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- According to Knees Calhoon
- Hex Dec Page
- ---------------------------------
- $0000 0 0
- This area is filled with registers
- you can POKE or PEEK. The best list
- is found in Sheldon Leemon's MAPPING
- THE C-64. The Programmer's Reference
- Guide has a concise list on pages
- 310-320.
- ---------------------------------
- $0400 1024 4
- These 1000 bytes are the default
- screen if you are in bank 0, the
- default bank. 1024 is the top, left
- cell of the screen and 2047 is the
- bottom right cell. You can POKE these
- locations and characters will appear
- on the screen but for compatibility
- with old, old C-64s, you should also
- POKE the corresponding color map at
- $D800. I do this by making C = 54272
- then for every POKExxxx to the screen
- I do a POKExxxx+C. You may also PEEK
- these bytes to find out what's in a
- cell. In general, PRINTing to the
- screen is better than POKEing to the
- screen.
- ---------------------------------
- $07F8 2040 7
- These eight bytes are the sprite
- pointers. They tell the VIC chip
- where the sprite definition data for
- each sprite is found. Since each
- sprite uses 64 bytes (technically,
- 63) there's room in bank 0 for 256
- sprite definitions. Safe locations
- are 11, 13-15, 32-63 (if BASIC has
- been raised to at least page 64), and
- 128-255. See SPRITE SEMINAR on THE
- COMPLEAT PROGRAMMER for details on
- using sprites.
- ---------------------------------
- $0800 2048 8
- (POKE this with 0 if you get a
- "syntax error" when using normal
- immediate mode BASIC commands)
- $0801 2049 8
- This is the start of your BASIC
- program text. If you want to have a
- custom font and your program is
- larger than 30 or so blocks, then a
- good place to put the 2048 bytes of
- font data is from $0800 to $1000. To
- do this you must use a boot program
- that does this: POKE44,16:CLR then
- loads and runs your BASIC program
- (which will then be at $1000.)
- $1000 4096 16
- These 4096 bytes are where the VIC
- chip keeps an "image" of the font
- data for bank 0. This means that you
- can use this area for BASIC text or
- ML routines but you CAN'T use it for
- sprite or font data. Because of this,
- $1000 is a great place for putting ML
- routines or toolboxes. Just POKE44
- with a page number right above where
- your ML toolbox ends. If the toolbox
- is 16 blocks long and starts at
- $1000, then POKE44,32 in your boot
- program and your BASIC program will
- start above the toolbox at $2000.
- $1800 6144 24
- The rest of the bank 0 BASIC text
- area. If you move the start of the
- BASIC text to $4000 (with POKE44,64
- in a boot program) then this area can
- be used for sprite or font data. If
- your program is less than 20 or so
- blocks you can use this area for
- sprites or fonts WITHOUT moving the
- start of BASIC in a boot. Just lower
- the top of BASIC with POKE56,page:CLR
- at the beginning of your program.
- POKE56,32 will allow you to use pages
- 32-64 ($2000-$4000) for sprite or
- font data, while restricting your
- BASIC program (and variables) to
- pages 8-31.
- $4000 16384 64
- This is bank 1 and one fourth of
- bank 2. It's for BASIC text and
- variables (unless you change the
- range of this area by POKEing 44 or
- 56 as described above). Unless you
- change banks, you can't put sprite or
- font data here. However, if you use a
- ML memory copy routine (COPYMEM) you
- can store lots of data here (after
- POKEing 56) and copy it down into
- bank 0 as needed.
- --------------------------------
- $9000 40960 160
- This is where the C-64's BASIC ROM
- is seen. Ordinarily you can't use
- this area for anything but many ML
- routines (especially toolboxes) allow
- you to store any kind of data here.
- This is the recommended place for
- screen data because it doesn't take
- away any BASIC text area and can't be
- used for anything other than data. ML
- routines generally won't work here.
- --------------------------------
- $C000 49152 192
- The famous "C-thousand area". You
- can put any kind of data or ML
- routines here. Since it's the
- location of so many ML routines, many
- programmers don't use it for their
- routines, saving it for routines that
- other people wrote and MUST be here.
- --------------------------------
- $D000 53248 208
- The Input/Output area, in one sense.
- You can't put ML routines here if
- there's going to be any normal disk
- access. In another sense, this is
- where the CPU sees the VIC chip, so
- here is where all the sprite
- registers are (from $D000 to $D02E).
- The best way to handle sprites in
- your program is to make V=53248 and
- then POKEV+x where x is a number from
- 0 to 46. See PRG pages 321-323 for a
- list of the registers. You POKE these
- to change sprite colors, locations,
- size, etc.
- $D400 54272 212
- This is the SID chip. You POKE these
- to make sounds, although it's better
- do the POKEing for you. There's only
- 28 registers but don't use the rest
- of this area for anything by maybe
- stored screens.
- $D800 55296 216
- The first 1000 bytes are the COLOR
- RAM map. It corresponds with the 1000
- bytes of the screen down at $0400.
- You can POKE or PEEK these bytes but
- you should AND the value with 15
- since the upper nybble of each cell
- is either not used, or used for
- something else. For instance, use
- PEEK(1024+C)AND15 to find the color
- of the top, left cell (if C is
- defined as 54272).
- $DC00 56320 220
- This is the CIA area. It has lots of
- important registers you can POKE or
- PEEK if you know what they do. The
- PRG has a list on pages 328-334 but
- MAPPING explains them all in detail.
- -------------------------------
- $E000 57344 224
- This is the Kernal ROM, full of
- handy routines that were designed to
- be called from ML but can be called
- from BASIC if you know how. The PRG
- has a quick listing on pages 272-273
- with more detailed explanations on
- pages 274-306. MAPPING is packed with
- details on using these canned
- routines.
- --------------------------------