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- 5 poke55,.:poke56,56:clr
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 15 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 16 poke53371,0
- 25 poke53272,31
- 30 ad=49152
- 35 sysad:sysad+12
- 37 bl$="[153][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 40 ee$=" "
- 42 dimlr(16)
- 105 zz=0
- 107 print"[147]":printtab(4)"[158] [205] [197] [212] [197] [207] [210] [212] [210] [193] [195] [203][160][197][160][210] ":sysad+9,11
- 110 print"[153][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 115 print"[159][205]ass [158]([203][199].):";:l9%=27:gosub900:mm=q9
- 120 ifmm=<0thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto115
- 125 print:print"[159][201]ts [196]ensity [158]([203][199]/per cu.[205]):";:l9%=9:gosub900:d=q9
- 130 ifd=<0thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto125
- 135 print:print"[159][201]ts [214]elocity [158](km/sec):";:l9%=4:gosub900:v=q9
- 140 ifv=<0thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto135
- 145 print:print"[159][218]enith [193]ngle [158]([219]):";:l9%=6:gosub900:z=q9
- 150 ifz=<0thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto145
- 155 print:print"[159][212]ime [201]ncrements [158]sec (.01/.1/1) :";:l9%=4:gosub900:dt=q9
- 160 ifdt=<0thenprint"[145][145][145]":goto155
- 170 print:print"[150] [201]s [196]ata [197]ntry [195]orrect [156][[153][217]es[156]-[153][206]o[156]]?":poke198,.
- 175 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then175
- 180 ifa$="n"then105
- 182 sysad+9,12
- 185 gosub375:print:gosub420
- 190 a=1.2:l=.001:g=1:ho=.2
- 195 h1=500000:sg=ho/(2*g*h1)
- 200 h=155000:t=0:fm=10:fl=fm
- 205 m=mm:v=v*1000:im=0:d=d+im
- 210 re=6371000:zr=z*3.14159/180
- 215 vv=-v*cos(zr):vh=v*sin(zr)
- 220 i=int(h/10000)
- 225 ifi>15theni=15
- 230 fr=(h/10000)-i
- 235 r=10^(lr(i)*(1-fr)+fr*lr(i+1))
- 240 a2=(g*a*r*v*v)/(m*d*d)^.33333
- 245 gv=9.81/(1+h/re)^2
- 250 av=-gv-a2*vv/v+vh*vh/(re+h)
- 255 ah=-a2*vh/v-vv*vh/(re+h)
- 260 mo=sg*m*v*a2
- 265 iffl=fmthengosub315
- 270 t=t+dt:s=s+vh*dt*re/(re+h)
- 275 h=h+vv*dt:m=m-mo*dt
- 280 vv=vv+av*dt:vh=vh+ah*dt
- 285 v=sqr(vh*vh+vv*vv)
- 290 ifh<=0orh>160000orm<=0then460
- 310 fl=fl+1:goto220
- 315 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:nexti
- 320 poke214,18:print:printee$:sysad+9,13
- 325 print"[145]"int(.5+t*10)/10;
- 330 printtab(4)"[153]"int(.5+s/1000);
- 335 printtab(10)"[154]"int(.5+h/1000);
- 340 printtab(15)"[150]"int(.5+v/100)/10;
- 345 printtab(22)"[158]"int(.5+a2);
- 350 printtab(29)"[156]"int(.5+100*m/mm);
- 355 lv=.5*v*v*mo*l*1e+10/(h*h)
- 360 mv=6.8-1.086*log(lv)
- 365 printtab(33)"[155]"int(.5+10*mv)/10
- 370 fl=0:return
- 375 rem log(density) of atmosphere
- 385 fori=0to16:readlr(i):next
- 390 data.09,-.38,-1.05,-1.74,-2.39
- 395 data-2.98,-3.50,-4.07,-4.72
- 400 data-5.45,-6.30,-7.00,-7.62
- 405 data-7.97,-8.32,-8.67,-8.81
- 410 return
- 420 poke214,14:print:print"[153] [199][210][207][213][206][196] [212][210][193][195][203] [146] [158] [193][212][205][207][211][208][200][197][210][201][195][193][204] "
- 425 print"[212]ime [153][212]rack [154][193]lt [150][211]peed [158][196]ecel [156][205]ass [155][193]bsol"
- 430 print"(s) [153](km) [154](km) [150](km/s) [158](m/s/s) [156](%) [155]mag.[144]"
- 435 printbl$
- 440 print""bl$
- 455 return
- 460 gosub675
- 470 gosub955
- 560 gosub3000
- 565 restore:goto105
- 675 print"[147]":sysad+9,14
- 680 print:print"[156] [198][201][206][193][204] [198][201][199][213][210][197][211] on [208][210][197][196][201][195][212][197][196] [207][194][202][197][195][212]"
- 685 print:print"[153] [199][210][207][213][206][196] [212][210][193][195][203] [146] [158] [193][212][205][207][211][208][200][197][210][201][195][193][204] "
- 690 print"[212]ime [153][212]rack [154][193]lt [150][211]peed [158][196]ecel [156][205]ass [155][193]bsol"
- 695 print"(s) [153](km) [154](km) [150](km/s) [158](m/s/s) [156](%) [155]mag"
- 700 printbl$
- 705 print:print"[145]"int(.5+t*10)/10;
- 710 printtab(4)"[153]"int(.5+s/1000);
- 715 printtab(10)"[154]"int(.5+h/1000);
- 720 printtab(15)"[150]"int(.5+v/100)/10;
- 725 printtab(22)"[158]"int(.5+a2);
- 730 printtab(29)"[156]"int(.5+100*m/mm);
- 735 lv=.5*v*v*mo*l*1e+10/(h*h)
- 740 mv=6.8-1.086*log(lv)
- 745 printtab(33)"[155]"int(.5+10*mv)/10
- 750 printbl$
- 755 return
- 900 q9$="":poke198,.
- 905 geta$
- 910 poke646,rnd(1)*15+1:print"*[157]";:ifa$=""then905
- 915 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":q9=val(q9$):sysad+9,8:return
- 920 if(a$=chr$(20)andlen(q9$))thenq9$=left$(q9$,len(q9$)-1):goto950
- 925 iflen(q9$)>=l9%thensysad+9,20:goto905
- 930 if(a$>="0"anda$<="9")ora$="."then940
- 935 goto905
- 940 q9$=q9$+a$
- 945 print""a$;:sysad+9,12:goto905
- 950 print" [157][157] [157]";:goto905
- 955 ifm<=0andint(.5+h/1000)>=70then1000
- 960 ifm<=0andint(.5+h/1000)>=30andint(.5+h/1000)<=70then1030
- 965 ifm<=0andint(.5+h/1000)>=6andint(.5+h/1000)<30then1190
- 970 ifm<=0andint(.5+h/1000)>=1andint(.5+h/1000)<6then1240
- 975 ifh<=0andint(.5+100*m/mm)>=50then1090
- 980 ifh<=0andint(.5+100*m/mm)<=49andint(.5+100*m/mm)>25then1120
- 990 ifh<=0andint(.5+100*m/mm)>=1andint(.5+100*m/mm)<25then1060
- 995 ifint(.5+h/1000)>=160then1150
- 1000 print:print"[158] [207]bject burned up[159]";int(.5+h/1000);"[158]kilometers high!"
- 1005 print" [201]t could only have been seen under"
- 1010 print" clear, dark skies. [217]ou had to be"
- 1015 print" looking in its direction. [193] brief"
- 1017 print" streak of light in the night sky."
- 1020 print" [218][201][208]! [212]he most common of objects that"
- 1022 print" adds tons to earth's mass daily."
- 1023 print" [201]f you could see this one at all!"
- 1025 return
- 1030 print:print"[158] [212]his one would have caught many"
- 1035 print" people's attention! [193] bright to very"
- 1040 print"[160]bright streak across the sky. [212]hese"
- 1045 print" types are commonly associated with"
- 1050 print" meteor showers, which are most often"
- 1051 print" located in a constellation. [212]he"
- 1052 print" debris from comets that cross the"
- 1053 print" earth's orbit, as they orbit the sun."
- 1054 print" [194]urned up at [159]";int(.5+h/1000);"[158]kilometers"
- 1055 return
- 1060 print:print"[158] [201][212]'[211] [193][210][205][193][199][197][196][196][207][206]! [206]ot quite. [194]ut [196][213][195][203]!"
- 1065 print" [207]bject struck the ground [150][210]ed [200]ot!"
- 1070 print"[158] [212]otal mass of object left [159]";int(.5+100*m/mm);"[158]percent"
- 1072 print" [193] very nice souvenir, if it landed"
- 1074 print" on your property! [213]nless it hit the"
- 1075 print" house! [201]mpact speed [159]";int(.5+v/100)/10;"[158]km/second."
- 1080 print" [207]nly local damage was done. [211]mall one!"
- 1082 print" [195]atch a falling star and put it in"
- 1084 print" your pocket, [201]'m on fir[210][210][197][197][197][193][193][193][200][200][200][200][200]!"
- 1085 return
- 1090 print:print"[158] [212]his one caused a lot of damage! [205]ade"
- 1095 print" a very large hole somewhere! [193] mass"
- 1100 print" disruption to the enviroment!"
- 1105 print"[153] [212]otal mass left=[159]";int(.5+100*m/mm)"[158]%"
- 1107 print" [212]he destruction of [208]aris in that"
- 1108 print" movie was very much like this.
- 1109 [153]" (NULL)o ducking here!"
- 1110 [153]" right$mpact speed=open";[181](.5[170]v[173]1000);"syskm/hour"
- 1111 [153]"print (NULL)here would be no escape possible!"
- 1115 [142]
- 1120 [153]:[153]"sys (NULL)his one could wipe out a small city"
- 1125 [153]" or large town, depending on its"
- 1130 [153]" iron and nickle content. right$t would"
- 1135 [153]"closebe very destructive! right$f it hit in"
- 1140 [153]" water near shore the wave it created"
- 1145 [153]" would be much like the right$mpact movie's"
- 1147 [153]" wave scene. (NULL)he remaining mass would"
- 1148 [153]" determine the size and depth of the"
- 1149 [153]" crater that it created on impact!"
- 1150 [142]
- 1155 [153]:[153]"sys right$ts angle wasn't steep enough. (NULL)ice"
- 1160 [153]"sight to watch it tear through the"
- 1165 [153]"atmosphere. (NULL)hese large objects are"
- 1170 [153]"called great fireballs! left$ence the"
- 1175 [153]"phrase chr$reat peekalls of ascire! chr$et it!"
- 1180 [153]"(NULL)eriously! right$t's awe-inspiring to see."
- 1182 [153]" (NULL)hey have even been video taped, and"
- 1183 [153]" seen during daylight hours!"
- 1185 [142]
- 1190 [153]:[153]"sys (NULL)he lines at the local police station"
- 1195 [153]" light up tonight! (NULL)his one would have"
- 1200 [153]" brightened at least a third to half of"
- 1205 [153]" the sky! (NULL)ou would have time to look"
- 1210 [153]" up to see it die out, and/or explode!"
- 1215 [153]" (NULL)hese are fairly rare sights and"
- 1220 [153]" very beautiful to observe. (NULL)erseid's"
- 1225 [153]" annual meteor shower is the best for"
- 1230 [153]" these types of meteors."
- 1235 [142]
- 1240 [153]:[153]"sys (NULL)ould have started a panic among"
- 1245 [153]" those who have seen either or both of"
- 1250 [153]" the current movies dealing with"
- 1255 [153]" impacts to earth. (NULL)any of these types"
- 1260 [153]" of meteors explode into fragments,"
- 1265 [153]" leaving what are called strewnfields:"
- 1270 [153]" vallliptical shaped areas filled with"
- 1275 [153]" meteorites from the main body. atnllende"
- 1280 [153]" (NULL)exico 1969 is a famous strewnfield."
- 1290 [142]
- 3000 [151]214,20:[153]:[153][163]8)"open(1open) (NULL)ry another one
- 3010 printtab(8)"[159](2[159]) [212]o [213][206][201][214][197][210][211][197] [205]enu
- 3020 [151]198,0
- 3030 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"1"[176]a$[177]"2"[167]3030
- 3040 [139]a$[178]"1"[167][142]
- 3050 [158]ad[170]15
- 3060 [153]"loadstopload"[199](34)"b.universe iv"[199](34)","dv
- 3070 [153]"run28"
- 3080 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 10000 d[178][194](186):n$[178]"meteors":[159]15,d,15,"s0:"[170]n$:[160]15:[148]n$,d:[128]