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- somos libres, seamoslo siempre,
- y antes niegue sus luces
- sus luces sus luces el sol,
- que faltemos al voto solemne
- que la patria al eterno elevo
- que faltemos al voto solemne
- que la patria al eterno elevo.
- largo tiempo el peruano oprimido la
- eminosa cadena arrastro;
- condenado a una cruel servidumbre,
- largo tiempo largo tiempo largo
- tiempo en silencio gimio.
- mas apenas el grito sagrado libertad!
- en sus costas se oyo,
- la indolencia de esclavo sacude,
- la humillado la humillado la
- humillado cerviz levanto,
- la humillado cerviz levanto,
- cerviz levanto.
- we are free; let us always be so,
- and let the sun rather deny its light
- than that we should fail
- the solemn vow
- which our country raised to god.
- for a long time the peruvian,
- oppressed, dragged the ominous chain,
- condemned to cruel serfdom, for a
- long time he moaned in silence.
- but as soon as the sacred cry of
- freedom! was heard on his coasts
- he shakes the indolence of the slave,
- he raises his humiliated head.