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- 1 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 2 dima%(32,5)
- 6 sys51200
- 7 a=rnd(-ti)
- 8 tem=32768:poke32808,1:poke24568,250
- 9 sys57812"manhunt font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,8:sys65493
- 10 up=49152:dn=49155:poke53272,19
- 11 gosub5000
- 12 mu=1:xm=0
- 17 forx=0to63:poke832+x,0:next:forx=0to7:poke2040+x,13:next
- 100 deffni(x)=peek(x)+256*peek(x+1)
- 1000 pp=fni(tem+30):pc=fni(tem+32)
- 1005 dy=fni(tem+34):ag=fni(tem+36)
- 1010 dm$=" double [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] move [146]"
- 2000 forx=0to5:pokepp+x,int(rnd(1)*52)
- 2001 system+12:system+12
- 2005 pokepc+x,48
- 2010 next
- 2015 forx=0to6:reada(x):poke53287+x,a(x):next
- 2016 data7,8,6,5,12,4,0
- 2017 gosub4000
- 2018 poke163,0:poke164,209:print"[147]"
- 2020 system+6
- 2025 gosub7000:system+21:sys32812
- 2026 forx=1to5:ifpeek(pp+x)=peek(pp)thenx=6
- 2037 next:ifx>6thengoto3500
- 2038 rem show dr x
- 2039 rem poke781,6:poke782,peek(pp):system
- 2040 ifpeek(ag)>0thengosub3000
- 2050 forx=1to5:ifpeek(pc+x)>0thenpoke53280,a(x)
- 2060 poke780,x:system+18:ifpeek(pp+x)=peek(pp)thenx=6
- 2065 ifpeek(197)=62thenqt=1:x=6
- 2070 ifpeek(180)=255thenx=6
- 2080 next:poke53280,0:ifqt=1then8000
- 2081 qt=0:ifx>6then3500
- 2085 poke53269,peek(53269)and190
- 2090 forx1=1to1500:next
- 2110 ifpeek(dy)=0then3700
- 2120 forx=1to5:ifpeek(pc+x)<>0thenx=6
- 2130 next:ifx=6then3700
- 2140 forx=1to5:ifpeek(pp)=peek(pp+x)thenx=6
- 2150 next:ifx>6then3500
- 2160 goto2025
- 3000 ifxm>peek(181)thenreturn
- 3001 xm=xm+1:poke781,21:poke782,14:poke783,0:sys65520
- 3002 printdm$:system+12:
- 3003 rem poke781,6:poke782,peek(pp):system
- 3004 return
- 3500 poke53287,0:poke24568,249:poke781,0:poke782,peek(pp)
- 3505 gosub7000
- 3510 system:print"[147]":poke781,21:poke782,0
- 3520 poke783,0:sys65520
- 3530 print" you have captured dr. ecks and saved
- 3540 [153] " t h e n a t i o n
- 3541 print" review: press fire
- 3542 [153]" rwaiteview, pwaitlay again or qwaituit?";
- 3543 [139][194](dy)[177]21[167][151]181,([194](181)[170]1)[175]255
- 3550 [151]198,0
- 3560 [161]z$:[139]z$[178]""[167]3560
- 3570 [139]z$[178]"p"[167]3600
- 3575 [139]z$[178]"r"[167][141]7100:[137]3550
- 3580 [139]z$[179][177]"q"[167]3550
- 3585 [141]41000:[137]8000
- 3590 [153]"load":[158]32809:[151]53269,0:[158]tem[170]27:[151]53280,15:[151]53281,15:[137]40000
- 3600 [151]53280,15:[151]53281,15:[151]53269,0:[153]"sysload":[141]41000:[158]tem[170]27
- 3610 [158]32809:[129]x[178]0[164]500:[130]:[138]1
- 3700 [151]24568,249:[151]53287,0:[151]781,0:[151]782,[194](pp)
- 3705 [141]7000
- 3710 [158]tem:[153]"load":[151]781,21:[151]782,0
- 3720 [151]782,0:[158]65520
- 3730 [153]"stop you have failed! the nation is doomed!"
- 3740 [153] " what will the director say?
- 3750 goto3541
- 4000 data"the year is 2015. the new national "
- 4001 data"monorail train system is complete. "
- 4002 data"electric cars zip silently along our "
- 4003 data"new interstate system, and hydrogen- "
- 4004 data"powered rocket planes fly between "
- 4005 data"cities without pollution. "
- 4006 data" "
- 4007 data"the notorious dr. ecks, recently "
- 4008 data"escaped from federal prison, now "
- 4009 data"threatens to detonate a nuclear device"
- 4010 data"in exactly 31 days! "
- 4011 data" "
- 4012 data"you and four other federal agents must"
- 4013 data"track him down before this catastrophe."
- 4014 data"traveling the country by car, train, "
- 4015 data"and plane, weave an inpenetrable net "
- 4016 data"to stop this insane criminal. you have"
- 4017 data"$4800 each in travel credits. cars, "
- 4018 data"which travel between smaller towns, "
- 4019 data"rent for $100/day. trains between "
- 4020 data"larger cities cost $200/trip. and the"
- 4021 data"planes, whizzing between red-marked "
- 4022 data"cities, cost $400/flight. each agent "
- 4023 data"must move each day. when an agent's "
- 4024 data"credit is exhausted, he/she is stuck. "
- 4025 data" "
- 4026 data"dr. ecks moves first, and has found "
- 4027 data"ways to confound the instat computer. "
- 4028 data"the computer will usually know what "
- 4029 data"mode of transportation dr. ecks used, "
- 4030 data"and occasionally be able to give the "
- 4031 data"exact location. if pressed, dr. ecks "
- 4032 data"will take a 'double move', traveling "
- 4033 data"through the night by untraceable means."
- 4034 data" "
- 4035 data"each agent moves in turn. use the joy-"
- 4036 data"stick to move the yellow marker to "
- 4037 data"the desired destination. press 'fire'"
- 4038 data"to move the agent. "
- 4039 data" "
- 4040 data"good luck! "
- 4041 data" "
- 4042 data"to quit, hold down q and press fire. "
- 4043 data"[152]to toggle the music, press m[152]. [154]this "
- 4044 data"[154]program was written and produced by "
- 4045 data" david m. moorman "
- 4100 dimb$(45):forx=0to45:readb$(x):next:bb=0
- 4110 poke214,16:print
- 4120 forx=0to4:print"[146]"b$(x):next
- 4130 poke214,22:print:print" use joystick to scroll...fire to play [146]"
- 4139 ifrnd(1)<.1thenonint(rnd(1)*4)+1gosub6100,6101,6102,6103
- 4140 pq=peek(56320):ifpq<>126andpq<>125andpq<>111then4139
- 4145 ifpq=111then4170
- 4150 ifpq=125then4160
- 4152 ifbbthensysdn,0,17,39,5,0
- 4154 bb=bb-1:ifbb<0thenbb=0:goto4140
- 4156 poke214,16:print:printb$(bb)
- 4158 goto4139
- 4160 ifbb<41thensysup,0,17,39,5,0
- 4162 bb=bb+1:ifbb>41thenbb=41
- 4164 poke214,20:print:printb$(bb+4)
- 4168 goto4139
- 4170 sys19047:sys32809:print"[147]":return
- 5000 poke163,0:poke164,0:system+24
- 5200 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:print"[147][144] loadstar presents:
- 5205 [141]6000
- 5210 [153]"step wait step "
- 5220 [153]"step wait step wait
- 5230 print"[169] [146] [146] [223][146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [223][146] [146] [146]
- 5240 [153]"step waitstep waitstep wait wait wait wait(NULL) wait fre wait wait wait wait(NULL) wait wait
- 5250 print"[169] [146][169] [146][169] [146] [162] [146] [146] [146] [146] [146] [184] [146] [146] [146] [146]
- 5260 [153]"stop for doctor ecks
- 5270 print"[129] by david m. moorman
- 5280 [158]32812
- 5285 [143] sys19047
- 5290 [142]
- 6000 mo$[178]"andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandright$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$mid$(NULL)andand"
- 6001 ca$[178]" (NULL)(NULL)"
- 6003 pl$[178]" "[170]pl$[170]" "
- 6010 [153]"contandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandand"
- 6011 [153]" chr$ chr$ chr$ chr$ chr$ chr$ chr$ chr$"
- 6012 [153]"print#frefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre"
- 6020 [142]
- 6100 [129]x[178][195](mo$)[164]1[169][171]2:[153]"cont"[202](mo$,x,40)"":[130]:[142]
- 6101 [129]x[178]1[164][195](mo$)[169]2:[153]"cont"[202](mo$,x,40)"":[130]:[142]
- 6102 [129]x[178][195](ca$)[164]1[169][171]1:[153]""[202](ca$,x,40)"":[130]:[142]
- 6103 [129]x[178]1[164][195](pl$)[169]4:[153]"poke"[202](pl$,x,40)""
- 6105 [139](x[177]3)[175](x[179]14)[167][153]"cmdcmdcmdcmd ";
- 6106 [130]:[142]
- 7000 [129]x[178]0[164]5:a%([194](dy),x)[178][194](pp[170]x):[130]:[142]
- 7100 [151]53280,7:[151]53281,2:[143] poke164,255
- 7101 [129]q[178]32[164][194](dy)[169][171]1:[151]781,0:[151]782,a%(q,0):[158]tem:[129]r[178]1[164]200:[130]
- 7102 [129]x[178]1[164]5:[151]781,x:[151]782,a%(q,x):[158]tem:[130]
- 7115 [129]y[178]1[164]100:[130]:[158]tem[170]3:[139]([194](780)[175]16)[178]0[167]7115
- 7130 [130]:[151]53280,0:[151]53281,1: [151]164,209:[142]
- 8000 [151]53280,1:[153]:[153]"loadstop return to loadstar? (y/n)";
- 8010 a[178][194](164):[129]x[178]a[164]0[169][171]8:[151]164,x:[130]
- 8020 [151]198,0
- 8030 [139][194](198)[178]0[167]8030
- 8040 [161]z$:[139]z$[178]"n"[167][158]tem[170]27:[158]51203:[138]
- 8045 [153]"cmdcmdcmdcmdy
- 8050 gosub41000:goto3590
- 10000 dv=peek(186):n$="manhunt.bs":open15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,dv:end
- 30000 system+3:printpeek(780):goto30000
- 40000 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:dv=peek(186):q$=chr$(34):print"[144][147]";
- 40010 a$="eloadstar":r$=chr$(13)+"r[213]"+chr$(13):q$=chr$(34)
- 40020 close2:open2,dv,2,a$:get#2,b$:close2:ifst=0then40050
- 40030 close15:open15,dv,15,"i0":input#15,en:close15
- 40035 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147][154]"
- 40040 poke44,8:poke8*256,0:poke55,0:poke56,160:poke53272,20:clr:new
- 40050 print"[146]load"q$a$q$","dv""
- 40055 forx=1to4:poke630+x,asc(mid$(r$,x)):next:poke198,4:goto40040
- 41000 poke19971,4:poke54276,0:poke54283,0:poke54290,128:return
- 50000 gosub41000:poke53269,0:system+27:sys51203:end
- 59999 end