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- soyuz nerushimi respublik svobodnikh
- splotila naveki velikaya rus'.
- da zdrastvuyet sozdanni volei
- narodov, yedini moguchi
- sovyetski soyuz!
- slavsya, otyechestvo
- nashe svobodnoye,
- druzhbi narodov nadyozhni oplot!
- partia lenina, silanarodnyaya
- nas ktorzhestvu kommunizma vidyot!
- skvoz' grozi siyalo nam solntse
- svobodi, i lenin veliki
- nam put'ozaril:
- na pravoye delo on podnyal narodi,
- na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
- v pobyedye bessmyertnykh
- idey kommunizma
- mi vidim gryadushchie nashey strani.
- i krasnomu znamyeni slavnoi otchizni
- mi budyem vsegda bezzavyetno verni!
- unbreakable union
- of free-born republics
- great russia has welded
- for ever to stand.
- thy might was created
- by will of our peoples,
- now flourish in unity,
- great soviet land!
- sing to our motherland,
- home of the free,
- bulwark of peoples
- in brotherhood strong!
- the party of lenin,
- the strength of our peoples,
- to communism's triumph lead us on!
- through tempests the sunrays
- of freedom have cheered us
- along the new path
- where great lenin did lead.
- to a righteous cause
- he raised up the peoples,
- inspired them to labour
- and heroic deeds.
- in the victory of communism's
- deathless ideals
- we see the future of our dear land,
- and to her fluttering scarlet banner
- selflessly true
- we always shall stand!