home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem *** save"@0:inf3.pt5",8
- 1 print"";:dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 2 goto460
- 5 poke198,0
- 6 getk$:ifk$=""then6
- 7 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=7thenpoke49152,0:sys49897:return
- 8 ifk$="s"andpeek(49152)=0thenpoke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664:poke49152,7
- 9 return
- 200 rem *** options table
- 201 print""spc(16)"[155]options":print" [156] 1 [146] [155]"a$
- 202 print" [156] 2 [146] [155]"b$:print" [156] 3 [146] [155]"c$:c=0
- 203 ifx=1thenprint"[145][145][145][145][145][155] 1 [156]"a$
- 204 ifx=2thenprint"[145][145][145][155] 2 [156]"b$
- 205 ifx=3thenprint"[145][155] 3 [156]"c$
- 206 gosub5:ifk$=""andx<3thenx=x+1
- 207 ifk$="[145]"andx>1thenx=x-1
- 208 ifk$=chr$(13)thenc=x:return
- 209 goto200
- 288 f$="inf3.pt4":goto291
- 289 f$="inf3.pt3":goto291
- 290 f$="inf3.pt2":goto291
- 291 syssa+3:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke49152,0:sys49935
- 293 print"[144]load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)","dv:print"run"
- 294 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 420 rem *** bartender (gordon)
- 421 print"[147] [151][162][184][184][184][184][183][183][183][184][146][162][187][159] [155] ";
- 422 print" [159] [151][184] ";
- 423 print" [188][155][146] [159] [152][190] [151] ";
- 424 print" [185][185] [188][155][146] [159] [152][172][151][172][150]";
- 425 print"[146][172][152][185] [164][151][172][150][184][184][184][151][187] [191][152][146][172][188][155][146] [159] ";
- 426 print" [152] [167][150][185][162][146] [163][163] [151][146][188][185][150][146][172][184][184][152][146]";
- 427 print"[172] [155][146] [159] [156] [152] [167][129] [150][146][162]";
- 428 print"[151] [150] [162][146][190][129][184][184][146] [150] [152] [188][155][146] [159] ";
- 429 print" [150] [151] [152][172][129] [162] [146][162][151] [150][188] [146][172][129][190] [146] ";
- 430 print" [150][187][152] [151][146][161][155] [159] [150] [151] [129][146][182] ";
- 431 print"[188][146][187][162][175] [146][191] [150] [129] [162][146] [150][188][151] [146][181][155] [159] ";
- 432 print" [150] [152] [129][146][182][150] [182][182][146] [161][129][190][190][146] [188] [172][146] ";
- 433 print"[182][146] [161][129] [151] [146][180][155] [159] [150] [152]";
- 434 print" [182][150] [183][183][183] [129] [146][161] [188] [152] [146][180] [155] [159] ";
- 435 print" [150] [152][188][182][150] [146][191] [129] [150] [129][146][161] [172] [146] ";
- 436 print"[170][152] [146] [155] [159] [150] [146][191] ";
- 437 print" [172][187][129][188][146] [172] [150] [129] [172][146] [170] [155] [159] ";
- 438 print" [150] [170][170] [172][146][190][129][187][162] [146] [191] [188] [146] [170] [155] ";
- 439 print"[159] [150] [182][182] [129][146][162] [188][146][188][187] [146] ";
- 440 print" [187] [155] [159] [150] [161] [129] [150] [129]";
- 441 print" [146][187][162][146] [187] [180] [155] [159] [150]";
- 442 print" [161] [129][187] [146][187] [129][191][155][146] [167] [155] [159] ";
- 443 print" [150] [146] [162][162][162][162][155][162][162] [155] ";
- 444 print"[180][146] [155] [159] [156] [150][188] [129] [155][146]";
- 445 print" [162][175][175][155][185][146][190] [190][146][190] [155] [159] ";
- 446 print" [150][188][129] [170][162][162][162][155][162][146] [190][146][190] [155] ";
- 447 print" [159] [150][188] [129] [146][190] [150] [190]";
- 448 print"[146][190] [155] [159] [155] [150][188] ";
- 449 print" [146] [191][146] [155] [159] ";
- 450 print" [155] [150][183][184][184][184][184][184][184][155]":return
- 460 sys49615:poke781,0:poke782,150:sys49664
- 487 vi=53248:pg=64:sa=pg*256:sp=248
- 488 ss=49152:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 489 pokevi+29,255:forzd=0to7:pokevi+zd,4:next
- 490 syssa
- 491 rem *** poke sprite data
- 492 yy=14:fori=0to7
- 493 poke2040+i,248+i:rem sprite pointers
- 494 pokevi+39+i,i+1:rem sprite colors
- 495 pokevi+37,14:pokevi+38,15:next
- 496 pokevi+29,255:rem x size
- 497 pokevi+23,0:rem y size
- 520 rem *** poke sprite data2
- 521 pokevi+28,255:rem multicolor on
- 522 pokevi+37,5:rem multicolor 1
- 523 pokevi+38,13:rem multicolor 2
- 524 pokevi+21,0:rem turn sprites on
- 525 pokess,7:zz=2:zy=10:zx=zy:gosub930
- 526 pokesa+6,2:pokesa+7,1:pokesa+8,zz
- 527 pokesa+9,zz:pokesa+10,zy
- 528 pokesa+13,zx:pokevi+37,14
- 529 pokevi+38,zc:pokevi+39,3
- 530 z=z+1:if z=10 then z=0:zz=zz+1:if zz=5 then zz=2:zy=zy+5
- 531 if zy=40 then zy=10:zx=zx+5
- 532 y=y+1:ify<3thenzc=5
- 533 ify>2thenzc=4:ify>3theny=0:yy=yy+1:ifyy=15thenyy=0:goto536
- 534 geta$:if(peek(ss)=0)or(a$<>"")thenpoke49152,0:goto540
- 535 goto526
- 536 yx=2^yz+yx:pokevi+21,yx:yz=yz+1:ifyz=8thenyx=0:yz=0:xx=xx+1
- 538 goto534
- 540 rem *** turn off sinus
- 541 pokevi+21,0:pokevi+32,0:pokevi+33,0
- 542 sys57812"alien font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,48:sys65493
- 543 poke53272,29
- 545 rem *** gamestart
- 546 pokesa+6,3:pokevi+38,4:print"you know tonight is your snitch's night
- 547 [153]"off from working at murphy's bar, so you
- 548 print"go to his apartment.":gosub5:pokevi+21,63
- 549 fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0:pokevi+38,5
- 550 print"[145][145][145][145][145]you are sure he's sleeping in. gordon's
- 551 [153]"growl at your ring proves you are right on the money. ":[141]5
- 552 [151]vi[170]21,63:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0:[151]vi[170]38,4
- 553 [141]420:[153]""[166]23)"you flash a ten-":[153][166]23)"spot at gordon &
- 554 printspc(23)"introduce your-":printspc(23)"self as jeremy
- 555 [153][166]23)"clark, younger":[153][166]23)"brother to your-
- 556 printspc(23)"self. he buys it":printspc(23)"& invites you in.
- 557 [153][166]23)"a good $20 later,":[153][166]23)"you know lacy's
- 558 printspc(23)"sister's addy in":printspc(23)"amgoth.":gosub5
- 559 gosub930:print"(lacy lune was ken tolsen's girlfriend.
- 560 [153]"tolsen was reporter lea lison's favoritesnitch.)":[141]5
- 561 [151]vi[170]21,31:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0
- 562 [153]"onononononso wencube was either checking out lea's
- 563 print"involvement or she just crossed paths in
- 564 [153]"this. tolsen is dead.":[141]5:[151]vi[170]38,5:[151]vi[170]21,31
- 565 [129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0:a$[178]" shell out more cash to snitch"
- 566 b$[178]" break into lison's home addy ":c$[178]" go to 'startower' cyber cafe ":x[178]1
- 567 [141]770:[141]200:[145]c[137]568,583,290
- 568 [141]420:[153]""[166]23)"you part with a":[153][166]23)"tenspot to learn
- 569 printspc(23)"that your late":printspc(23)"partner dropped
- 570 [153][166]23)"by anna gall's":[153][166]23)"health spa where
- 571 printspc(23)"lacy lune kept a":printspc(23)"locker. you dis-
- 572 [153][166]23)"cuss whirry with":[153][166]23)"gordon long enuff
- 573 printspc(23)"to learn whirry":printspc(23)"was toxic dumping[145][145]":gosub5
- 574 pokevi+38,4:gosub770:print"you drop by anna gall's spa. though it
- 575 [153]"is open, annie isn't around. she went
- 576 print"to your partner's wake. that's ok, you came to see lacy's locker.
- 577 [141]5:[151]vi[170]21,15:[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[151]vi[170]21,0:[151]vi[170]38,5
- 578 [153]"onononononononyou part with ten bucks to look at an "
- 579 [153]"empty locker. oh well, you didn't think
- 580 print"much would come from this sidetrip! youreview your options. "
- 581 gosub5:pokevi+21,15:fort=1to3000:next:pokevi+21,0
- 582 a$=" visit crime lab tech ragsody ":gosub930:gosub200:oncgoto289,583,290
- 583 gosub670:print""spc(18)"breaking into lison's
- 584 [153][166]18)"is relatively easy.":[153][166]18)"you find nothing of
- 585 printspc(18)"interest. on the way":printspc(18)"to the subway, you
- 586 [153][166]18)"find you picked up a":[153][166]18)"tail. you lose him.
- 587 a$=" go to your partner's wake ":b$=" visit crime lab tech ragsody "
- 588 gosub200:oncgoto288,289,290
- 670 rem *** thad vyner (rodent)
- 671 print"[147] [149] [150] ";
- 672 print" [149] [185][185][185][185][184][184][184][184][146][185] [150] ";
- 673 print" [149] [190] [146] [150] ";
- 674 print" [149] [188][150][146] ";
- 675 print" [149][187] [185][185][150][190][149][162] [150][188][149] ";
- 676 print" [150][146] [149][190] [150] [192][192] ";
- 677 print" [192][192] [149] [188][150][146] [155] [150] [149]";
- 678 print"[190] [150][172][146][187][162][150][188] [146][190][187][184][150][187][149] [150][146] ";
- 679 print" [155] [150] [149][188] [150][188][183][183][190] [188][183][183][190][149] [146][190][150] ";
- 680 print" [155] [150] [149][187] [150] [206][188][187][172][190][205] [149] ";
- 681 print"[172][150][146] [155] [150] [149] [150] [167] ";
- 682 print"[188][190] [165] [149] [150][146] [155] [150] ";
- 683 print"[149] [150][146][188] [183][197][197][183] [146][190][149] [150][146] ";
- 684 print"[155] [150] [129] [149][188] [150][146][188] [183][183] [146][190][149] [172][152][146] [150] ";
- 685 print" [155] [150] [149] [150] [149] [150][146][188] [149] ";
- 686 print" [150] [146][190][149] [146][190][150] [151] [150] [155] [150] ";
- 687 print" [154] [150] [162][149] [150][146][162] [154] [150] ";
- 688 print" [154] [150][172] [183][183] [146][187][154] [150] ";
- 689 print" [155] [150] [190] [146] [188][146][155]":return
- 700 gosub930:vi=53248:goto545
- 770 rem *** cityscape5
- 771 print"[147][154] .[155] ";
- 772 print" [154] [145].[155] ";
- 773 print" [154] [152] [155] ";
- 774 print" [151] [154]. [152][170][180][151] [154].[155] ";
- 775 print" [154] [151][164] [152][182][181][151] ";
- 776 print" [152][172][162][187][172][162][187][151] [154].[155] [154] [152][169][151][146][165] [186][152] [151][146] ";
- 777 print" [152][181][182][151][146] [154].[152][161] [182][161] [182][155][146] ";
- 778 print"[151] [152] [223][151][146][164][152] [223][151][146] [152][172] [146][187] [152]";
- 779 print"[161] [182][161] [182][155][146] [151][164][152] [151][146] [164][152][169] ";
- 780 print" [223][146] [152] [182][161] [146][187][155] [152] [146] ";
- 781 print" [151][146][164][152] [146] [152] [158] [152] [146] [152][172][190] ";
- 782 print" [182][155][146] [152] [151][146] [152] [151][146] [151][169] [146] ";
- 783 print" [152] [146] [152] [146][162] [172] [146] [182][146] [152][172][187][155] [151]";
- 784 print" [158][146] [153] [152] [153][146] [151][169] [146] [152] [191] [151]";
- 785 print" [152][146] [182][151][146][164][155] [152] [151][146][165] [152][146] [151] ";
- 786 print" [146] [152] [151][146] [152][146] [151] [152] [223][151][146][164][152]";
- 787 print"[169] [223][151] [155] [151] [156][146] [151] [152] [151][146] ";
- 788 print"[151] [152][146] [151] [155][146] [152] [151] [152] [151] [155] [151] [155]";
- 789 print" [151] [152][146] [151] [146] [152] [151] [155] [151] [160][155][146] ";
- 790 print"[151] [152] [151] [155] [152][146] [155] [152][146] [155] [151] [155] ";
- 791 print" [151] [155] [151] [152] [155] [146] [146] ";
- 792 print" [146] [151] [155] [146] ";
- 793 print" [146] [146] [146] [146][190] [188][190] [146]":return
- 930 rem *** cityscape10
- 931 print"[147][154] [154] [151] [154].[151] [154] [151] [154].[151] [154] [151] ";
- 932 print" [154]. [151] [152] [155] [154] . [151] [154] [151] [154] [151] ";
- 933 print"[154] [151] [154] [152] [152] [155] [154] [155] [154].[155] ";
- 934 print" [151] [154] [151] [154] . [154]. [154].[152] ";
- 935 print" [155] [152] [154]. [152] [154] ";
- 936 print" [154] [152] [154].[155] [154] [155] [154], [152] [174][174][146] [152]";
- 937 print" [154] [152] [158] [154]. [154] [152] [176][146][161] [161] [146] ";
- 938 print" [155] [154]. [155] [152] [174][174][174][146] [151] [152] [152] [164][164] [154] .";
- 939 print" [154] [151] [152] [182][176] [146] [176] [146][181] [154] [155] [152] [146]";
- 940 print"[175] [176] [146][164][206] [165] [151] [154] [151] [152] [182][176] [146] [176] [146][181] ";
- 941 print" [155] [152] [174][174][151][146] [152][204] [176] [151][146] [152] [165][169][174][174][174][146] ";
- 942 print" [176] [146][164][176][176][176][146][161] [175][175] [151][146] [152][180] [151][146] ";
- 943 print" [152] [174][174] [146][164] [169] [146] [146] [206] [204][175] [174][151]";
- 944 print"[146] [155][176][176] [151][146] [152][180][155] [174][174][151][146] [152] [174] [151][146] [152][205] ";
- 945 print"[151][146] [152] [146][164][165][151] [152] [151] [152][165] [151][146] [155][176] [151][146] [152][204]";
- 946 print"[155] [174] [174][174][151][146] [152] [174][155][176][176] [151][146] [152][204] [151][146] [155] [174] [174][151][146]";
- 947 print" [152][165][151] [155][176][176] [151][146] [155] [174] [174] [174][151][146] [152] [155][176]";
- 948 print" [176][176] [151][146] [152] [151][146] [155] [174][174] [151][146] [155][176][176] [151][146] [152][204][151] ";
- 949 print" [155][176] [151][146] [155] [174] [174] [174][151][146] [155][176][176][176] [176] [151][146] [155] [174]";
- 950 print" [174][174][151][146] [155][176] [176][176] [151][146] [155][176][176][176] [151][146] [155] [174][174] [174] [174]";
- 951 print"[151][146] [155] [176][176] [151][146] [155] [174] [174] [174][151][146] [155][176][176] [176][176] [151][146] ";
- 952 print"[155][176] [176] [151][146] [155] [174] [174][174][174] [174][151][146] [155][176][176][176] [176] [151][146] [155] ";
- 953 print"[174] [174][174] [176] [176] [151][146] [155][176][176] [176] [176] [174][174] [174] [174][174] [176] [176][176][176] ";
- 954 print" [174] [174] [174] [174] [176] [176][176][176] ";
- 955 print" ";
- 956 print" [146]":return
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="0:inf3.pt5":open15,d,15,"s"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end