home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem *** save"@0:inf4.pt6",8
- 1 poke56,150:clr:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke53371,0:dv=peek(186)
- 2 goto100
- 5 poke198,0
- 6 getk$:ifk$=""then6
- 7 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=7thenpoke49152,0:sys49897:return
- 8 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=0thenpoke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664:poke49152,7
- 9 return
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 40 rem *** door
- 41 print"[147][152][170][155][146] [152] [155] [152] ";
- 42 print" [155] [152] [170][151][146] [152] [155]";
- 43 print" [152] [155] [152] [170][151][146] ";
- 44 print" [146] [155] [152][170][151][146] [155] [146] [152] [155]";
- 45 print"[146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [151] [146] [152] ";
- 46 print" [155] [152] [155] [152] [151][183][146] [155] [146][160][152] [155][146] [152] ";
- 47 print"[155][146] [152] [155][146][160] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [151] [146] [152] [155] ";
- 48 print"[152] [160] [155] [152] [151][183][146] [155] [146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152]";
- 49 print" [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152][160][155][146] [160][151] [146] [152] [155] [152] ";
- 50 print" [155] [152] [151][183][146] [155] [146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152]";
- 51 print" [155][146] [152][160][155][146] [160][151] [146] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] ";
- 52 print" [208][151][146] [155] [146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] ";
- 53 print"[152][160][155][146] [151] [146] [155] [152][170][151][146] [155]";
- 54 print" [146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [151]";
- 55 print" [146] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [155][170][151][146] [155] [146] [152]";
- 56 print" [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [151] [146] [152]";
- 57 print" [155] [152] [155] [152] [170][151][146] [155] [146] [152] [155][146] [152]";
- 58 print" [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152] [155][146] [152][160][155][146] [151] [146] [152] [155] [152] ";
- 59 print" [155] [152] [170][151][146] [155][206] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [155] ";
- 60 print"[152] [155] [152] [155] [205][151] [146] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [170][151][146]";
- 61 print" [146] [155] ";
- 62 print" [152][170][151][146] [152] [155] [152]";
- 63 print" [155] [152] [155][170][151][146] [152]";
- 64 print" [155] [152] [155] [152] [170][151][146] ";
- 65 print" [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [151][183][146] ";
- 66 print" [155] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [151][183]";
- 67 print"[146] [155] ";
- 68 print" [151][183][146] [152] [155] [152] [155] [152] [155]":return
- 100 sys49615:poke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664
- 101 vi=53248:pg=64:sa=pg*256:sp=248
- 102 ss=49152:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 103 pokevi+29,255:forzd=0to7:pokevi+zd,4:next
- 104 syssa
- 105 rem *** poke sprite data
- 106 yy=14:fori=0to7
- 107 poke2040+i,248+i:rem sprite pointers
- 108 pokevi+39+i,i+1:rem sprite colors
- 109 pokevi+37,14:pokevi+38,15:next
- 110 pokevi+29,255:rem x size
- 111 pokevi+23,0:rem y size
- 112 pokevi+28,255:rem multicolor on
- 113 pokevi+37,5:rem multicolor 1
- 114 pokevi+38,13:rem multicolor 2
- 115 pokevi+21,0:rem turn sprites on
- 116 pokess,7:zz=2:zy=10:zx=zy:gosub530
- 117 pokesa+6,2:pokesa+7,1:pokesa+8,zz
- 118 pokesa+9,zz:pokesa+10,zy
- 119 pokesa+13,zx:pokevi+37,14
- 120 pokevi+38,zc:pokevi+39,3
- 121 z=z+1:if z=10 then z=0:zz=zz+1:if zz=5 then zz=2:zy=zy+5
- 122 if zy=40 then zy=10:zx=zx+5
- 123 y=y+1:ify<3thenzc=5
- 124 ify>2thenzc=4:ify>3theny=0:yy=yy+1:ifyy=15thenyy=0:goto127
- 125 geta$:if(peek(ss)=0)or(a$<>"")thenpoke49152,0:sys49897:goto130
- 126 goto117
- 127 yx=2^yz+yx:pokevi+21,yx:yz=yz+1:ifyz=8thenyx=0:yz=0:xx=xx+1
- 128 goto125
- 130 rem *** turn off sinus
- 132 pokevi+21,0:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 133 sys57812"alien font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,48:sys65493
- 134 poke53272,29
- 135 rem *** gamestart
- 136 print"you are walking down the street when a
- 137 [153]"car drives up. 'get in!', martha kent
- 138 print"says. 'i know i am going to regret this
- 139 [153]"in the morning.' you jump in her car and
- 140 print"soon you're off to luthelcorp's local[145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,4
- 141 pokevi+21,255:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0
- 142 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]office. it is a quick drive. martha kent
- 143 [153]"makes it very clear that she is a party
- 144 print"to this misadventure. what the hey, you
- 145 [153]"like the idea of company! the front of "
- 146 [153]"building's locked so you go round back.ononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,5
- 147 [151]vi[170]21,255:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 148 [141]40:[153]"there is a heavy metal door here and a
- 149 print"keypad. nothing more. you enter [156]246801
- 150 [153]"listand hear a click. the door swings open!ononon":[141]5
- 151 [153]"ononinside you see an elevator and 2 doors.
- 152 print"'i hope you know what you're doing', "
- 153 print"martha comments. you make no reply. [145][145][145]":gosub5
- 154 a$=" take a ride on the elevator ":b$=" go through the leftmost door ":x=2
- 155 c$=" go through the rightmost door":gosub690:gosub200:oncgoto172,156,164
- 156 gosub570:print"you wind up in the lobby. there's noth-
- 157 [153]"ing here except for a receptionist desk
- 158 print"and three phones. you search the desk &[145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,4
- 159 pokevi+21,127:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0
- 160 print"[145][145]find the drawers aren't locked! there's
- 161 [153]"a log book in the bottom drawer. you "
- 162 [153]"take some pictures. go back thru door. ononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,5
- 163 [151]vi[170]21,127:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0:[137]154
- 164 [141]570:[153]"you find the door is locked. you take
- 165 print"out a small jeweler's kit & to martha's
- 166 [153]"surprise, pick the lock with expertononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,4
- 167 [151]vi[170]21,63:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 168 [153]"ononskill. you find it's only a janitor's
- 169 print"closet. you examine it very carefully "
- 170 print"and find nothing. you give it a sigh.[145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,5
- 171 pokevi+21,63:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0:goto154
- 172 gosub530:print"you see a zero on the elevator panel.
- 173 [153]"press it and nothing happens. none of
- 174 print"other floors work either! when you press
- 175 [153]"a second time, the numbers cancel out.
- 176 print"with sudden inspiration, you tap out[145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,4
- 177 pokevi+21,31:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0
- 178 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][156]2-4-6-8-0-1[155]. suddenly, the elevator is
- 179 [153]"in motion! it plummets at an impressive
- 180 print"speed then comes to an abrupt stop. you "
- 181 print"are now some place underground. there "
- 182 print"are light panels on the walls. [145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,4
- 183 pokevi+21,31:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0
- 184 gosub690:print"you touch a darkened panel on one wall &
- 185 [153]"a door opens. inside you see a giantic
- 186 print"aquarium. something is floating inside
- 187 [153]"of it -- gray octopi-like creatures!
- 188 print"'they don't look real!', martha whispers
- 189 [153]"softly. you nod. you explore futher andononon":[141]5
- 190 [141]40:[153]"find another heavy metal door! even your
- 191 print"borderline criminal talents cannot open
- 192 [153]"it but you're willing to try! ononon":[141]5
- 193 [153]"ononmartha, however, wants to leave. you spy
- 194 print"a key pad and smile. one more open ses-
- 195 [153]"ame act. 'let's leave!', martha begs. ononon":[141]5
- 196 a$[178]" enter code on key pad 246801 ":b$[178]" checkout rest of installation":x[178]2
- 197 c$[178]" leave with nervous friend ":[141]690:[141]200:[145]c[137]210,210,210
- 200 [143] *** options table
- 201 [153]""[166]16)"listoptions":[153]" clr 1 wait list"a$
- 202 [153]" clr 2 wait list"b$:[153]" clr 3 wait list"c$:c[178]0
- 203 [139]x[178]1[167][153]"onononononlist 1 clr"a$
- 204 [139]x[178]2[167][153]"onononlist 2 clr"b$
- 205 [139]x[178]3[167][153]"onlist 3 clr"c$
- 206 [141]5:[139]k$[178]""[175]x[179]3[167]x[178]x[170]1
- 207 [139]k$[178]"on"[175]x[177]1[167]x[178]x[171]1
- 208 [139]k$[178][199](13)[167]c[178]x:[142]
- 209 [137]200
- 210 [141]570:[153]"you hear a set of high-pitched whisles.
- 211 print"'uh-oh!', you say to martha, 'sounds
- 212 [153]"like an alarm!' you both beat a quickononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,4
- 213 [151]vi[170]21,15:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 214 [153]"ononpath back to the elevator. you hear the
- 215 print"sound of feet running your way. you make
- 216 [153]"it to the surface. the doors open and ononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,5
- 217 [151]vi[170]21,15:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 218 [153]"load you are surrounded by clones --
- 219 print"you're now both captives of gray aliens!":gosub5
- 220 print"[147] 1[154] start over":print" 2[154] loadstar":gosub5
- 221 ifk$="1"then284
- 222 goto283
- 283 f$="hello connect":goto291
- 284 f$="inf4.main":goto291
- 291 syssa+3:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke49152,0:sys49935
- 293 print"[144]load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)","dv:print"run"
- 294 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 530 rem *** cityscape13
- 531 print"[147] ";
- 532 print" ";
- 533 print" + [146] [182] ";
- 534 print"+ + [146] [146][190] [187] ";
- 535 print" [146] [146] ";
- 536 print" + [154][146] ";
- 537 print" [146] [154] [146] [161] + [146]";
- 538 print" [172][146] [154] [154] [154] [146] [155] [161][146] ";
- 539 print" [146] [154] [146][190][155] ";
- 540 print" [161][151][146] [154] [146][161] [151] ";
- 541 print" [154] [154] [154] [146] [155] [151] + [146][184][184]";
- 542 print" [146][161] [151] [146] [155] [152] [154]";
- 543 print" [146] [154] [146][161] [151] [154] ";
- 544 print" [155] [146][190] [146] [146][161] ";
- 545 print" [154] [155] [154] [151] [155] [154] [146] ";
- 546 print"[154] [146] [154] [146] [154] [155] [154]";
- 547 print" [151] [160][154] [146] [154] [146][155]":return
- 570 rem *** cityscape15
- 571 print"[147][151] [154] [151] [152] [154] . [151] [154].[151] [152] [155] [154] ";
- 572 print"[155] [154].[155] [154].[155] [154] [154] [151] [154].[151] ";
- 573 print" [154] [151] [154].[151] [154] [151] [154]. [151] [152] [155] [154]";
- 574 print" . [151] [154] [151] [154] [151] [154] [151] [154] [152] ";
- 575 print" [146] [152] [146] [155] [154] [155] [154].[155] [151] [154] [151] ";
- 576 print" [154] . [154]. [154].[152][161] [182][161] [182][155][146] ";
- 577 print" [152] [146] [154]. [152] [146] [154] [154] ";
- 578 print"[152][161] [182][161] [182][154][146].[155] [154] [155] [154], [152] [146] [152] [152] ";
- 579 print" [146] [154] [152] [158][146] [154]. [154] [152][172][190] [182][155][146]";
- 580 print" [154]. [155] [152] [151][146] [152] [146] [151][169] [152] [146] [154]";
- 581 print" . [154] [151] [152] [151] [152] [146] [154] [155] [152] ";
- 582 print" [151][169] [152] [146] [151] [154] [151] [152] [151] [152] ";
- 583 print" [151] [155][146] [152] [151] [152] [151] [152] [151][146] ";
- 584 print"[152] [151] [152] [151] [146] [151] [152] [151] [152] ";
- 585 print"[151] [152] [151] [152][146] [151] [152] ";
- 586 print" [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [152] [151] [152] [151] ";
- 587 print" [160] [152] [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [152] [151] [155] [151]";
- 588 print" [152] [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 589 print"[151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 590 print"[151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 591 print"[151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 592 print" [151] [155] [151] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 593 print" [151] [155] ":return
- 690 rem *** lea lison2
- 691 print"[147][155] [182] [129] [162][162][185][175] [155] [161] ";
- 692 print" [161] [129] [190] [183][184][190][188][146][187][155] [182] ";
- 693 print" [182] [129] [190][172][164][146][190][150][184][146][187][129][172][172]";
- 694 print"[146][187][155] [161] [161] [150] [129] [191][170][150]";
- 695 print"[146][162] [146][162][167][129][165][161] [155][146] [182] [182] ";
- 696 print" [150] [129] [181][170][150] [175] [146][161][129][187][191][188][155][146] [161] ";
- 697 print" [161] [129] [172][190][188][150][187] [172][129][190][190][182][146][161][187][155] [182] ";
- 698 print" [182] [129] [191] [146][187][150][184][146][187][129][165][146][191][188][146][190]";
- 699 print"[172][155][146] [161] [161] [150] [155] [129] [150][169][129]";
- 700 print"[190][146][172][150][190] [163][146][187][150][223][129] [146][190][155] [182] ";
- 701 print" [182] [150] [155] [129] [150][167] [181] [208][150][187] [207] [150][181][129][146][172][190][155] [161] ";
- 702 print" [161] [150] [155] [129] [150][182] [146][223] [146][190] [146]";
- 703 print"[169][150][190][146] [155] [182] [182] [150] [155] [150][182]";
- 704 print" [129][146] [207][184][184][184][208][146][150][170] [155][146] [161]":return
- 900 gosub530:vi=53248:goto135
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="0:inf4.pt6":open15,d,15,"s"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end