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- (german)
- trittst im morgenrot daher,
- seh ich dich im strahlenmeer,
- dich, du hocherhabener, herrlicher!
- wenn der alpenfirn sich rotet,
- betet, freie schweizer, betet!
- eure fromme seele ahnt,
- eure fromme seele ahnt,
- gott im hehren vaterland,
- gott im hehren vaterland!
- (french)
- sur nos monts, quand le soleil
- annonce un brillant reveil,
- et predit d'un plus beau jour le
- retour, les beautes de la patrie.
- parlent a l'ame attendrie;
- au ciel montent plus joyeux,
- au ciel montent plus joyeux,
- les accents d'un coeur pieux,
- les accents d'un coeur pieux.
- (italian)
- quando bionda aurora
- il mattin c'indora
- l'alma mia t'adora, re del ciel,
- quando l'alpe gia rosseggia
- a pregare allor t'atteggia;
- in favor del patrio suol,
- in favor del patrio suol
- cittadino, dio lo vol!
- cittadino, dio lo vol!
- (romansch)
- in l'aurora la daman at cugnuoscha
- bain l'uman spiert etern dominatur,
- tuot pussant!
- cur ils munts stra glu schan sura,
- ura, liber svizzer, ura.
- tia orma sainta ferm,
- tia orma sainta ferm,
- dieu in tschel, il bap etern,
- dieu in tschel, il bap etern.
- (english)
- when the morning skies grow red
- and o'er us their radiance shed,
- thou, o lord, appeareth
- in their light.
- when the alps grow bright
- with splendour,
- pray to god, to him surrender.
- for you feel and understand,
- for you feel and understand
- that he dwelleth in this land,
- that he dwelleth in this land.