home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke56,56:clr:poke53371,0
- 20 poke788,49
- 30 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 40 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 50 rem sys57812"ticker font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
- 60 print"[147]":poke53272,31
- 70 h$=" "
- 80 n$(0)="cd[157][157]#$[145]"
- 90 n$(1)="ef[157][157]%&[145]"
- 100 n$(2)="gh[157][157]'([145]"
- 110 n$(3)="ij[157][157])*[145]"
- 120 n$(4)="kl[157][157]+,[145]"
- 130 n$(5)="mn[157][157]-.[145]"
- 140 n$(6)="op[157][157]/0[145]"
- 150 n$(7)="qr[157][157]12[145]"
- 160 n$(8)="st[157][157]34[145]"
- 170 n$(9)="uv[157][157]56[145]"
- 180 p$="wx[157][157]78[145]"
- 190 e$="yz[157][157]9:[145]"
- 200 l$="[\[157][157];<[145]"
- 210 s$="]^[157][157]=>[145]"
- 220 c$="_[157]?[145]"
- 230 y(1)=7:y(2)=13:y(3)=19:c(1)=14:c(2)=13:c(3)=10
- 280 print"[147][146][155] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [208]resents
- 290 [153]"for str$ (NULL) chr$ (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) len asc (NULL) (NULL) ' (NULL)
- 300 print" [176][178][174][176][192][174][176][192][174][176][192][174] [176][178][174][178][176][192][174][174][176][189][176][192][174][176][192][174]
- 310 [153]" (NULL) -tan<-tanexp-< (NULL) (NULL)(NULL) -< -< -=exp
- 320 print" [177] [189] [173][177] [173][192][189] [177] [177][173][192][189][189][173][174][173][192][189][189][173][189]
- 322 [141]600
- 324 h[178]5:[151]214,4:[153]
- 326 [129]i[178]1[164]3:[151]646,c(i):[153]
- 328 [129]j[178]1[164]5:[153][163]h)h$:[130]:[130]
- 330 [153]" list(NULL)ress asc8list when tape is done"
- 334 [151]214,7:[153]:[153][163]10)"cont"s$p$" "c$
- 340 [153][163]6)"ononascatn(NULL)(NULL)"
- 350 [151]214,13:[153]:[153][163]8)"print"s$l$p$" "c$
- 360 [153][163]6)"onon(NULL)valstr$right$(NULL)(NULL)
- 370 poke214,19:print:printtab(10)"[150]"e$p$" "c$
- 380 printtab(6)"[145][145][211][204][207][215]"
- 390 ti$="000000"
- 400 fori=1to3
- 410 tm=(val(mid$(ti$,2,1))*3600+val(mid$(ti$,3,2))*60+val(mid$(ti$,5,2)))*i
- 420 hr=int(tm/3600)
- 430 mn=int((tm-(hr*3600))/60)
- 440 sc=int(tm-(hr*3600)-(60*mn))
- 450 poke214,y(i):print:poke646,c(i)
- 460 printtab(20)n$(hr)c$;
- 470 printn$(int(mn/10));
- 480 printn$(mn-(int((mn/10))*10))c$;
- 490 printn$(int(sc/10));
- 500 printn$(sc-int(sc/10)*10)
- 502 geta$:ifa$=chr$(140)then280
- 510 next
- 520 goto400
- 600 print"[152] (1[152]) [201]nsert a blank tape (or a tape you
- 610 [153]"want to record over) into your (NULL)len(NULL).
- 620 print"[210]ewind completely and set the speed to
- 630 [153]"list(NULL)(NULL)print# (fast).
- 640 print" (2[152]) [211]et the [214][195][210] channel to [155][193][213][216][152] or [155][204][201][206][197][152]
- 650 [153]"and set the (NULL)len(NULL)/(NULL)(NULL) switch to list(NULL)len(NULL)print#.
- 660 print" (3[152]) [215]hen you unplug your monitor cable
- 670 [153]"from your monitor and plug the video
- 680 print"plug (the red wire, usually) into the
- 690 [153]"(NULL)ideo right$n (NULL)lenatn plug on the (NULL)len(NULL), you
- 700 print"should be able to see this screen on
- 710 [153]"the (NULL)(NULL). right$f not, try the other plugs.
- 720 print" (4[152]) [215]hen ready, press [155][210][197][195][207][210][196][152] on the
- 730 [153]"(NULL)len(NULL) and press listasc8print# on the computer.
- 740 print" (5[152]) [210]ecord until the tape runs out.
- 750 [153]"(NULL)he tape is now (NULL)yc-(NULL)icked (tm).
- 760 print" (6[152]) [208]ress [155][198]8[152] again when tape is done."
- 770 poke198,0
- 780 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(140)then780
- 790 fori=6to24:poke781,i:sys59903:next
- 800 return
- 999 goto999
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="0:tape ticker.b":open15,d,15,"s"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end