home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke816,165:poke817,244:dv=peek(186):if gg=1 then22
- 11 if gg=2 then24
- 12 if gg=3 then26
- 13 if gg=4 then28
- 14 if gg=5 then30
- 16 if gg=6 then60
- 20 gg=1:load"mainspr",dv,1
- 22 gg=2:load"pbchar4",dv,1
- 24 gg=3:load"telscr2",dv,1
- 26 gg=4:load"fastcol",dv,1
- 28 gg=5:load"spr7",dv,1
- 30 gg=6:load"4spr",dv,1
- 59 rem
- 60 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:xx=110:yy=129:gosub60000:gosub51000:rn=rnd(-ti)
- 61 poke774,226:tx=50176+411:v=53248:pokev+16,0:ms=0
- 62 gl=250:cl=14:cm=12:hp=250:ws=5:ap=0
- 63 cy=0:qs=0:qc=0:qh=0:qr=0:qf=0:qm=0:qt=0:qb=0:kf=0:kb=0:dx=0:dy=0:qp=0:pu=0
- 64 tp=0:fd=20:re=0:rw=0:rf=0:ra=0:sz=0:sd=0:tm=800:ox=0:gosub3500:pokev+21,1
- 65 poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 66 poke53282,5:poke53283,12:poke53210,14:sys53200
- 67 sa=35072:dg=0: ea=sa+999:ns=50176:gosub55010
- 68 print"[159]";:goto200
- 69 end
- 70 poke781,py:poke782,px:poke783,0:sys65520:return
- 72 poke53270,peek(53270)and239:end
- 74 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:return
- 75 remgl*
- 76 gl=gl-ct:ifgl<0thengl=gl+ct:goto78
- 77 print:print:print"ok !":gosub98:ng=0:return
- 78 print:print:print"not enough gold !!":gosub98:ng=1:return
- 82 sc=50176:k=sc+41:forp=ktok+37:pokep,zb:next
- 83 k=sc+81:forp=1to21:pokek,zb:pokek+37,zb:k=k+40:next
- 84 k=sc+921:forp=ktok+37:pokep,zb:next:return
- 86 rem
- 87 poke781,zy:poke782,zx:poke783,0:sys65520
- 88 fork=1tozl:printzc$;:next:return
- 92 fork=1tozl:poke781,zy:poke782,zx:poke783,0:sys65520
- 93 printzc$:zy=zy+1:next:return
- 96 rn=int(rnd(1)*rh+1):return
- 98 fork=1totm:next:return
- 100 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:return :remoff
- 102 poke53265,peek(53265)or16:return:remon
- 103 rem*svdng
- 200 js=peek(56320):ss=tx-50176
- 201 iftp=1thentp=0:goto20800
- 204 ifap>20then20000
- 206 ifpeek(197)=60thengosub3000:goto20730
- 208 ifpeek(197)=17then293
- 240 if js=126thenap=ap+1:goto300:remu
- 250 if js=125thenap=ap+1:goto400:remd
- 260 if js=119thenap=ap+1:goto500:remr
- 270 if js=123thenap=ap+1:goto600:reml
- 280 if js=111thenap=ap+1:goto700:remf
- 290 goto200
- 292 rem
- 293 ifdg>5then200:remsxt
- 294 ifsz=0then200
- 295 ss=tx-50176:sy=int(ss/40):sx=ss-(sy*40):py=24:px=2:gosub70:print"[159]";
- 296 print" ";:gosub70:print"x=";:printsx;:print" y=";:printsy;
- 297 gosub98:gosub98:gosub70:print" ";:goto200
- 300 ifpeek(tx-40)<64anddg<5then303
- 301 ifpeek(tx-40)=80then303
- 302 goto200
- 303 forp=1to2
- 304 au=au+1:ifau=4thenau=0
- 305 sa=49408+(au*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 315 poke53249,peek(53249)-4:next:tx=tx-40:ifpeek(53249)=65then1000
- 350 goto200
- 400 ifpeek(tx+40)<64anddg<5then403
- 401 ifpeek(tx+40)=80then403
- 402 goto200
- 403 forp=1to2
- 404 ad=ad+1:ifad=4thenad=0
- 405 sa=49664+(ad*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 415 poke53249,peek(53249)+4:next:tx=tx+40:ifpeek(53249)=225then1200
- 450 goto200
- 500 ifpeek(tx)=80andpeek(tx+41)<>102then200
- 502 ifpeek(tx+1)<64then505
- 503 ifpeek(tx+1)=80then505
- 504 goto200
- 505 ifpeek(53248)=254then563
- 506 forp=1to2
- 507 ar=ar+1:ifar=4thenar=0
- 508 sa=49408+(ar*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 515 poke53248,peek(53248)+4:next:tx=tx+1
- 550 goto200
- 563 ar=ar+1:ifar=4thenar=0
- 565 sa=49408+(ar*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 570 pokev+16,1:ms=1:poke53248,2
- 573 ar=ar+1:ifar=4thenar=0
- 575 sa=49408+(ar*64):ea=sa+63:ns=832:gosub55010
- 576 poke53248,6:tx=tx+1
- 580 goto200
- 600 ifpeek(tx)=80andpeek(tx+41)<>102then200
- 602 ifpeek(tx-1)<64then605
- 603 ifpeek(tx-1)=80then605
- 604 goto200
- 605 ifms=1andpeek(53248)=6then670
- 606 forp=1to2
- 607 al=al+1:ifal=4thenal=0
- 608 sa=49664+(al*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 615 poke53248,peek(53248)-4:next:tx=tx-1
- 650 goto200
- 670 poke53248,2
- 673 al=al+1:ifal=4thenal=0
- 675 sa=49664+(al*64):ea=sa+63:ns=49152:gosub55010
- 676 pokev+16,0:ms=0:poke53248,254:tx=tx-1
- 680 goto200
- 684 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"[159]";
- 686 ifdg=11thenprint"the rune of air !";:poketx,32:ra=1:goto692
- 687 ifdg=21thenprint"a ferry pass & 10 gems !";:poketx,32:gm=gm+10:fp=1:goto692
- 688 ifdg=41thenprint"the rune of water !";:poketx,32:rw=1:goto692
- 690 ifdg=32thenprint"the rune of fire !";:poketx,32:rf=1:goto692
- 692 fork=1to1000:next:gosub70:print" ";:goto200
- 700 ifpeek(tx)=63then684
- 701 rem
- 702 rem
- 710 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"[159]";
- 711 ifpeek(tx)=62thenrh=60:gosub96:gl=gl+rn+1:printrn+1;:print" gold";:goto728
- 712 ifpeek(tx)=60thenrh=9:gosub96:fd=fd+rn+1:printrn+1;:print" food";:goto728
- 713 ifpeek(tx)=27thenrh=9:gosub96:cy=cy+rn+1:printrn+1;:print" crystals";:goto728
- 714 ifpeek(tx)=28then:hb=hb+1:print" herbs";:goto728
- 715 ifpeek(tx)=29thengm=gm+2:print" 2 gems";:goto728
- 720 goto730
- 728 poketx,32:gosub98:py=24:px=1:gosub70:fork=1to30:print" ";:next:goto200
- 730 ifdg=0then740
- 731 ifdg=1then760
- 732 ifdg=2then780
- 733 ifdg=3then800
- 734 ifdg=4then820
- 736 goto200
- 740 iftx=50505then2300
- 742 iftx=50367then900
- 744 iftx=50866then8100
- 750 goto200
- 760 iftx=50730then2000
- 762 iftx=50862then850
- 764 iftx=50383then8300
- 770 goto200
- 780 rem
- 782 iftx=50822then850
- 784 iftx=50554then8700
- 786 goto200
- 800 iftx=50340then2500
- 802 iftx=50900then850
- 804 iftx=50409then2200
- 806 goto200
- 820 iftx=50888then850
- 822 iftx=50427then8500
- 824 iftx=50370then2100
- 826 goto200
- 850 v=53248:pokev+21,0:print"[147]":print"[159]":printtab(10)"telnyr ferry service"
- 852 print:print:print"a return to telnyr"
- 854 print:print"b exit ferry"
- 856 gosub74
- 870 ifa$="a"thendg=0:sa=35072:ms=1:xx=14:yy=89:tx=50407:cl=14:cm=12:goto940
- 872 ifa$="b"then876
- 874 goto856
- 876 sa=35072+(dg*1024):ea=sa+999:ns=50176:gosub55010
- 878 poke53269,1:poke53210,cl:sys53200:goto200
- 900 v=53248:pokev+21,0:ng=0:print"[147][159]":printtab(9)"-telnyr ferry service-"
- 901 ng=0:print:print"[158] price includes return trip"
- 902 print:print"":print"a- forest isle 50 gold"
- 903 print:print"b- tropicania 50 gold"
- 904 print:print"c- lamentia 100 gold"
- 905 print:print"d- devils peaks 400 gold"
- 906 print:print"[159]":print"x exit ferry (space- inventory)":gosub954
- 907 gosub74
- 908 ifa$="a"thenct=50:gosub952:goto916
- 909 ifa$="b"thenct=50:cc=0:gosub952:goto920:remcc=casino
- 910 ifa$="c"thenct=100:gosub952:goto922
- 911 ifa$="d"thenct=400:gosub952:goto918
- 912 ifa$="x"then924
- 913 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto900
- 915 goto909
- 916 gosub76:ifng=1then900
- 917 dg=1:sa=36096:ms=0:xx=70:yy=201:tx=50942:cl=14:cm=8:goto940
- 918 gosub76:ifng=1then900
- 919 dg=2:sa=37120:ms=0:xx=70:yy=184:tx=50862:cl=14:cm=12:goto940
- 920 gosub76:ifng=1then900
- 921 dg=3:sa=38144:ms=0:xx=54:yy=201:tx=50940:cl=14:cm=12:goto940
- 922 gosub76:ifng=1then900
- 923 dg=4:sa=39168:ms=1:xx=22:yy=193:tx=50928:cl=14:cm=12:goto940
- 924 dg=0:sa=35072:ms=1:xx=14:yy=89:tx=50407:cl=14:print"[147]":goto941
- 926 goto914
- 940 print"[147]":print:print"travelling";:forj=1to4:print".";:gosub98:next
- 941 ea=sa+999:ns=50176:gosub55010:pokev,xx:pokev+1,yy
- 942 ifms=0thenpokev+16,0
- 943 ifms=1thenpokev+16,1
- 944 ifdg=3thenpoke50420,32:remadj
- 945 poke53210,cl:sys53200:pokev+21,1
- 950 poke53283,cm:goto200
- 952 iffp=1thenct=0:return
- 954 iffp=1thengosub98:print:print:print"a ferry pass ! free travel anywhere !"
- 955 return
- 960 fd=0:ap=0:hp=hp-10:ifhp<1then37002
- 962 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"";:print"starving !";:gosub98:gosub98
- 964 gosub70:print" ";:goto20001
- 1000 dg=dg-1:v=53248:sd=0
- 1002 if dg=10thenpokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,217:tx=51034:goto8107
- 1004 if dg=9thendg=0:sa=35072:ms=0:xx=102:yy=185:tx=50866:goto1180
- 1008 if dg=20thenpokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,217:tx=51034:goto8307
- 1010 if dg=19thendg=1:sa=36096:ms=0:xx=78:yy=89:tx=50383:goto1180
- 1014 if dg=40thenpokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,217:tx=51034:goto8507
- 1016 if dg=39thendg=4:sa=39168:ms=0:xx=110:yy=97:tx=50427:goto1180
- 1022 if dg=30thenpokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,217:tx=51034:goto8707
- 1024 if dg=31thenpokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,217:tx=51034:goto8807
- 1026 if dg=29thendg=2:sa=37120:ms=0:xx=166:yy=121:tx=50554:goto1180
- 1178 end
- 1180 ea=sa+999:ns=50176:gosub55010:pokev,xx:pokev+1,yy
- 1182 ifms=0thenpokev+16,0
- 1184 ifms=1thenpokev+16,1
- 1186 cl=14: poke53210,cl:sys53200:poke53283,cm:pokev+21,1
- 1188 goto200
- 1200 dg=dg+1:v=53248:sd=0
- 1202 if dg=11then8200
- 1204 if dg=21then8400
- 1206 if dg=41then8600
- 1208 if dg=31then8800
- 1209 if dg=32then8900
- 1210 goto200
- 1399 goto200
- 2000 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200
- 2001 poke53283,14:gosub100:zb=145:gosub82:rem border
- 2004 print"[159]";:printtab(13)"-magic shoppe-"
- 2006 print:printtab(3)"learn a spell & cast it forever,as"
- 2007 printtab(3)"long as you have enough crystals."
- 2009 print:printtab(4)"teleport is used to exit from"
- 2010 printtab(4)"a dungeon (not in combat).":print"";
- 2012 gosub2045:print"[158]";
- 2014 printtab(4)"s-strength (3) 100 gold"
- 2016 printtab(4)"c-confuse (3) 100 gold"
- 2018 printtab(4)"h-heal (5) 100 gold"
- 2019 printtab(4)"t-teleport (12) 300 gold"
- 2021 print"[159]":printtab(4)"choose s,c,h or t to learn a spell"
- 2022 gosub2050:gosub102
- 2028 gosub74
- 2029 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2000
- 2030 ifa$="s"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqs=1:goto2000
- 2032 ifa$="c"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqc=1:goto2000
- 2034 ifa$="h"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqh=1:goto2000
- 2036 ifa$="x"thenprint"[147]":gosub98:goto20730
- 2037 ifa$="t"thenct=300:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqt=1:goto2000
- 2038 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2000
- 2039 goto2028
- 2044 remrout
- 2045 print:printtab(3)"spell & crystal use cost to learn"
- 2046 printtab(3)"------------------- -------------":return
- 2050 print:printtab(4)"or x-exit shop space- inventory"
- 2051 print"":printtab(4)"you have ";:printgl;:print" gold":return
- 2100 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200
- 2101 poke53283,8:gosub100:zb=145:gosub82
- 2104 print"[158]";:printtab(12)" magic shoppe ":print"[159]"
- 2106 printtab(3)"welcome ";:printna$;:print"! our advanced"
- 2108 printtab(3)"spells will aid your quest."
- 2112 gosub2045:print"";
- 2113 print:printtab(3)"n-nutrition (10) 200 gold"
- 2114 print:printtab(3)"r-revive (10) 400 gold"
- 2116 print:printtab(3)"f-flee (25) 400 gold"
- 2118 print:printtab(3)"m-missile (20) 500 gold"
- 2120 print"[159]":printtab(4)"choose r,f,m or n to learn"
- 2122 gosub2050:gosub102
- 2128 gosub74
- 2129 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2100
- 2130 ifa$="r"thenct=400:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqr=1:goto2100
- 2132 ifa$="f"thenct=400:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqf=1:goto2100
- 2134 ifa$="m"thenct=500:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqb=1:goto2100
- 2135 ifa$="n"thenct=200:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqm=1:goto2100
- 2136 ifa$="x"thenprint"[147]":gosub98:goto20730
- 2137 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2100
- 2138 goto2128
- 2200 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,12:sys53200
- 2201 poke53283,2:gosub100:zb=141:gosub82
- 2204 print"[158]";:printtab(11)" george's potions "
- 2206 print"[159]":print:printtab(4)"greetings ";:printna$;:print"!"
- 2208 print:printtab(4)"potions increase dexterity in"
- 2209 printtab(4)"combat. only 50 gold each."
- 2212 print:printtab(4)"we will give free potions for"
- 2214 printtab(4)"any herbs you bring us."
- 2216 if hb>0then2250
- 2217 print"":print:printtab(4)"choose p to buy a potion."
- 2222 gosub2050:gosub102
- 2228 gosub74
- 2229 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2200
- 2234 ifa$="p"thenct=50:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenqp=qp+1:goto2200
- 2236 ifa$="x"thenprint"[147]":gosub98:goto20730
- 2237 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2200
- 2238 goto2228
- 2250 print"":qp=qp+hb+1:printtab(4)"you have brought some herbs !"
- 2254 print:printtab(4)"here are ";:printhb+1;:print" free potions !"
- 2256 hb=0:goto2217
- 2300 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200
- 2301 poke53283,8:gosub100:zb=145:gosub82
- 2304 print"[158]";:printtab(12)" telnyr castle "
- 2306 print"[158]":print: print:printtab(9)"a- grocer"
- 2308 print:printtab(9)"b- weapons"
- 2309 print:printtab(9)"c- telnyr library"
- 2310 print:printtab(9)"d- talk to the king"
- 2311 print:printtab(9)"e- save/load game"
- 2312 print:print:printtab(7)"choose a,b,c,d,e or x to exit"
- 2313 print:printtab(7)"spacebar - inventory":gosub102
- 2328 gosub74
- 2329 ifa$="a"then2340
- 2330 ifa$="b"then2360
- 2331 ifa$="c"then2600
- 2332 ifa$="d"then2400
- 2333 ifa$="e"then35000
- 2334 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2300
- 2336 ifa$="x"thenprint"[147]":gosub98:goto20730
- 2337 goto2328
- 2340 if gh=1thengosub2900:goto2300
- 2341 print"[147]":poke53210,13:sys53200:poke53283,5:gosub100:b=141:gosub82
- 2342 print"[159]";:printtab(14)" the grocer "
- 2344 print:print:print:printtab(6)"nutritious food packs -"
- 2345 print:printtab(6)"only 50 gold per pack (food 1o)"
- 2347 print:print:printtab(6)"p- purchase food pack"
- 2348 print:print"[159]":printtab(4)"press p to purchase food"
- 2350 gosub2050:gosub102:print"[159]"
- 2351 gosub74
- 2352 ifa$="p"thenct=50:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenfd=fd+10:goto2340
- 2353 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2340
- 2354 ifa$="x"then2300
- 2355 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2340
- 2356 goto2351
- 2360 print"[147]":sys53200:poke53283,9:gosub100:zb=102:gosub82
- 2362 print"";:printtab(10)" long johns swords "
- 2364 print"[156]":printtab(5)"trade in your old sword on"
- 2365 printtab(5)"a new one. i can also supply"
- 2366 printtab(5)"accurate sextants.":print"":print
- 2367 printtab(9) "a- sword 10+ 100 gold"
- 2368 print:printtab(9)"b- sword 20+ 200 gold"
- 2370 print:printtab(9)"c- sword 30+ 300 gold"
- 2371 print:printtab(9)"d- sextant 100 gold":print
- 2372 print"[159]":printtab(4)"choose a,b c or d":gosub2050:gosub102
- 2373 gosub74
- 2374 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2360
- 2375 ifa$="a"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenws=10:goto2360
- 2376 ifa$="b"thenct=200:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenws=20:goto2360
- 2377 ifa$="c"thenct=300:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenws=30:goto2360
- 2378 ifa$="d"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thensz=1:goto2384
- 2379 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2360
- 2380 ifa$="x"then2300
- 2381 goto2373
- 2384 print"[147]":print"[159]":print"to read the sextant press r at any"
- 2386 print:print"time when travelling outdoors."
- 2389 print:print"x- exit"
- 2390 gosub74
- 2391 ifa$="x"then2360
- 2392 goto2390
- 2400 print"[147]":sys53200:poke53283,15:gosub100:zb=145:gosub82
- 2401 print"[158]";:printtab(11)" the throne room ":ifvm=80thenvm=0:goto2495
- 2402 ifre>0andrw>0andra>0andrf>0then38000
- 2403 ifre=1then2450
- 2404 ifrw=1then2460
- 2405 ifra=1then2470
- 2406 ifrf=1then2480
- 2408 iftr=1then2430
- 2410 print"[159]":printtab(3)"hmmm, another fearless adventurer."
- 2411 print:printtab(3)"well ";:printna$;:print" many have tried"
- 2412 printtab(3)"but all have failed."
- 2413 print:printtab(3)"our land is in great peril."
- 2414 print:printtab(3)"the four runes of telnyr have been"
- 2416 printtab(3)"stolen. if you find a rune bring"
- 2417 printtab(3)"it here for a reward !"
- 2418 print:printtab(3)"here's 15 crystals for a start."
- 2419 print:printtab(3)"visit a magic shop before you"
- 2420 printtab(3)"enter those foul dungeons."
- 2422 cy=cy+15:tr=1:goto2490
- 2430 rem
- 2432 print"[159]":printtab(3)"come back when you have found a"
- 2434 print:printtab(3)"rune.":goto2490
- 2450 rem
- 2451 print"[159]":printtab(3)"the rune of earth !!!"
- 2452 print:printtab(3)"well done ! here are 2o crystals "
- 2453 print:printtab(3)"and 2oo gold.":cy=cy+20:gl=gl+200:re=2:goto2490
- 2460 print"[159]":printtab(3)"the rune of water !!!"
- 2461 print:printtab(3)"here's 80 crystals & 200 gold."
- 2463 cy=cy+80:gl=gl+200:rw=2:goto2490
- 2470 print"[159]":printtab(3)"you have the rune of air !!!"
- 2472 print:printtab(3)"here's 200 gold & 25 crystals"
- 2473 cy=cy+25:gl=gl+400:ra=2:goto2490
- 2480 print"[159]":printtab(3)"the rune of fire!!!"
- 2482 print:printtab(3)"unbelievable! 100 crystals !!"
- 2483 cy=cy+100:rf=2:goto2490
- 2490 print:printtab(3)"x- exit":gosub102
- 2491 gosub74
- 2492 ifa$="x"then2300
- 2494 goto2491
- 2495 print"[159]":printtab(3)"thanks a million ";:printna$;:print:print:goto2490
- 2500 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200
- 2501 poke53283,9:gosub100:zb=102:gosub82
- 2504 print"[158]";:printtab(13)" the outpost "
- 2506 print"[158]":print: print:printtab(9)"a- jeweller"
- 2508 print:printtab(9)"b- grocer"
- 2509 print:printtab(9)"c- the casino"
- 2512 print:print:printtab(7)"choose a,b or x to exit":gosub102
- 2528 gosub74
- 2529 ifa$="a"then2539
- 2530 ifa$="b"then2560
- 2531 ifa$="c"then2700
- 2536 ifa$="x"thenprint"[147]":gosub98:goto20730
- 2537 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2500
- 2538 goto2528
- 2539 rem
- 2540 print"[147]":sys53200:poke53283,3:zb=102:gosub82
- 2541 print"";:printtab(12)" the jeweller "
- 2542 print"[159]":print:print:printtab(5)"5 crystals for 100 gold"
- 2543 print:printtab(5)"we exchange crystals for gems"
- 2544 ifgm<1then2548
- 2545 print"":print: printtab(5):print"thanks for the fine gems !"
- 2546 print:printtab(5)"here are ";:printgm*5;:print" crystals !"
- 2547 cy=cy+(gm*5):gm=0
- 2548 print"[159]":print:print:printtab(5)"p- purchase 5 crystals"
- 2549 gosub2050
- 2550 gosub74
- 2551 ifa$="x"then2500
- 2552 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2540
- 2553 ifa$="p"then2556
- 2554 goto2550
- 2556 ct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thency=cy+5:goto2540
- 2558 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2540
- 2560 ifgh=1thengosub2900:goto2500
- 2561 print"[147]":sys53200:poke53283,5:gosub100:zb=102:gosub82
- 2562 print"";:printtab(14)" the grocer "
- 2563 print"[159]":print:print:printtab(6)"food packs 5og"
- 2564 print:printtab(6)"p- purchase food"
- 2568 print:printtab(6)"x- to exit":gosub102
- 2571 gosub74
- 2572 ifa$="x"then2500
- 2575 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2560
- 2578 ifa$="p"then2580
- 2579 goto2571
- 2580 ct=50:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thenfd=fd+10:goto2560
- 2582 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2560
- 2600 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200
- 2601 poke53283,2:gosub100:zb=143:gosub82
- 2602 print"";:printtab(12)" telnyr library "
- 2664 print"":print:printtab(5)"rare books - donation required."
- 2667 print"[156]":print:print:printtab(5)"a- calvins chronicle 1oo gold"
- 2668 print:printtab(5)"b- the scribes annual 2oo gold"
- 2670 print:printtab(5)"c- lennies logbook 25o gold":print
- 2672 print"[159]":printtab(4)"choose a,b or c":gosub2050:gosub102
- 2673 gosub74
- 2674 ifa$=" "thengosub3000:goto2600
- 2675 ifa$="a"thenct=100:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thengosub2698:goto2684
- 2676 ifa$="b"thenct=200:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thengosub2698:goto2690
- 2679 ifa$="c"thenct=250:print"[147]":gosub76:ifng=0thengosub2698:goto2695
- 2680 ifng=1thenng=0:goto2600
- 2681 ifa$="x"then2300
- 2682 goto2673
- 2684 print"a dying orc once told me that he"
- 2686 print:print"buried an object at forest isle,"
- 2687 print:print"sextant reading x=23 y=20":gosub74:goto2600
- 2690 print"in al's report he kept mentioning"
- 2691 print:print"something at tropicania at "
- 2692 print:print"sextant x=13 y=14":gosub74:goto2600
- 2695 print"i know there is treasure buried on the"
- 2696 print:print"main island of telnyr at x=32 y=19":gosub74:goto2600
- 2698 print"[147][159]":print"while perusing the pages you read-":print:print:return
- 2699 rem*casino
- 2700 print"[147][158]":print" tropicania casino":ifcc=1then2718
- 2701 ifcy>120orgl>1000then2718
- 2702 cc=1:print"":print:print"in between - the best game in town !"
- 2704 print:print:print"2 numbers from 1-20 are drawn. you must"
- 2706 print:print"decide whether the 3rd number will be"
- 2708 print:print"in-between the first two. if it is then"
- 2710 print:print"you win ! max bet is 50 gold."
- 2712 print"[159]":print:print"use joystick up/down to alter amount"
- 2714 print:print"of bet and fire to choose."
- 2716 print"[156]":print:print"press spacebar to play"
- 2717 gosub74:goto2720
- 2718 print:print:print:print"":print" casino closed - come back later."
- 2719 fork=1to1250:next:goto2500
- 2720 print"[147][156]"
- 2721 print"you have ";:printgl;:print" gold":print"[159]":print
- 2722 print"first number second number":print:gosub98:js=56320:be=10
- 2723 r1=int(rnd(1)*10+1):printtab(4)r1:gosub98:print"[145][145]"
- 2724 r2=int(rnd(1)*10+11):printtab(20)r2:gosub98
- 2726 print"":print:print"bet how much ? (joystick)"
- 2728 px=1:py=11:gosub70:print" ":gosub70:printbe
- 2730 ifpeek(js)=126thenbe=be+10:goto2735
- 2732 ifpeek(js)=125thenbe=be-10:goto2735
- 2733 ifpeek(js)=111then2740
- 2734 goto2730
- 2735 ifbe=60thenbe=50
- 2736 ifbe=0thenbe=10
- 2738 fork=1to120:next: goto2728
- 2740 gl=gl-be:ifgl<0thengl=gl+be:print:print"not enough gold !":gosub98:goto2500
- 2742 print"[158]":print:print"ok ! drawing... ";:gosub98
- 2744 r3=int(rnd(1)*20+1):printr3:gosub98
- 2750 ifr3>r1andr3<r2thengl=gl+(be*2):ca=ca+be:goto2756
- 2752 ifr3=r1orr3=r2thengl=gl+(be*2):ca=ca+be:goto2756
- 2754 print:print:print"you lose !":ca=ca-be:goto2760
- 2756 print:print:print"you win ";:printbe;:print" gold !"
- 2760 ifca>500then2770
- 2761 print"[159]": print:print"fire to play again or x to exit"
- 2762 ifpeek(js)=111then2720
- 2764 ifpeek(197)=23thenca=200:goto2500
- 2766 goto2762
- 2770 print"[147][159]":print"you are too lucky today !":gosub98:gosub98
- 2772 print:print"depart !"
- 2774 fork=1to1000:next:ca=200:goto2500
- 2900 print"[147][159]":print"the grocer saw some ghouls, freaked"
- 2902 print:print"out, and has locked himself in."
- 2904 print:print:print"press space...":gosub74:return
- 2998 end:remsg
- 3000 print"[147]":poke53269,0: poke53210,11:sys53200:print"[159]"
- 3002 print"hit points ";:printhp
- 3004 print"gold ";:printgl
- 3006 print"food ";:printfd
- 3008 print"sword";:printws;:print"+"
- 3010 print"":print:printtab(20)"crystals ";:printcy
- 3012 printtab(20)"potions ";:printqp
- 3013 printtab(20)"herbs ";:printhb
- 3014 printtab(20)"gems ";:printgm
- 3021 px=0:py=7:gosub70
- 3022 if sz=1 thenprint"[156]sextant (r to read)"
- 3023 iffp=1thengosub70:printtab(19)" ferry pass"
- 3025 py=9:gosub70:print"[158]spells learnt-":print"":py=11:gosub70
- 3026 ifqs=1thenprint"strength"
- 3027 ifqc=1thenprint"confuse"
- 3028 ifqh=1thenprint"heal"
- 3030 ifqt=1thenprint"teleport"
- 3031 px=0:py=11:gosub70
- 3032 ifqf=1thenprinttab(20)"flee"
- 3034 ifqb=1thenprinttab(20)"missile"
- 3036 ifqm=1thenprinttab(20)"nutrition"
- 3038 ifqr=1thenprinttab(20)"revive"
- 3040 print"[158]":py=16:gosub70:print"runes-":print
- 3041 rem
- 3042 ifre>0thenprint"earth ";:
- 3044 ifrw>0thenprint"[159]water ";:
- 3046 ifra>0thenprint"air ";:
- 3048 ifrf>0thenprint"[156]fire ";:
- 3050 print:print"[159]"
- 3098 print"c -cast a spell"
- 3100 print"s -search for treasure"
- 3102 print"g -game speed
- 3104 [153]"x -exit inventory screen"
- 3120 [141]74
- 3121 [139]a$[178]"c"[167]3160
- 3122 [139]a$[178]"x"[167] [142]
- 3124 [139]a$[178]"s"[167] [153]"load":[137]3200
- 3126 [139]a$[178]"g"[167] 3140
- 3130 [137]3120
- 3140 [153]"loadopen":[153]"adjust message speed":[153]:[153]
- 3141 [153]"a- slow"
- 3142 [153]"b- medium"
- 3144 [153]"c- fast"
- 3146 [153]"d- fastest"
- 3147 [141]74
- 3148 [139]a$[178]"a"[167]tm[178]1200:[137]3157
- 3150 [139]a$[178]"b"[167]tm[178]800:[137]3157
- 3152 [139]a$[178]"c"[167]tm[178]400:[137]3157
- 3154 [139]a$[178]"d"[167]tm[178]200:[137]3157
- 3156 [137]3147
- 3157 [153]:[153]:[153]"ok":[141]98:[137]3000
- 3160 [153]"loadopen"
- 3162 [153]"h -heal (5)
- 3164 print"r -revive (1o)
- 3165 [153]"n -nutrition (1o)
- 3166 print"t -teleport from dungeon (12)"
- 3167 print"x -exit"
- 3168 print:print"you have ";:printcy;:print" crystals":print
- 3169 gosub74
- 3170 ifa$="h"then3180
- 3171 ifa$="r"then3183
- 3172 ifa$="t"then3186
- 3174 ifa$="x"then3000
- 3175 ifa$="n"then3177
- 3176 goto3169
- 3177 ifqm<>1then3196
- 3178 cy=cy-10:ifcy<0thency=cy+10:goto3190
- 3179 fd=fd+20:print:print"food +2o":gosub98:goto3000
- 3180 ifqh<>1then3196
- 3181 cy=cy-5:ifcy<0thency=cy+5:goto3190
- 3182 hp=hp+50:goto3194
- 3183 ifqr<>1then3196
- 3184 cy=cy-10:ifcy<0thency=cy+10:goto3190
- 3185 hp=hp+120:goto3194
- 3186 ifqt<>1then3196
- 3187 ifdg<5thenprint:print"not here !":gosub98:goto3160
- 3188 cy=cy-12:ifcy<0thency=cy+12:goto3190
- 3189 tp=1:print:print"ok....":gosub98:return
- 3190 print:print"not enough crystals !":gosub98:goto3160
- 3194 print:print"done !":gosub98:goto3000
- 3196 print:print"you don't know it yet !":gosub98:goto3000
- 3200 ss=tx-50176:sy=int(ss/40):sx=ss-(sy*40)
- 3201 ifdg=1andsx=23andsy=20andre=0thenprint"the rune of earth !":re=1:goto3212
- 3202 ifdg=3andsx=13andsy=14andox=0thenprint"5o crystals !":cy=cy+50:ox=1:goto3212
- 3204 ifdg=0andsx=32andsy=19then3214
- 3210 print"you find nothing"
- 3212 fork=1to1000:next:gosub98:goto3000
- 3214 ifws=40then3210
- 3216 print"mystic sword 40+":ws=40:goto3212
- 3500 print"[147][159]":print"enter adventurer's name (return)"
- 3502 print:print"up to 10 letters"
- 3504 print:print:print:inputna$
- 3506 iflen(na$)>10thenprint"[147]":print"up to 10 letters only..":gosub98:goto3500
- 3510 print"[147]":print"during the game:"
- 3512 print:print"- js in port 2"
- 3513 print:print"- spacebar for inventory"
- 3514 print:print"- fire to enter towns & pick up objects"
- 3516 print:print"- save game at telnyr castle only"
- 3518 print:print:print:print"press space to start....":gosub74:print"[147]":return
- 3599 end
- 8000 rem
- 8100 rem
- 8104 rem*10/0
- 8105 dg=10
- 8106 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,62:pokev+1,73:tx=50301
- 8107 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,5:sys53200:poke53283,12:gosub100
- 8108 zb=148:gosub82
- 8109 gosub8110:goto8127
- 8110 zx=2:zy=4::zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8112 forp=1to4:gosub87:zy=zy+6:next
- 8113 zx=3:zl=2:zy=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8114 zx=3:zl=7:zy=9:gosub92:zy=zy+2
- 8122 zx=36:zl=7:zy=3
- 8124 forj=1to2::gosub92:zy=zy+5:next
- 8126 zx=18:zy=21:zl=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92:return
- 8127 gosub102:pokev+21,1:goto200
- 8200 rem11/0
- 8205 dg=11
- 8206 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,73:tx=50314
- 8207 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,5:sys53200:poke53283,12:gosub100
- 8208 rem
- 8209 zb=148:gosub82
- 8210 zx=2:zy=4::zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8213 zx=18:zl=2:zy=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8222 zx=36:zl=18:zy=3:gosub92
- 8224 zx=2:zy=21:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8227 gosub102:pokev+21,1:ifra=0thenpoke50980,63:poke55296+804,3
- 8230 goto200
- 8300 rem20/1
- 8305 dg=20
- 8306 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,62:pokev+1,73:tx=50301
- 8307 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,5:sys53200:poke53283,13
- 8308 rem
- 8309 gosub100:zb=148:gosub82:gosub8110
- 8327 gosub102:pokev+21,1:goto200
- 8400 rem21/1
- 8405 dg=21
- 8406 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,73:tx=50314
- 8407 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,5:sys53200:poke53283,13
- 8408 rem
- 8409 gosub100:zb=148:gosub82
- 8410 zx=2:zy=4:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8411 zx=2:zy=12:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8413 zx=18:zl=2:zy=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8422 zx=36:zl=9:zy=3:gosub92
- 8423 zx=3:zl=10:zy=11:gosub92
- 8424 zx=2:zy=21:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8427 gosub102:pokev+21,1:iffp=0thenpoke50982,63:poke55296+806,3
- 8428 goto200
- 8500 rem40/4
- 8505 dg=40
- 8506 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,62:pokev+1,73:tx=50301
- 8507 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,6:sys53200:poke53283,14
- 8508 rem
- 8509 gosub100:zb=147:gosub82:gosub8110
- 8527 gosub102:pokev+21,1:goto200
- 8600 rem41/4
- 8605 dg=41
- 8606 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,73:tx=50314
- 8607 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,6:sys53200:poke53283,14
- 8608 rem
- 8609 gosub100:zb=147:gosub82
- 8610 zx=2:zy=4:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8611 zx=2:zy=12:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8613 zx=18:zl=2:zy=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8622 zx=36:zl=9:zy=3:gosub92
- 8623 zx=3:zl=10:zy=11:gosub92
- 8624 zx=2:zy=21:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8627 gosub102:pokev+21,1:ifrw=0thenpoke50996,63:poke55296+820,3
- 8628 goto200
- 8700 rem30/2
- 8705 dg=30
- 8706 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,62:pokev+1,73:tx=50301
- 8707 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,3:sys53200:poke53283,14
- 8708 rem
- 8709 gosub100:zb=146:gosub82:gosub8110
- 8740 gosub102:pokev+21,1:goto200
- 8800 rem31/2
- 8805 dg=31
- 8806 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,73:tx=50314
- 8807 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,3:sys53200:poke53283,14
- 8808 rem
- 8809 gosub100:zb=146:gosub82
- 8810 zx=2:zy=4:zl=36:zc$="[166]":forp=1to3:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8812 zx=2:zy=12:zl=36:forp=1to3:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8814 zx=5:zy=5:zl=8:gosub92
- 8816 zx=9:zy=13:zl=9:gosub92
- 8824 zx=2:zy=22:zl=36:gosub87
- 8826 zx=18:zy=21:zl=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8827 zx=18:zl=2:zy=2:gosub92
- 8828 zx=3:zl=19:zy=3:gosub92
- 8830 zx=7:zl=11:zy=11:gosub92
- 8832 zx=32:zl=11:zy=11:gosub92
- 8840 gosub102:pokev+21,1:goto200
- 8900 rem32/2
- 8905 dg=32
- 8906 v=53248:pokev+21,0:pokev,166:pokev+1,73:tx=50314
- 8907 print"[147]":print"[154]":poke53210,3:sys53200:poke53283,14
- 8908 rem
- 8909 gosub100:zb=146:gosub82
- 8910 zx=2:zy=4:zl=36:zc$="[166]":forp=1to3:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8911 zx=2:zy=12:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8913 zx=2:zy=15:zl=36:forp=1to4:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8915 zx=8:zy=19:zl=15:forp=1to2:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8917 zx=2:zy=13:zl=3:forp=1to3:gosub87:zy=zy+1:next
- 8918 zx=2:zy=21:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8919 zx=2:zy=22:zl=36:zc$="[166]":gosub87
- 8920 zx=18:zl=2:zy=2:zc$="[208]":gosub92
- 8922 zx=36:zl=9:zy=3:gosub92
- 8923 zx=3:zl=10:zy=11:gosub92
- 8925 zx=6:zl=7:zy=14:gosub92
- 8926 zx=32:zl=7:zy=14:gosub92
- 8940 gosub102:pokev+21,1:ifrf=0thenpoke51000,63:poke55296+824,3
- 8942 goto200
- 8999 print"[145][145][145][145]":goto8999:rem wait
- 19000 ifdg=30ordg=31ordg=32then20006
- 19001 gosub19020:ifdg>5then19050
- 19002 ifjs=119andpeek(tx+2)=32thenpoketx+2,pu:poketx+5120+2,pc:goto200
- 19003 ifjs=123andpeek(tx-2)=32thenpoketx-2,pu:poketx+5120-2,pc:goto200
- 19004 ifjs=125andpeek(tx+80)=32thenpoketx+80,pu:poketx+5120+80,pc:goto200
- 19006 ifjs=126andpeek(tx-80)=32thenpoketx-80,pu:poketx+5120-80,pc:goto200
- 19010 goto200
- 19020 rh=7:gosub96
- 19022 if rn=1thenpu=62:pc=7:return
- 19024 if rn=2thenpu=60:pc=2:return
- 19025 if rn=7thenpu=62:pc=7:return
- 19026 if rn=3thenpu=27:pc=3:return
- 19027 if rn=6thenpu=62:pc=7:return
- 19028 if rn=4anddg<5thenpu=28:pc=5:return
- 19030 if rn=5anddg>5thenpu=29:pc=5:return
- 19031 return
- 19050 ifpeek(tx+40)<>102then200:remdng
- 19051 ifjs=119andpeek(tx+4)=32andpeek(tx+44)=102then19054
- 19052 ifjs=123andpeek(tx-4)=32andpeek(tx+36)=102then19055
- 19053 goto200
- 19054 poketx+4,pu:poketx+5120+4,pc:goto200
- 19055 poketx-4,pu:poketx+5120-4,pc:goto200
- 19056 goto200
- 20000 fd=fd-1:iffd<1then960
- 20001 ap=0:ifdg>5thenrh=9:gosub96
- 20002 ifdg<5thenrh=12:gosub96
- 20003 ifrn=1then200
- 20004 ifrn<7then20006
- 20005 ifrn>6then19000
- 20006 forp=1to6
- 20007 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"[159]";:print"attacked !";:fork=1to80:next
- 20008 gosub70:print" ";:fork=1to80:next:next
- 20009 print"[147]"
- 20010 print"[147]":v=53248:pokev+21,0:at=0
- 20011 cw=ws:kc=16
- 20012 ifdg>5then20040
- 20013 goto20020
- 20014 remspr
- 20015 forp=53288to53294:pokep,m3:next
- 20016 ea=sa+63:ns=49216:gosub55010:ifmc=0thenpoke53276,0:return
- 20017 poke53285,m1:poke53286,m2:poke53276,254:return
- 20020 ifgh=1anddg<6thenrh=6:gosub96:onrngoto20044,20044,20036,20034,20030,20032
- 20021 ifdg=5ordg=3ordg=4thenrh=3:gosub96:onrngoto20036,20038,20036
- 20022 rh=6:gosub96:on rn goto20030,20032,20032,20034,20034,20036
- 20030 mt$="orc":mw=5:mh=14:ml=mh:sa=40386:mc=1:m1=5:m2=3:m3=8:gosub20015
- 20031 goto20060
- 20032 mt$="thief":mw=8:mh=18:ml=mh:sa=40450:mc=1:m1=7:m2=5 :m3=8 :gosub20015
- 20033 goto20060
- 20034 mt$="rogue":mw=12:mh=20:ml=mh:sa=40322:mc=1:m1=6:m2=3:m3=14:gosub20015
- 20035 goto20060
- 20036 mt$="troll":mw=15:mh=40:ml=mh:sa=52800:mc=1:m1=8:m2=3:m3=1:gosub20015
- 20037 goto20060
- 20038 mt$="spider":mw=15:mh=30:ml=mh:sa=40578:mc=1:m1=7:m2=8:m3=3:gosub20015
- 20039 poke40640,0:goto20060:rem adjspiderdata
- 20040 rh=4:gosub96
- 20041 ifdg>29thenrh=4:gosub96:onrngoto20056,20054,20056,20051
- 20042 on rn goto20044,20046,20048,20051
- 20044 mt$="ghoul":mw=50:mh=80:ml=mh:sa=52992:mc=1:m1=7:m2=8:m3=3:gosub20015
- 20045 goto20060
- 20046 mt$="ghost":mw=20:mh=60:ml=mh:sa=40256:mc=1:m1=3:m2=3:m3=3:gosub20015
- 20047 goto20060
- 20048 mt$="bat":mw=25:mh=50:ml=mh:sa=40192:mc=0:m3=12:gosub20015
- 20049 goto20060
- 20050 rem
- 20051 mt$="skeleton":mw=80:mh=100:ml=mh:sa=52864:mc=1:m1=7:m2=12:m3=3:gosub20015
- 20052 goto20060
- 20053 rem
- 20054 mt$="vampire":mw=80:mh=140:ml=mh:sa=52928:mc=1:m1=7:m2=12:m3=4:gosub20015
- 20055 goto20060
- 20056 mt$="demon":mw=100:mh=250:ml=mh:sa=40514:mc=1:m1=0:m2=3 :m3=11:gosub20015
- 20057 goto20060
- 20060 ifdg>5thenrh=6
- 20062 ifdg<5thenrh=4
- 20064 gosub96:mn=rn
- 20100 poke53210,14:sys53200:poke53283,14:print"[129]"
- 20102 poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 20104 gosub100
- 20106 print" [199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199]"
- 20108 forp=1to9:print" [199] [199]":next
- 20110 print" [199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199]"
- 20112 print:print:print
- 20120 print" [199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199]"
- 20122 forp=1to6:print" [199] [199]":next
- 20124 print" [199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199][199]"
- 20130 print"":print"[158]":print:printtab(22)"m-manual attack"
- 20132 print:printtab(22)"a-auto attack"
- 20134 print:printtab(22)"c-cast a spell"
- 20136 print:printtab(22)"t-take a potion"
- 20138 print:printtab(22)"r-run away"
- 20142 print"":py=14:px=20:gosub70:printna$:gosub20520
- 20144 print"":py=14:px=1:gosub70:printmt$:gosub20530
- 20150 gosub102
- 20180 ifmn=1thenpokev+21,2
- 20182 ifmn=2thenpokev+21,6
- 20184 ifmn=3thenpokev+21,14
- 20186 ifmn=4thenpokev+21,30
- 20188 ifmn=5thenpokev+21,62
- 20190 ifmn=6thenpokev+21,126
- 20191 ifmn=0thenpokev+21,0
- 20192 if at=1 then 20240
- 20200 print"":px=13:py=18:gosub70:print"choose option "
- 20201 rem
- 20202 gosub74
- 20204 ifa$="m"then20240
- 20206 ifa$="a"then20270
- 20208 ifa$="c"then30280
- 20210 ifa$="t"then20310
- 20212 ifa$="r"then20320
- 20214 ifa$="g"then20340
- 20220 goto20202
- 20240 rem
- 20242 gosub20500:gosub20510:print"[159]"
- 20244 rh=20:gosub96:ifrn>16then20258
- 20246 rh=4:gosub96:cw=ws+rn+ks:px=10:py=18:gosub70
- 20253 printna$;:print" hits for ";:printcw:ifdy>0thendy=dy-1
- 20254 ml=ml-cw:ifml<1thenml=0:goto20600:
- 20256 gosub20530:goto 20400
- 20258 py=18:px=10:gosub70
- 20259 printna$;:print" misses":ifdy>0thendy=dy-1
- 20260 goto20400
- 20269 remauto
- 20270 at=1
- 20272 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"[159]";:print" hold down spacebar to exit auto";
- 20274 goto20240
- 20309 rem pt
- 20310 gosub20500:gosub70:ifqp=0then20314
- 20311 qp=qp-1:printna$;:print" takes a potion":gosub98
- 20312 gosub20500:rh=3:gosub96:dx=rn:ifdx=1thendx=2
- 20313 dy=dx:goto20240
- 20314 print" you have none !":gosub98:gosub20500:goto20240
- 20320 px=3:py=17:gosub70
- 20321 fork=1to6:gosub70:print" ":py=py+1:next
- 20322 ifdg>5thenrh=12
- 20323 ifdg<5thenrh=9
- 20324 gosub96:ifrn>3then20330
- 20326 kf=1:goto20700:remesc
- 20330 px=11:py=18:gosub70:print"you didn't escape":gosub98:gosub20500
- 20332 goto20240
- 20400 gosub98:print"[159]":ifdy>0then20240
- 20402 ifdx>0thendy=dx
- 20404 rh=20:gosub96:ifrn>kcthen20450
- 20408 rh=8:gosub96:mx=mw+rn
- 20412 py=21:px=10:gosub70:printmt$;:print" hits for ";:printmx
- 20416 hp=hp-mx:ifhp<1then37000
- 20418 gosub20520
- 20420 ifat=0then20480
- 20422 ifpeek(197)<>60then20240
- 20424 at=0:fork=1to500:next:gosub20500:gosub20510
- 20426 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print" ";:
- 20430 print"";:goto20200
- 20450 ifkc=16thenpy=21:px=10:gosub70:printmt$;:print" misses":gosub98
- 20451 ifkc=10thenpy=21:px=10:gosub70:printmt$;:print" confused":gosub98
- 20460 ifat=0then20480
- 20462 goto20422
- 20480 gosub98:gosub20500:gosub20510:goto20200
- 20500 py=18:px=10:gosub70:print" ":return
- 20510 py=21:px=10:gosub70:print" ":return
- 20520 print"":py=14:px=31:gosub70:print" ":gosub98
- 20522 py=14:px=31:gosub70:printhp:return
- 20530 print"":py=14:px=10:gosub70:print" "
- 20532 py=14:px=10:gosub70:printml:return
- 20600 mn=mn-1:ifmn=0then20700
- 20602 gosub20530:ml=mh:dy=dx
- 20604 gosub98:gosub20500:gosub20510
- 20606 ifkb<>1then20612
- 20608 kb=0:px=12:py=18:gosub70:printrn+1;:print" dispatched !"
- 20610 gosub98:gosub20500:goto20613
- 20612 px=12:py=18:gosub70:printmt$;:print" dies !":gosub98:gosub20500
- 20613 ifpeek(197)=60thenat=0
- 20614 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print" ";:print""
- 20615 gosub20530:goto20180
- 20700 gosub98:px=3:py=17:gosub70
- 20701 fork=1to6:gosub70:print" ":py=py+1:next
- 20702 px=11:py=18:gosub70
- 20703 if kb=1thenprint"monsters decimated!":gosub98:gosub20500:goto20714
- 20704 if kf=1thenprint"you have escaped !":gosub98:gosub20500:goto20728
- 20710 print"monsters defeated !"
- 20712 gosub98:gosub20500:gosub20510:poke53269,0
- 20713 rem
- 20714 poke53269,0:py=18:px=8:gosub70:print"you find ";
- 20716 rh=3:gosub96:onrngoto20720,20721,20723
- 20720 rh=100:gosub96:printrn+mw;:print"gold":gl=gl+rn+mw:goto20728
- 20721 rh=4:gosub96:printrn+int(mw/8)+1;:print" crystals":cy=cy+rn+int(mw/8)+1
- 20722 goto20728
- 20723 print"a potion";:qp=qp+1:gosub98:print" & ";:goto20720
- 20724 goto20728
- 20728 poke53269,0:gosub98:gosub98:kf=0:kb=0:ks=0:dx=0:dy=0
- 20730 if dg=0thensa=35072:goto20780
- 20731 if dg=1thensa=36096:goto20780
- 20732 if dg=2thensa=37120:goto20780
- 20734 if dg=3thensa=38144:goto20780
- 20736 if dg=4thensa=39168:goto20780
- 20738 if dg=10then8107
- 20740 if dg=11then8207
- 20742 if dg=20then8307
- 20744 if dg=21then8407
- 20746 if dg=40then8507
- 20748 if dg=41then8607
- 20750 if dg=30then8707
- 20752 if dg=31then8807
- 20754 if dg=32then8907
- 20780 ea=sa+999:ns=50176:gosub55010:poke53210,cl:sys53200:pokev+21,1
- 20781 ifdg=3thenpoke50420,32:remadj
- 20782 poke53283,cm:goto200
- 20800 py=24:px=1:gosub70:print"[159]";:print"teleporting....";:gosub98:gosub98:sd=0
- 20801 ifrw>0andgh=0thengh=1:gosub20900
- 20804 ifdg=10ordg=11thendg=10
- 20806 ifdg=20ordg=21thendg=20
- 20808 ifdg=40ordg=41thendg=40
- 20810 ifdg=30ordg=31ordg=32thendg=30
- 20812 goto1000
- 20900 print"[147][159]":print"some ghouls enter the spell"
- 20902 print:print"area & teleport with you to"
- 20904 print:print"the mainland !":print:print:print"press space..":gosub74:return
- 22000 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 22002 poke53270,peek(53270)and239:print"[159]":poke53269,0:end
- 30280 gosub20500
- 30281 px=3:py=17:gosub70:print"choose (or x-exit) crystals ";:printcy
- 30283 px=5:py=19:gosub70:ifqs=1thenprint"s-strength 3":py=py+1
- 30285 gosub70:ifqc=1thenprint"c-confuse 3":py=py+1
- 30287 gosub70:ifqh=1thenprint"h-heal 5"
- 30289 px=21:py=19:gosub70:ifqr=1thenprint"r-revive 10":py=py+1
- 30291 gosub70:ifqf=1thenprint"f-flee 25":py=py+1
- 30293 gosub70:ifqb=1thenprint"m-missile 20"
- 30297 gosub74
- 30298 ifa$="s"then 30320
- 30299 ifa$="c"then 30330
- 30300 ifa$="h"then 30340
- 30301 ifa$="r"then 30350
- 30302 ifa$="f"then 30360
- 30303 ifa$="m"then 30365
- 30304 ifa$="x"then 30420
- 30308 goto30297
- 30320 if qs<>1then30400
- 30322 cy=cy-3:ifcy<0thency=cy+3:goto30410
- 30324 ks=8:ifdg>29thenks=12
- 30325 goto30420
- 30330 if qc<>1then30400
- 30332 cy=cy-3:ifcy<0thency=cy+3:goto30410
- 30334 kc=10:goto30420
- 30340 if qh<>1then30400
- 30342 cy=cy-5:ifcy<0thency=cy+5:goto30410
- 30344 hp=hp+50:gosub20520:goto30420
- 30350 if qr<>1then30400
- 30352 cy=cy-10:ifcy<0thency=cy+10:goto30410
- 30354 hp=hp+120:gosub20520:goto30420
- 30360 if qf<>1then30400
- 30362 cy=cy-25:ifcy<0thency=cy+25:goto30410
- 30364 kf=1:goto30420
- 30365 if qb<>1then30400
- 30366 cy=cy-20:ifcy<0thency=cy+20:goto30410
- 30367 kb=1:rh=2:gosub96:mn=mn-(rn+1):ifmn<1then30420
- 30368 px=3:py=17:gosub70:fork=1to34:print" ";:next
- 30370 gosub70:print" crystals ";:printcy:gosub98
- 30372 fork=1to6:gosub70:print" ":py=py+1:next
- 30380 goto20602
- 30400 px=3:py=17:gosub70:print"what ? ":gosub98
- 30402 gosub70:print"choose (or x-exit)"
- 30404 goto30297
- 30410 px=3:py=17:gosub70:print"need more crystals":gosub98
- 30412 gosub70:print"choose (or x-exit)"
- 30414 goto30297
- 30420 px=3:py=17:gosub70:fork=1to34:print" ";:next
- 30421 gosub70:print" crystals ";:printcy:gosub98
- 30422 fork=1to6:gosub70:print" ":py=py+1:next
- 30423 ifa$="x"ora$="h"ora$="r"then20240
- 30424 py=18:px=10:gosub70:printna$;:print" casts a spell":gosub98
- 30425 if kf=1orkb=1then20700
- 30426 goto20240
- 35000 print"[147][159]":print"be sure that-":gosub98
- 35002 print:print"disk drive is on":gosub98
- 35004 print:print"game disk is in drive":gosub98:gosub98
- 35010 print:print:print"":print"s- save current game"
- 35012 print:print"l- load a saved game"
- 35013 print:print"x- exit"
- 35014 gosub74
- 35016 ifa$="s"then35100
- 35018 ifa$="l"then35200
- 35019 ifa$="x"then2300
- 35020 goto35014
- 35100 p=832:k=hp:gosub35110:p=834:k=gl:gosub35110:p=836:k=fd:gosub35110
- 35102 p=838:k=cy:gosub35110:p=840:k=qp:gosub35110:p=842:k=hb:gosub35110
- 35104 p=844:k=gm:gosub35110:goto35120
- 35110 pokep,int(k/256):pokep+1,k-(peek(p)*256):return
- 35120 poke846,ws:poke847,sz:poke848,fp
- 35130 poke849,qs:poke850,qc:poke851,qh:poke852,qt:poke853,qf:poke854,qb
- 35132 poke855,qm:poke856,qr:poke857,re:poke858,rw:poke859,ra:poke860,rf
- 35134 poke861,ca:goto36070
- 35200 goto36000
- 35201 p=832:gosub35210:hp=k:p=834:gosub35210:gl=k:p=836:gosub35210:fd=k
- 35202 p=838:gosub35210:cy=k:p=840:gosub35210:qp=k:p=842:gosub35210:hb=k
- 35204 p=844:gosub35210:gm=k:goto35220
- 35210 k=peek(p)*256:k=k+peek(p+1):return
- 35220 ws=peek(846):sz=peek(847):fp=peek(848)
- 35222 qs=peek(849):qc=peek(850):qh=peek(851):qt=peek(852):qf=peek(853)
- 35224 qb=peek(854):qm=peek(855):qr=peek(856):re=peek(857):rw=peek(858)
- 35226 ra=peek(859):rf=peek(860):ca=peek(861)
- 35227 ifrw>0thengh=1
- 35228 tr=1:print:print::print"ok":gosub98:goto2300
- 36000 remread
- 36010 open15,dv,15
- 36020 open2,dv,3,"0:tl,s,r"
- 36030 fork=0to30
- 36040 input#2,p
- 36050 poke 832+k,p:next
- 36060 close2:close15:goto35201
- 36069 remwrite*
- 36070 cr$=chr$(13):open15,dv,15,"s0:tl"
- 36080 open2,dv,3,"0:tl,s,w"
- 36090 fork=0to30:rem832-861
- 36100 print#2,peek(k+832);cr$
- 36110 next
- 36120 close2:close15
- 36130 print:print:print"ok !":gosub98:goto2300
- 36999 remdies
- 37000 gosub98:poke53269,0:print"[147][159]":gosub98:printna$;:print" has died !":goto37010
- 37002 print"[147][159]":print"starved to death !"
- 37010 gosub98:print:print:print"p- play again":print:print"q- quit game"
- 37011 gosub74
- 37012 ifa$="p"thenclr:gg=6:goto60
- 37014 ifa$="q"thensys64738
- 37016 goto37011
- 37999 remend
- 38000 gosub102:print"[159]":printtab(3)"we have the 4 runes !!":gosub98:gosub98
- 38002 print"[147]":v=53248:pokev+21,2:pokev+2,165:pokev+3,140:poke53276,2
- 38003 poke53285,11:poke53286,8:forp=53288to53294:pokep,5:next:rh=27:cl=3
- 38004 sa=40256:gosub38020:sa=40322:gosub38020
- 38006 sa=40386:gosub38020:sa=40450:gosub38020:sa=40514:gosub38020
- 38008 sa=40578:gosub38020:sa=52800:gosub38020
- 38010 sa=52864:gosub38020:sa=52928:gosub38020:sa=52992:gosub38020
- 38012 ifvm=80thenpoke53269,0:goto2400
- 38013 goto38004
- 38020 ea=sa+63:ns=49216:gosub55010
- 38022 rn=int(rnd(1)*1000+50176):pokern,29:pokern+5120,cl:cl=cl+1:vm=vm+1
- 38024 ifcl=8thencl=3
- 38025 print"";:print" you have completed the quest !
- 38026 [142]
- 51000 [143]
- 51008 chars[178]51200:screen[178]50176
- 51009 rm[178][181](screen[173]16384)
- 51010 [151]56334,[194](56334)[175]254
- 51020 [151] 1,[194](1)[175]251
- 51040 [151]1,[194](1)[176]4
- 51050 [151]56334,[194](56334)[176]1
- 51060 [151]56578,[194](56578)[176]3
- 51070 [151]56576,([194](56576)[175]252)[176](3[171]rm)
- 51072 [151]53272,18
- 51074 [151]648,screen[173]256
- 51078 [151] 55,0:[151]56,136:[143]34816
- 51080 [142]
- 55000 [143]move
- 55010 ea[178]ea[170]1:l[178]ea[171]sa:ne[178]l[170]ns
- 55020 x[178][181](l[173]256):y[178]l[171]256[172]x
- 55030 a[178][181]((ne[171]y)[173]256):b[178]ne[171]256[172]a[171]y
- 55040 c[178][181]((ea[171]y)[173]256):d[178]ea[171]256[172]c[171]y
- 55050 [151] 781,x[170]1:[151]782,y
- 55060 [151] 88,b[170]1:[151] 89,a
- 55070 [151]90,d[170]1:[151] 91,c
- 55080 [158]41964:[151] ns,[194](sa)
- 55090 [142]
- 60000 v[178]53248:[151]v,xx:[151]v[170]1,yy:[151]v[170]39,7:[151]v[170]21,0
- 60002 [151]51192,0
- 60003 sa[178]49408:ea[178]sa[170]63:ns[178]49152:[141]55010
- 60004 [129]p[178]51193[164]51199:[151]p,1:[130]
- 60006 [151]v[170]2,48:[151]v[170]4,88:[151]v[170]6,128:[151]v[170]8,48:[151]v[170]10,88:[151]v[170]12,128
- 60008 [151]v[170]3,82:[151]v[170]5,82:[151]v[170]7,82
- 60010 [151]v[170]9,114:[151]v[170]11,114:[151]v[170]13,114
- 60100 [142]