- 6895 printv$;:sysml+63
- 6896 sysml+9:if l1%=0 then 6896
- 6898 sysml+42,sl:goto4100
- 6900 :
- 6905 sysml+39,sl
- 6910 sysml+12,17,10,"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][168]"
- 6920 sysml+12,17,11,"[171][209][213][201][212] [171]"
- 6930 sysml+12,17,12,"[171][195][193][206][195][197][204] [171]"
- 6940 sysml+12,17,13,"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][167]"
- 6950 sysml+33,18,24,11,12,0,6+128,""
- 6960 sysml+42,sl
- 6970 on sl% goto 10000,4100
- 7000 :
- 7005 pf=0
- 7010 if tc=c1 and (tr=r1+1 or tr=tr-1) then pf=1:goto7500
- 7020 if tr=r1 and (tc=c1+1 or tc=tc-1) then pf=1:goto7500
- 7100 :
- 7105 fori=0 to 10:ra%(i)=0:next:fori=0to17:ca%(i)=0:next
- 7109 r=r1:ra%(r)=1
- 7110 r=r-1:if ga%(c1,r)=0 then ra%(r)=1:if r>0 then 7110
- 7114 r=r1
- 7115 r=r+1:if ga%(c1,r)=0 then ra%(r)=1:if r<10 then 7115
- 7119 c=c1:ca%(c)=1
- 7120 c=c-1:if ga%(c,r1)=0 then ca%(c)=1:if c>0 then 7120
- 7124 c=c1
- 7125 c=c+1:if ga%(c,r1)=0 then ca%(c)=1:if c<17 then 7125
- 7130 if qr=1 then return
- 7200 :
- 7205 fori=0 to 10:rb%(i)=0:next:fori=0to17:cb%(i)=0:next
- 7209 r=tr:rb%(r)=1
- 7210 r=r-1:if ga%(tc,r)=0 then rb%(r)=1:if r>0 then 7210
- 7214 r=tr
- 7215 r=r+1:if ga%(tc,r)=0 then rb%(r)=1:if r<10 then 7215
- 7219 c=tc:cb%(c)=1
- 7220 c=c-1:if ga%(c,tr)=0 then cb%(c)=1:if c>0 then 7220
- 7224 c=tc
- 7225 c=c+1:if ga%(c,tr)=0 then cb%(c)=1:if c<17 then 7225
- 7300 :
- 7305 fori=0 to 10:if ra%(i)=0 or rb%(i)=0 then 7335
- 7310 if c1=tc+1 or c1=tc-1 then pf=1:i=10:goto 7335
- 7315 pf=1:x1=c1+1:x2=tc-1:if tc<c1 then x1=tc+1:x2=c1-1
- 7320 forj=x1 to x2:if ga%(j,i)>0 then j=x2:pf=0
- 7325 next:if pf=1 then i=10
- 7335 next:if pf=1 then 7500
- 7400 :
- 7405 fori=0 to 17:if ca%(i)=0 or cb%(i)=0 then 7435
- 7410 if r1=tr+1 or r1=tr-1 then pf=1:i=17:goto 7435
- 7415 pf=1:x1=r1+1:x2=tr-1:if tr<r1 then x1=tr+1:x2=r1-1
- 7420 forj=x1 to x2:if ga%(i,j)>0 then j=x2:pf=0
- 7425 next:if pf=1 then i=17
- 7435 next
- 7500 return
- 9000 :
- 9005 tl$(0)="[172][173][157][157][174][175]"
- 9010 tl$(1)="[176][177][157][157][178][179]"
- 9020 tl$(2)="[180][181][157][157][182][183]"
- 9030 tl$(3)="[184][185][157][157][186][187]"
- 9040 tl$(4)="[188][189][157][157][190][191]"
- 9050 tl$(5)="@a[157][157] ![146]"
- 9060 tl$(6)="bc[157][157][146][163]#[146]"
- 9070 tl$(7)="de[157][157]$%[146]"
- 9080 tl$(8)="fg[157][157]&'[146]"
- 9090 tl$(9)="hi[157][157]()[146]"
- 9100 tl$(10)="jk[157][157]*+[146]"
- 9110 tl$(11)="lm[157][157],-[146]"
- 9120 tl$(12)="no[157][157]./[146]"
- 9130 tl$(13)="pq[157][157]01[146]"
- 9140 tl$(14)="rs[157][157]23[146]"
- 9150 tl$(15)="tu[157][157]45[146]"
- 9160 tl$(16)="vw[157][157]67[146]"
- 9170 tl$(17)="xy[157][157]89[146]"
- 9180 tl$(18)="z[[157][157]:;[146]"
- 9190 tl$(19)="\][157][157]<=[146]"
- 9200 tl$(20)="^_[157][157]>?[146]"
- 9210 tl$(21)="[162][193][157][157][160][161][146]"
- 9220 tl$(22)="[194][195][157][157][162][163][146]"
- 9230 tl$(23)="[196][197][157][157][164][165][146]"
- 9240 tl$(24)="[198][199][157][157][166][167][146]"
- 9250 tl$(25)="[200][201][157][157][168][169][146]"
- 9260 tl$(26)="[202][203][157][157][170][171][146]"
- 9270 tl$(27)="[204][205][157][157][172][173][146]"
- 9280 tl$(28)="[206][207][157][157][174][175][146]"
- 9290 tl$(29)="[208][209][157][157][176][177][146]"
- 9300 tl$(30)="[210][211][157][157][178][179][146]"
- 9310 tl$(31)="[212][213][157][157][180][181][146]"
- 9320 tl$(32)="[214][215][157][157][182][183][146]"
- 9330 tl$(33)="[216][217][157][157][184][185][146]"
- 9340 tl$(34)="[218][219][157][157][186][187][146]"
- 9350 tl$(35)="[220][221][157][157][188][189][146]"
- 9360 tl$(36)="[255][223][157][157][190][191][146]"
- 9370 fori=1to36:readco$(i):next
- 9375 data"[129]","[149]","[154]","[150]","[153]","[150]","[152]","[153]","[150]","[150]","[152]","[154]","[129]","[150]","[152]","[154]"
- 9380 data"[129]","[150]","[150]","[129]","[151]","[152]","[153]","[154]","[129]","[150]","[151]","[152]","[154]","[150]","[154]","[152]"
- 9385 data"[149]","[151]","[150]","[129]"
- 9600 ml=49152:mv=ml+180:pokemv+1,159:sysml
- 9900 poke53280,11:poke53281,12:poke53282,7:poke53283,0
- 9905 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1:poke648,132
- 9910 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or2:print"[147]";
- 9915 poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 9920 print"[144][169][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][165][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][165][170][170][170][170][165][170][170][170][170][165][170][170][170][170][165][170][170][170][170][168]";
- 9925 print"[171][211][200][201][211][197][206]-[211][200][207][144][171] [171][199]ame[171][211]tat[171][200]elp[171][209]uit[171]";
- 9930 print"[166][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][164][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][164][170][170][170][170][164][170][170][170][170][164][170][170][170][170][164][170][170][170][170][167]";
- 9940 fori=1to4:x1(i)=14+5*i:x2(i)=x1(i)+3:next
- 9950 gn=rnd(-ti)
- 9955 sysml+12,5,10,"[197]nter your name: ":l9=12:gosub50000:n$="sss."+left$(q9$,12)
- 9960 gosub 2100:rem read stats
- 9990 return
- 10000 :
- 10010 if gc=1 then gosub 2500
- 10020 sysml+3:poke53269,0:q$=chr$(34)
- 10022 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3:poke648,4
- 10024 print"[147]";
- 10026 poke53270,peek(53270)and239
- 10030 print"[147]":goto40000
- 20000 d=peek(186):n$="0:shisen-sho.b":open1,d,15,"s"+n$:close1:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=8to29:poke820+i,i:next:ifdv>8anddv<30thenpoke828,dv:poke820+dv,8
- 40010 a$="presenter":gosub40030:a$="hello connect":gosub40030
- 40020 print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40030 forj=8to29:i=peek(820+j):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:return
- 40070 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 50000 q9$="":poke198,0
- 50010 geta$
- 50020 poke646,rnd(1)*15+1:print"-[157]";:ifa$=""then50010
- 50030 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":return
- 50040 if(a$=chr$(20)andlen(q9$))thenq9$=left$(q9$,len(q9$)-1):goto50090
- 50050 iflen(q9$)>=l9then50010
- 50060 ifa$<" "or(a$>chr$(127)anda$<chr$(160))ora$=chr$(34)then50010
- 50070 q9$=q9$+a$
- 50080 print""a$;:goto50010
- 50090 print" [157] [157][157]";:goto50010
- 60000 print"[147]":z$=" [152] ":poke214,10:print
- 60010 print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184]":fori=0to8:printz$:next
- 60020 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][152]"
- 60030 z$(0)="[211] [200] [201] [211] [197] [206] - [211] [200] [207]":z$(2)="by [203]. & [210]. [211]laminko"
- 60040 z$(4)="([195]) 2000 by [202] & [198] [208]ublishing, [201]nc."
- 60070 z$(6)="1-318-868-8727"
- 60090 poke214,12:print
- 60100 fori=0to6:printtab(20-(len(z$(i))/2))""z$(i):next:return