home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem *** save"@0:inf4.pt4",8
- 1 poke56,150:clr:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke53371,0:dv=peek(186)
- 2 goto425
- 5 poke198,0
- 6 getk$:ifk$=""then6
- 7 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=7thenpoke49152,0:sys49897:return
- 8 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=0thenpoke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664:poke49152,7
- 9 return
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 70 rem *** room
- 71 print"[147][152] [181] [167][207][196][192][198][185][187] [180] ";
- 72 print" [181][146][176][192][192][174][180][160][160][160][160][181] [180] ";
- 73 print" [181][146][221] [161][180] [181] ";
- 74 print"[180] [181][146][221] [161][180] [181] ";
- 75 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180] [181] ";
- 76 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180][187] [181] ";
- 77 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180][181] [181] ";
- 78 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180][161] [181] ";
- 79 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180][181] [181] ";
- 80 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180][190] [181] ";
- 81 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180] [181] ";
- 82 print" [180] [181][146][221] [161][180] [181] ";
- 83 print" [180] [181][146][221][164][164][152][161][180] ";
- 84 print" [181] [180] [181][146][221] [152]";
- 85 print"[161][180] [181] [180] [181][146][221]";
- 86 print" [152][161][180] [181] [180] ";
- 87 print"[181][146][221] [152][161][165] [181] [180] ";
- 88 print" [146][169][169] [152][146][188][185][162][146][184][183][163][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]";
- 89 print"[162][187][152][223] [146][169][169] ";
- 90 print" [223][152][146][223] [146][169][169] ";
- 91 print" [223][152][146][223] [146][155]":return
- 200 rem *** options table
- 201 print""spc(16)"[155]options":print" [156] 1 [146] [155]"a$
- 202 print" [156] 2 [146] [155]"b$:print" [156] 3 [146] [155]"c$:c=0
- 203 ifx=1thenprint"[145][145][145][145][145][155] 1 [156]"a$
- 204 ifx=2thenprint"[145][145][145][155] 2 [156]"b$
- 205 ifx=3thenprint"[145][155] 3 [156]"c$
- 206 gosub5:ifk$=""andx<3thenx=x+1
- 207 ifk$="[145]"andx>1thenx=x-1
- 208 ifk$=chr$(13)thenc=x:return
- 209 goto200
- 285 f$="inf4.pt7":goto291
- 286 f$="inf4.pt6":goto291
- 287 f$="inf4.pt5":goto291
- 291 syssa+3:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke49152,0:sys49935
- 293 print"[144]load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)","dv:print"run"
- 294 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 425 sys49615:poke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664
- 426 vi=53248:pg=64:sa=pg*256:sp=248
- 427 ss=49152:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 428 pokevi+29,255:forzd=0to7:pokevi+zd,4:next
- 429 syssa
- 430 rem *** poke sprite data
- 431 yy=14:fori=0to7
- 432 poke2040+i,248+i:rem sprite pointers
- 433 pokevi+39+i,i+1:rem sprite colors
- 434 pokevi+37,14:pokevi+38,15:next
- 435 pokevi+29,255:rem x size
- 436 pokevi+23,0:rem y size
- 437 pokevi+28,255:rem multicolor on
- 438 pokevi+37,5:rem multicolor 1
- 439 pokevi+38,13:rem multicolor 2
- 440 pokevi+21,0:rem turn sprites on
- 441 pokess,7:zz=2:zy=10:zx=zy:gosub510:yy=21
- 442 pokesa+6,2:pokesa+7,1:pokesa+8,zz
- 443 pokesa+9,zz:pokesa+10,zy
- 444 pokesa+13,zx:pokevi+37,14
- 445 pokevi+38,zc:pokevi+39,3
- 446 z=z+1:if z=10 then z=0:zz=zz+1:if zz=5 then zz=2:zy=zy+5
- 447 if zy=40 then zy=10:zx=zx+5
- 448 y=y+1:ify<3thenzc=5
- 449 ify>2thenzc=4:ify>3theny=0:yy=yy+1:ifyy=22thenyy=0:goto452
- 450 geta$:if(peek(ss)=0)or(a$<>"")thenpoke49152,0:sys49897:goto455
- 451 goto442
- 452 yx=2^yz+yx:pokevi+21,yx:yz=yz+1:ifyz=8thenyx=0:yz=0:xx=xx+1
- 453 goto450
- 455 rem *** turn off sinus
- 456 pokevi+21,0:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 457 sys57812"alien font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,48:sys65493
- 458 poke53272,29
- 460 rem *** gamestart
- 461 print"martha drives you to hotel calhoon where
- 462 [153]"a mild convention has gone into after
- 463 print"hours and has become quite wild. you
- 464 [153]"avoid the crowd and take a ride to the
- 465 print"seventh floor. a group of people are
- 466 [153]"playing computer games & writing demosononon":[141]5
- 467 [153]"ononononononononin room 768 while others are dropping "
- 468 [153]"water balloons out the window. martha
- 469 print"gives it a sigh and asks a bearded man
- 470 [153]"wearing sandals if he has seen haljor.
- 471 print"alfred jackson shrugs and says 'down the
- 472 [153]"hall.' you follow martha down the hall.ononon":[141]5
- 473 [141]970:[153]""[166]22)"dan haljor reco-":[153][166]22)"nizes you instant-
- 474 printspc(22)"ly. 'lea lison!',":printspc(22)"he exclaims, dis-
- 475 [153][166]22)"missing the person":[153][166]22)"he was talking to
- 476 printspc(22)"with a wave of his":printspc(22)"hand. 'i thought i
- 477 [153][166]22)"was going to have":[153][166]22)"to look you up!'
- 478 printspc(22)"you're taken aback
- 479 [153]"-- does he know about the sewage plant?ononon":[141]5
- 480 a$[178]" talk to dan haljor privately ":b$[178]" leave - this was a mistake! ":x[178]1
- 481 c$[178]" include martha in this chat ":[141]490:[141]200
- 482 [141]70:[153]"before you can say another word, halhor
- 483 print"says 'you're hunting down luthel as the
- 484 [153]"source of the clones. dangerous hobby!'ononon":[141]5
- 485 [145]c[137]713,710,486
- 486 [153]"onon'i saw the alien spaceship', you reply.
- 487 print"'this is nuts!', martha says, stares at
- 488 [153]"you, shakes her head, and leaves. ononon":[141]5:[137]716
- 490 [143] *** cityscape11
- 491 [153]"loadcont ";
- 492 [153]" cont ";
- 493 [153]" listwait cont posposrnd ";
- 494 [153]" listwait cont *waitlog waitfrecos";
- 495 [153]"sys*cos cont waitcos listwait cont new wait syscoscontnewrnd ";
- 496 [153]"wait sys** contnewnew wait sysrndlog logcont andandnewnewwait logcoslist sys";
- 497 [153]"logcont syscos cont wait syscoscos log log cos cont wait syscoscont syscosverify ";
- 498 [153]"cont verifywait sys sinwait list sysloglist sys logcont *wait syslogcont sys";
- 499 [153]"coscont syscoscont syssincont rnd wait syscoscont syssincontwait wait syslogcont ";
- 500 [153]" syssinlist syssincont syslogcont wait syslogcont syscoscont syscoscont ";
- 501 [153]" wait syscoscont rnd wait syslogcont list cont *wait ";
- 502 [153]" syslogcont syslogcont syssincont syssincont syscoscont wait syssincont syscoscont ";
- 503 [153]" wait syscoscont syssincontwait syslogcont syslogcont int syslogcont sys";
- 504 [153]"coscont syssincont wait syscoscont *wait syscoscont syssincont sys";
- 505 [153]"sinlogcont int syslogcont syslogcont syssincont syssincontwait wait syscoscont ";
- 506 [153]"syssincont syscoscos cont int syssincontwait syssincont ";
- 507 [153]" syscoscont wait syssincontwait syssincont syssincontwait syscoslist":[142]
- 510 [143] *** cityscape12
- 511 [153]"loadclr ";
- 512 [153]" ";
- 513 [153]" ";
- 514 [153]" ";
- 515 [153]" openwait clr newrnd *newrndpos ";
- 516 [153]" newrnd wait rnd wait newwait wait newrnd";
- 517 [153]"wait toandopenwait clr andpos wait fre cos *wait ";
- 518 [153]" wait *wait rnd wait open clrnew waitcos ";
- 519 [153]" open clr wait int wait ";
- 520 [153]" open clr wait int wait ";
- 521 [153]"tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanlist":[142]
- 550 [143] *** cityscape14
- 551 [153]"load ";
- 552 [153]" . . . . ";
- 553 [153]" . . ";
- 554 [153]" . wait wait(NULL) wait ";
- 555 [153]"wait wait wait (NULL) waitstep ";
- 556 [153]"waitlog sin . wait . (NULL) wait cos ";
- 557 [153]" wait poke wait poke wait poke ";
- 558 [153]" wait wait log wait sin cos poke ";
- 559 [153]" poke sin wait poke *waitfreusrtab(list poke list * cos ";
- 560 [153]"sin wait sin poke sin cos rnd toandnewlistwait ";
- 561 [153]" poke wait poke print# or poke log coswaitcoslist ";
- 562 [153]" poke log cos print#usrusr or oror poke print# or ";
- 563 [153]" listwait poke print# rndrndrnd+ or or or";
- 564 [153]" poke print# or waitfrelist print# +poke print# coscoscos+";
- 565 [153]" or or or waitusrlist print#sin log+poke ";
- 566 [153]"print# + or or posposwaitusrusrlist print#";
- 567 [153]" + or andnewwait list ";
- 568 [153]" print# totosqrnewwaitfretab(list print#list":[142]
- 710 [153]"ononyou stare at him. 'i saw their space- "
- 711 [153]"ship!', you admit reluctantly. martha "
- 712 [153]"stares, shakes her head, and leaves. ononon":[141]5:[137]716
- 713 [153]"onon'yes, i'm here for luthel. james clark "
- 714 [153]"was -- is -- a good friend. i want him "
- 715 [153]"back! clark'd never give up on me!' ononon":[141]5
- 716 [141]970:[153]""[166]22)"'james clark is":[153][166]22)"dead!', haljor an-
- 717 printspc(22)"nounces. 'i will":printspc(22)"believe it when i
- 718 [153][166]22)"see the body!',":[153][166]22)"you reply and ask
- 719 printspc(22)"'who are they, mr.":printspc(22)"haljor?' his reply
- 720 [153][166]22)"'i only know who":[153][166]22)"luthel is! he's
- 721 printspc(22)"a microbiologist
- 722 [153]"from a missing antarctica expedition! iononon":[141]5
- 723 [141]550:[153]"think the government sent that expedi-
- 724 print"tion to meet and trade with the aliens.
- 725 [153]"human lives for alien technology or --
- 726 print"whatever it requires. i only know that
- 727 [153]"they are hunting down lacy lune! theyononon":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,4
- 728 [151]vi[170]21,255:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 729 [153]"ononononononthink tolsen gave her an override entry
- 730 print"code from some dissenter in their ranks.
- 731 [153]"they'll do anything to get it back!' "
- 732 [153]"(you have the entry code clr(246801)list, it's
- 733 print"on back of the card lacy gave you!) [145][145][145]":gosub5:pokevi+38,5
- 734 pokevi+21,255:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0:gosub510
- 735 a$=" search nightclubs for lacy ":b$=" break into luthelcorp office ":x=1
- 736 c$=" checkout luthelcorp chemplant":gosub200:gosub737:oncgoto287,286,285
- 737 gosub70:print"remember you have the override code --
- 738 [153][166]13)"clr 2 4 6 8 0 1 ":[141]5:[142]
- 900 [141]510:vi[178]53248:[137]460
- 970 [143] *** dan haljor
- 971 [153]"load defnewnewnewrnd ";
- 972 [153]" defnew waitnew ";
- 973 [153]" defcos logwait ";
- 974 [153]" poke def* rnd waitget ";
- 975 [153]" list poke def listcosdef waitsin ";
- 976 [153]" wait list def";
- 977 [153]" listspc(def sinrnd abswait list ";
- 978 [153]"poke def list spc(def wait defnotspc(spc(spc(rnd notspc(spc(syswait ";
- 979 [153]" list def listrnd def int and sin pos";
- 980 [153]"poswait list def listgetspc((NULL)def sin";
- 981 [153]"waitnew newdeflog possyswait logcos list poke ";
- 982 [153]" def listgetdef list(NULL)def waitlog cosdefcos logwaitlog coswait ";
- 983 [153]" list def get";
- 984 [153]" syswait def list poke defrnd ";
- 985 [153]" *rnd *get*wait def list poke ";
- 986 [153]" def logwaitnewcossinwaitcos def ";
- 987 [153]" list poke forgetdefgetint andlistcosspc((NULL)logdefandwait ";
- 988 [153]" def list poke forgetdefwaitlogint get";
- 989 [153]"*listcosspc( spc( logwait def list ";
- 990 [153]" forgetlogdefwaitlog getwaitgetlistspc( frewaitnewnewnewlist(NULL)wait def ";
- 991 [153]" list poke for verify waitnewdefgetloglistspc( (NULL)waitnew";
- 992 [153]"frelist (NULL)wait def list forcos verify";
- 993 [153]" logdefnewlist spc( (NULL) spc(abswait def list ";
- 994 [153]" forcos verify waitnewnewlistposposposposwait def ";
- 995 [153]" forcos verify loglistwait":[142]
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"0:inf4.pt4":[159]15,d,15,"s"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d:[128]