home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem moorman's all purpose boot program
- 1 ifpeek(44)<>8then10000
- 3 poke788,49
- 5 f$="[215][207][210][196][211][215][207][210][212][200] [212][197][211][212]
- 6 n$[178]"str$ave (NULL)oorman"
- 7 fi$[178]"kwor
- 8 deffnl(x)=x-fnh(x)*256
- 9 deffnh(x)=int(x/256)
- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 12 l$=" "
- 13 print"[147]";:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke53272,22
- 14 c$="[152]"
- 15 f$=left$(c$,(44-len(f$))/2)+f$
- 16 n$=left$(c$,(44-len(n$))/2)+n$
- 20 poke214,12:print:print"[155]"l$"[152]";
- 21 forx=0to8:printl$;:next:forx=217to240:pokex,peek(x)or128:next
- 22 print"[151]"l$;:q$=chr$(34)
- 23 poke214,14:print
- 24 printf$
- 25 print"by
- 26 [153]n$
- 27 [153]:[153]"(NULL)sing (NULL)ords(NULL)orth by str$ave (NULL)oorman"
- 28 [153]"(c)1999 mid$ & asc (NULL)ublishing, right$nc."
- 29 [153]"atnll (NULL)ights (NULL)eserved"
- 30 [153]"
- 40 poke646,peek(53281)
- 100 print"?chr$(145);:l[207]"q$"wordsworth.stl"q$","dv:ql=1
- 101 iffi$<>""thenprint"?chr$(145)chr$(145);:run":ql=ql+1
- 102 iffi$<>""thenprint"?chr$(145);:l[207]"q$fi$q$","dv:ql=ql+1
- 103 print"p[207]646,1:run";:ql=ql+1
- 200 reada$,a:ifa=0then300
- 201 sys57812a$,dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,fnl(a):poke782,fnh(a):sys65493
- 300 forx=1toql:poke630+x,13:next:poke198,ql:end
- 1000 rem list of ml loads and addresses
- 1999 data"",0
- 9999 end
- 10000 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,0:dv=peek(186)
- 10001 print"[147]l[207]"chr$(34)"b.tele-word"chr$(34)","dv
- 10002 print"run":poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke44,8:poke8*256,0:end
- 19999 end
- 59999 end
- 60000 n$="b.kwor":dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thenstop
- 60001 open15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:save"0:"+n$,dv