home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke56,37:poke55,0:clr
- 20 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 30 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147][129] [212][200][197] [205][201][199][200][212][217] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 40 print" [207][208] [197][196] [195][193][210][212][207][207][206] [214][201][197][215][197][210]/[208][210][201][206][212][197][210] 1997"
- 42 ifgthen80
- 44 g=1
- 50 sys57812"tsv.o",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
- 52 sys57812"unpacker.89",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,201:sys65493
- 60 sys57812"head office.shp",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,37:sys65493
- 62 sys57812"bad dog.shp",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,61:sys65493
- 64 sys57812"stiff comp.shp",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,128:sys65493
- 70 pa(1)=37:pa(2)=61:pa(3)=128
- 72 md(1)=peek(37*256):md(2)=peek(61*256):md(3)=peek(128*256)
- 80 print" [152][195]artoons by [155][211]teven [215]right
- 82 [153]" 1.cont left$ead (NULL)ffice
- 84 print" 2.[154] [194]ad [196]og
- 86 [153]" 3.cont (NULL)tiff lenompetition
- 88 print" 4.[154] [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]
- 90 [151]198,0
- 92 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"1"[176]a$[177]"4"[167]92
- 94 p[178][197](a$)
- 96 [139]p[178]4[167]40000
- 98 [141]500
- 100 [151]214,6:[153]
- 110 [153]" 1.cont mid$ust show the picture
- 120 print" 2.[154] [211]how the picture and print it on
- 125 [153]" a 7-pin (1525-emulating) printer
- 130 print" 3.[154] [211]how the picture and print it on
- 135 [153]" an 8-pin (valpson-emulating) printer
- 140 print" 4.[154] [210]eturn to [195]artoon [205]enu
- 150 [153]" 5.cont (NULL)eturn to (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)
- 170 print"[155] [205]ake sure your printer is on-line.
- 220 [151]198,0
- 230 [161]a$:[139]a$[179]"1"[176]a$[177]"5"[167]230
- 232 a1[178][197](a$):[139]a1[178]5[167]40000
- 235 [139]a1[178]1[167]400
- 240 [139]a1[178]2[167]tb[178]80:[137]350
- 245 [139]a1[178]4[167][141]500:[137]30
- 250 [141]500
- 260 [151]214,6:[153]
- 270 [153]" str$val(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)right$str$(NULL)left$
- 275 print" 1.[154] [211]ingle wide
- 280 [153]" 2.cont lenrt normal
- 285 print" 3.[154] [196]ouble narrow
- 290 [153]" 4.cont str$ouble wide
- 295 print" 5.[154] [209]uad narrow
- 296 [153]" 6.cont (NULL)uad normal
- 300 poke198,0
- 305 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"6"then305
- 310 a2=val(a$):ifa2=1then ds=0:bt=1:tb=80
- 312 ifa2=2then ds=4:bt=1:tb=120
- 314 ifa2=3then ds=1:bt=1:tb=160
- 316 ifa2=4then ds=1:bt=2:tb=80
- 318 ifa2=5then ds=3:bt=2:tb=160
- 320 ifa2=6then ds=3:bt=3:tb=120
- 350 gosub500
- 355 poke214,6:print
- 360 print" [212][193][194][160][208][207][211][201][212][201][207][206]
- 362 [153]" 1.cont (NULL)eft
- 364 print" 2.[154] [195]enter
- 366 [153]" 3.cont (NULL)ight
- 368 ifa2<>3anda2<>5then374
- 370 print" 4.[154] [195]enter-left
- 372 [153]" 5.cont lenenter-right
- 374 poke198,0
- 376 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"5"then376
- 378 ifa$="1"thentb=0:goto400
- 380 ifa$="2"then400
- 382 ifa$="3"thentb=tb*2:goto400
- 384 ifa2<>3anda2<>5then374
- 386 ifa$="4"thentb=53:goto400
- 388 tb=266
- 400 poke251,pa(p):poke252,96:poke253,92:sys51456
- 405 sys51459
- 410 ifa1=2thensys49152,tb,md(p):goto430
- 415 ifa1=3thensys49155,tb,ds,bt,bt*320,md(p):goto430
- 420 poke198,0
- 425 geta$:ifa$=""then425
- 430 poke186,dv:sys51459
- 435 goto30
- 500 forx=6to24:poke781,x:sys59903:next:return
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.op ed 162":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=8to29:poke820+i,i:next:ifdv>8anddv<30thenpoke828,dv:poke820+dv,8
- 40010 a$="presenter":gosub40030:a$="hello connect":gosub40030
- 40020 print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40030 forj=8to29:i=peek(820+j):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:return
- 40065 print"[147][154]happy computing!":poke186,8:end
- 40070 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end