home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 40 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 50 poke 55,.:poke 56,92:clr:poke788,52
- 60 dv=peek(186):if dv<8 then dv=8
- 62 print"[147]":gosub60000
- 70 lo=0:rem *** if lo then no load ***
- 80 gosub 240:gosub 370:gosub 970
- 90 systx+21,208:systx+24,20,12,"[159][146]"+str$(dv):systx+24,20,13,"[159][146]"+str$(dd)
- 100 systx+48,7,12,27,10,3,7,133
- 110 if f%=0 or f%=10 then gosub 900:goto 90
- 120 on f% goto 140,150,230,160,170,180,190,200,210,220
- 130 goto 100
- 140 gosub 1500:goto 90
- 150 gosub 1300:goto 90
- 160 gosub 1730:goto 90
- 170 gosub 2270:goto 90
- 180 xx=1:gosub 770:goto 90
- 190 xx=2:gosub 770:goto 90
- 200 gosub 2640:goto 90
- 210 gosub 2830:goto 90
- 220 gosub 660:goto 90
- 230 gosub 2490:goto 90
- 240 rem *** load files ***
- 250 if lo then 310
- 260 sys 57812"pscon.font/ml",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,8*16:sys65493
- 270 sys 57812"pscon.font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,200:sys65493
- 280 sys 57812"pscon.spr",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,196:sys65493
- 290 sys9*16^3+54,34816,36864,61440
- 300 rem
- 310 tx=9*16^3:ml=8*16^3:poke650,128:dd=dv:dc=dv:qt$=chr$(34)
- 320 sysml,24576,23552:sysml+24:sysml+30,1
- 330 rem
- 340 rem
- 350 rem
- 360 return
- 370 rem *** screen(s) ***
- 380 poke 53265,peek(53265)and239
- 390 poke53280,.:poke 53281,.
- 400 systx+15,0,39,0,24,127,7
- 410 systx+15,0,39,0,0,98,3
- 420 systx+15,0,39,1,1,160,14
- 430 systx+15,0,39,2,2,226,6
- 440 systx+15,0,39,22,22,98,10
- 450 systx+15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 460 systx+15,0,39,24,24,226,2
- 470 systx+24,15,1,"[154][208] [211] [195] [207] [206]"
- 480 x=11:y=4:systx+15,x-1,x+16,y+1,y+16,255,9
- 490 systx+24,x,y,"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]
- 500 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]1,"(NULL)defsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsinsin(NULL)
- 510 systx+24,x,y+2,"[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]
- 520 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]3,"(NULL)waitopen (NULL)(NULL) peekright$(NULL)-(NULL)atn(NULL) (NULL)
- 530 systx+24,x,y+4,"[221][146][159] [204][207][193][196] [196][207][207][196][204][197]! [221]
- 540 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]5,"(NULL)waitopen (NULL)atn(NULL)val str$(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)val! (NULL)
- 550 systx+24,x,y+6,"[221][146][159] [196][201][210][197][195][212][207][210][217] [221]
- 560 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]7,"(NULL)waitopen str$(NULL)right$(NULL)val len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)str$(NULL) (NULL)
- 570 systx+24,x,y+8,"[221][146][159] [211][207][213][210][195][197]: [221]
- 580 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]9,"(NULL)waitopen str$val(NULL)(NULL): (NULL)
- 590 systx+24,x,y+10,"[221][146][159] [201][206][211][212][210][213][195][212][201][207][206][211] [221]
- 600 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]11,"(NULL)waitopen len(NULL)valstr$right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)
- 610 systx+24,x,y+12,"[221][146][159] [197][206][196] [208][210][207][199][210][193][205] [221]
- 620 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]13,"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<
- 630 systx+24,x,y+14,"[221][150] [195][210][211][210]/[210][197][212][213][210][206]/[198]1 [221]
- 640 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]15,"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp
- 650 systx+18,208:return
- 660 rem ***
- 670 systx+15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 680 systx+24,7,23,"[129][198]eature not enabled. [211]orry.
- 690 tm[178]1000
- 700 [143] *** user ended delay ***
- 710 [129]j[178]1[164]tm:[161]a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] [130]:[142]
- 720 j[178]tm:[142]
- 730 [143] *** print disk error ***
- 740 [158]tx[170]15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 750 [158]tx[170]24,20[171][195](e$)[173]2,23,"for"[170]e$
- 760 tm[178]1000:[137] 700
- 770 [143] *** drive change ***
- 780 x[178]31:y[178]0:[158]tx[170]15,x[171]1,x[170]6,y[170]8,y[170]19,255,10
- 790 [158]tx[170]15,12,22,11[170]xx,11[170]xx,255,7
- 800 [158]tx[170]24,x,y[170]7,"ortantantantantantan^
- 810 for n=8 to 17
- 820 systx+24,x,y+n,"[221][146][159] ":ifn<10 then print" ";
- 830 printstr$(n);" [221]":next
- 840 systx+24,x,y+n,"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]
- 850 [158]tx[170]48,y[170]8,x[170]1,x[170]6,10,3,13,133
- 860 [139] f%[178]0 [167] [142]
- 870 dx[178]f%[170]7
- 880 [139] xx[178]1 [167] dv[178]dx:[142]
- 890 dd[178]dx:[142]
- 900 [143] *** end program ***
- 910 [158]tx[170]15,0,39,23,23,160,8:[151] 198,0
- 920 [158]tx[170]24,7,23,"for(NULL)uit!? atnre you sure? ((NULL)/(NULL))
- 930 get a$:if a$="" then 930
- 940 if a$<>"y" and a$<>"[217]" then return
- 950 gosub 1050:poke788,49:sysml+30,0:print"[147]"
- 960 goto 40000
- 970 rem *** enable font ***
- 980 poke 53265,peek(53265)and239
- 990 poke 56578,peek(56578)or3
- 1000 poke 56576,peek(56576)and252
- 1010 poke 53272,peek(53272)and15
- 1020 poke 648,192
- 1030 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or2
- 1040 poke 53265,peek(53265)or16:return
- 1050 rem *** normal font ***
- 1060 poke 53265,peek(53265)and239
- 1070 poke 56578,peek(56578)or3
- 1080 poke 56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3
- 1090 poke 53272,(peek(53272)and15)or16
- 1100 poke 648,4
- 1110 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)or6
- 1120 poke 53265,peek(53265)or16:return
- 1130 rem *** hi-res screen ***
- 1140 poke 53265,peek(53265)and239
- 1150 poke 56578,peek(56578)or3
- 1160 poke 56576,(peek(56576)and252)or2
- 1170 poke 53272,(peek(53272)and15)or112
- 1180 poke 53265,peek(53265)or32
- 1190 poke 53272,peek(53272)or8
- 1200 rem make screen presentable
- 1210 poke 53265,peek(53265)or16:return
- 1220 rem *** text screen ***
- 1230 poke 53265,peek(53265)and239
- 1240 poke 56578,peek(56578)or3
- 1250 poke 56576,peek(56576)and252
- 1260 poke 53272,peek(53272)and15
- 1270 poke 53265,peek(53265)and223
- 1280 poke 53272,peek(53272)and247
- 1290 poke 53265,peek(53265)or16:return
- 1300 rem *** load doodle ***
- 1310 if dd<>dv then 1350
- 1320 systx+15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 1330 systx+24,4,23,"[129][208]ut disk into drive"+str$(dv)+", any key.":poke198,0
- 1340 get a$:if a$="" then 1340
- 1350 close15:open15,dv,15:close15:if st=0 then 1370
- 1360 return
- 1370 systx,"$0:dd*,s.*",dv,40960,1,1,15,7,4
- 1380 if val(e$) then 730
- 1390 if f$="" then return
- 1400 la=23552:if left$(f$,2)="s." then la=24576
- 1410 systx+15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 1420 systx+24,11-len(f$)/2,23,"[129][204]oading"+qt$+f$+qt$+","+str$(dv)+"..."
- 1430 systx+42,"r:"+f$+"="+f$,dv
- 1440 if val(e$)=63 then 1460
- 1450 goto 730
- 1460 gosub 1130:systx+30,f$,dv,la
- 1470 if val(e$)>19 then gosub 1220:goto 730
- 1480 if left$(f$,2)="s." then sysml+6,0,39,0,24,1,6
- 1490 poke 198,0:wait197,64,64::get a$:gosub 1220:return
- 1500 rem *** to doodle ***
- 1510 gosub 1130:poke 198,0
- 1520 systx+45,"[133][134][135][136]h[200]q[209]_
- 1530 [145] f% [137] 1540,1520,1520,1220,1720,1720,1220,1220,1220
- 1540 mk[178]1
- 1550 [158]ml[170]3,xg,xg[170]10,yg,yg[170]6
- 1560 [129]n[178]1[164]50:[161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] [130]:[137] 1580
- 1570 [137] 1600
- 1580 [139] mk[178]1 [167] mk[178]2:[137] 1550
- 1590 [137] 1540
- 1600 [139] mk[178]1 [167] [158]ml[170]3,xg,xg[170]10,yg,yg[170]6
- 1610 [139] a$[178]"" [175] xg[179]29 [167] xg[178]xg[170]1:[137] 1540
- 1620 [139] a$[178]"cmd" [175] xg[177]0 [167] xg[178]xg[171]1:[137] 1540
- 1630 [139] a$[178]"" [175] yg[179]18 [167] yg[178]yg[170]1:[137] 1540
- 1640 [139] a$[178]"on" [175] yg[177]0 [167] yg[178]yg[171]1:[137] 1540
- 1650 [139] a$[178]"input" [167] 1520
- 1660 [139] a$[178]"dim" [167] [141] 1880:[141] 1130:[137] 1540
- 1670 [139] a$[178]"read" [167] [141] 2130:[141] 1130:[137] 1540
- 1680 [139]a$[178]"let"[176]a$[178]"q"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[176]a$[178]"_"[167] 1220
- 1690 [139] a$[178]"h" [176] a$[178]"left$" [167] [141] 3010:[137] 1540
- 1700 [139] a$[178]"" [167] xg[178]0:yg[178]0:[137] 1540
- 1710 [137] 1540
- 1720 [141] 3010:[137] 1520
- 1730 [143] *** directory ***
- 1740 [139] dv[178]dd [167] dr[178]dv:[137] 1810
- 1750 [158]tx[170]15,0,39,23,23,160,8
- 1760 [158]tx[170]24,7,23,"for((NULL))ource or (str$)estination?":[151] 198,0
- 1770 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 1770
- 1780 [139] a$[178]"s" [176] a$[178]"(NULL)" [167] dr[178]dv:[137] 1810
- 1790 [139] a$[178]"d" [176] a$[178]"str$" [167] dr[178]dd:[137] 1810
- 1800 [137] 1770
- 1810 [160]15:[159]15,dr,15:[160]15:[139]st[178]0 [167] 1830
- 1820 [142]
- 1830 [153]"waitopenload";:[158]ml[170]18,"$0:*",dr,5:[158]tx[170]42,"",dr:[139] [197](e$)[178]0 [167] 1850
- 1840 [153]"for"[170]e$:tm[178]1000:[137]700
- 1850 [151] 198,0
- 1860 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 1860
- 1870 [142]
- 1880 [143] *** bm ==> ps ***
- 1890 [141] 1220:[153]"openload*** peekright$(NULL)-(NULL)atn(NULL) to (NULL)(NULL) ***
- 1900 xt=peek(211):yt=peek(214)
- 1910 sysml+15,xg,yg,62464+35*8,1:poke 53272,(peek(53272)and240)or12
- 1920 sysml+21,28,5,128+35:systx+15,28,38,5,11,255,15
- 1930 systx+24,27,4,"[149]@abcdefghijkl
- 1940 [158]tx[170]15,27,27,5,10,141,9:[158]tx[170]15,39,39,5,10,142,9
- 1950 [158]ml[170]27,239,129,9
- 1960 [151] 211,xt:[151] 214,yt:[158] 58732
- 1970 [153]"contwaitascilename: ";:[158]tx[170]66,8,7,16:[153]:[139] w$[178]"" [167] 2120
- 1980 [139] dv[179][177]dd [167] xt[178][194](211):yt[178][194](214):[137] 2020
- 1990 [153]"def(NULL)ut disk in drive"dd"cmd,":[153]"press space.":[151] 198,0
- 2000 xt[178][194](211):yt[178][194](214)
- 2010 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 2010
- 2020 [158]tx[170]15,27,39,4,11,32,3:[151] 53269,0
- 2030 [160]15:[159]15,dd,15:[160]15:[139] st [167] 2110
- 2040 [158]tx[170]42,"i0",dd:[158]ml[170]9,xg,yg,1024
- 2050 [158]tx[170]42,"r0:"[170]w$[170]"="[170]w$,dd:[139][197](e$)[178]62 [167] 2070
- 2060 [151]211,xt:[151]214,yt:[158]58732:[153]"for"[170]e$:tm[178]1000:[141]700:[137]2110
- 2070 [151]211,xt:[151]214,yt:[158]58732:[153]"(NULL)aving...":a$[178]"0:"[170]w$
- 2080 [158]57812a$,dd:[151]172,0:[151]173,4:[151]780,172:[151]781,60:[151]782,6
- 2090 [158]65496:[158]tx[170]42,"",dd:[139] [197](e$)[178]0 [167] 2110
- 2100 [151]211,xt:[151]214,yt:[158]58732:[153]"for"[170]e$:tm[178]1000:[141] 700
- 2110 [158]tx[170]42,"i0",dd
- 2120 [151]53272,([194](53272)[175]240)[176]2:[151]53269,0:[142]
- 2130 [143] *** ps ==> bm ***
- 2140 [141] 1220:[153]"openload*** (NULL)(NULL) to peekright$(NULL)-(NULL)atn(NULL) ***
- 2150 if dd<>dv then 2180
- 2160 print"[150][208]ut disk into drive"dv"[157], press space.":poke 198,0
- 2170 get a$:if a$="" then 2170
- 2180 close15:open15,dv,15:close15:if st then return
- 2190 systx,"$",dv,40960,5,5,15,5,4
- 2200 if val(e$) then print"[147][129]"e$:tm=1000:goto 700
- 2210 if f$="" then return
- 2220 systx+30,f$,dv,40960
- 2230 if val(e$) then print"[147][129]"e$:tm=1000:goto 700
- 2240 systx+54,40960,40960+572,1024
- 2250 sysml+12,xg,yg,1024
- 2260 sysml+6,xg,xg+10,yg,yg+6,1,6:return
- 2270 rem *** disk commands ***
- 2280 print"[146][154][147][197]nter $wildcard for directory.
- 2290 [153]"#str$ to change to device str$."
- 2295 [160]15:[159]15,dc,15:[160]15:[139]st[167]2310
- 2300 [158]tx[170]42,"",dc:[139][197](e$)[179][177]0[167][153]"for"[170]e$
- 2310 [153]"for"dc"cmd>sys";:[158]tx[170]66,7,14,36
- 2320 [139] w$[178]"" [167] [142]
- 2330 [139] [200](w$,1)[178]"$" [167] 2380
- 2340 [139] [200](w$,1)[178]"s" [176] [200](w$,1)[178]"n" [167] 2410
- 2350 [139] [200](w$,1)[178]"#" [167] 2460
- 2360 [160]15:[159]15,dc,15:[160]15:[139]st[167][153]:[153]"def(NULL)o device":[137]2310
- 2370 [158]tx[170]42,w$,dc:[153]:[153]"for"e$:[137] 2310
- 2380 [160]15:[159]15,dc,15:[160]15:[139]st[167][153]:[153]"def(NULL)o device":[137]2310
- 2390 [153]"open":[158]ml[170]18,w$,dc,5:[153]"on":[158]tx[170]42,"",dc:[139] [197](e$)[178]0 [167] 2310
- 2400 [153]"for"[170]e$:[137] 2310
- 2410 [153]:[153]"foratnre you sure?cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd";:[151] 198,0
- 2420 [161] a$:[139] a$[178]"" [167] 2420
- 2430 [153]" ononon"
- 2440 [139] a$[178]"y" [176] a$[178]"(NULL)" [167] 2360
- 2450 [153]:[137] 2310
- 2460 [153]:a[178][197]([201](w$,[195](w$)[171]1)):[139] a[179]8 [176] a[177]17 [167] 2310
- 2470 [160]15:[159]15,a,15:[160]15:[139] st [167] 2310
- 2480 dc[178]a:[137] 2310
- 2490 [143] *** save doodle ***
- 2500 [153]"openload*** (NULL)ave str$(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)val! ***
- 2510 print"[154][198]ilename: dd";:systx+66,2,10,14:print:if w$="" then return
- 2520 w$="dd"+w$:if dd<>dv then 2550
- 2530 print"[208]ut disk into drive"dd"[157], press space.":poke 198,0
- 2540 get a$:if a$="" then 2540
- 2550 close15:open15,dd,15:close15:ifstthen return
- 2560 systx+42,"r:"+w$+"="+w$,dd
- 2570 ifval(e$)=62 then 2590
- 2580 print"[129]"e$:tm=1000:goto 700
- 2590 print"[211]aving "qt$w$qt$","dd"[157]...
- 2600 [158]57812w$,dd:[151]172,.:[151]173,92:[151]780,172:[151]781,64:[151]782,127
- 2610 [158]65496
- 2620 [158]tx[170]42,"",dd:[139] [197](e$)[178]0 [167] [142]
- 2630 [153]"for"e$:tm[178]1000:[137] 700
- 2640 [143] *** instructions ***
- 2650 [151] 211,0:[151]214,4:[158]58732
- 2660 [153]"ortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^
- 2670 forn=1to15:print"[221] [221]":next
- 2680 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]
- 2690 [151] 211,10:[151]214,6:[158]58732:[153]"*** defright$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)len(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) ***
- 2700 print"[159] [208][211][195][207][206] [154]will convert a selected
- 2710 [153]"section of a openstr$(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)val!cont or openascchr$(NULL)cont screen
- 2720 print"into a 3-block [159][208][210][201][206][212] [211][200][207][208][154] graphic.
- 2760 [153]"(NULL)ou may also clip open(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)left$(NULL)(NULL)cont-size
- 2770 print"graphics from a [194][201][212]-[205][193][208] screen.
- 2772 [153]" (NULL)hen you are viewing the peekright$(NULL)-(NULL)atn(NULL)
- 2774 print"screen, press [159][200][154] to see further
- 2776 [153]"instructions.
- 2800 printtab(12)"[193]ny key for menu.":poke 198,0
- 2810 get a$:if a$="" then 2990
- 2820 return
- 2830 rem *** credits ***
- 2840 y=3:poke 211,0:poke214,y:sys58732
- 2850 print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]
- 2860 [129]n[178]1[164]18:[153]"(NULL) (NULL)":[130]
- 2870 [153]"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp
- 2880 poke 211,12:poke214,y+2:sys58732:print"*** [150] [195][210][197][196][201][212][211] ***
- 2890 [153]"open(NULL)(NULL)len(NULL)(NULL) (NULL) 3.0 111596cont was written by
- 2900 print"[205]ichael [202]. [199]ulyas.
- 2910 [153]"open(NULL)oobox 9000 cont was written by
- 2920 print"[202]effrey [204]. [202]ones.
- 2930 [153]"asconts were designed with openascont valditcont
- 2940 print"written by [210]ichard [203]ephart.
- 2950 [153]"(NULL)(NULL) subroutines written with openvalstr$atn(NULL)(NULL)64
- 2960 print"[154]([159][210]ock's [193]ssembler[154],) written by
- 2970 [153]"(NULL)obert (NULL)ockefeller.
- 2980 printtab(12)"[193]ny key for menu.":poke 198,0
- 2990 get a$:if a$="" then 2990
- 3000 return
- 3010 rem *** help ***
- 3020 gosub1220:print"[147]"tab(11)"*** [154][200][197][204][208] [211][195][210][197][197][206] ***[159]
- 3030 [153]"sys asc1 openwait (NULL)oggle cursor on/off.
- 3040 print"[213]se the [158] [195][210][211][210] keys [146][159] to move the cursor
- 3050 [153]"around the str$(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)val! screen.
- 3060 print"[158] [198]3 [159][146] [211]ave the section of [196][207][207][196][204][197]!
- 3070 [153]"screen under the cursor to disk as a
- 3080 print"[208][210][201][206][212] [211][200][207][208] three-block graphic.
- 3090 [153]"sys asc5 openwait '(NULL)rint' to the str$(NULL)(NULL)str$(NULL)val! screen,
- 3100 print"under the cursor, a three-block [208][211]
- 3110 [153]"graphic file from disk.
- 3120 print"[158] [198]7 [159][146] [210]eturn to the [205]ain [205]enu.
- 3130 [153][163]12)"(NULL)ress any key...
- 3140 poke198,0
- 3150 get a$:if a$="" then 3150
- 3160 gosub 1130:return
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.pscon":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=8to29:poke820+i,i:next:ifdv>8anddv<30thenpoke828,dv:poke820+dv,8
- 40010 a$="presenter":gosub40030:a$="hello connect":gosub40030
- 40020 print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40030 forj=8to29:i=peek(820+j):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:return
- 40070 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 60000 print"[147]":z$=" [152] ":poke214,10:print
- 60010 print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184]":fori=0to11:printz$:next
- 60020 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][152]"
- 60030 z$(0)="[208] [211] [195] [207] [206]
- 60040 z$(2)[178]"by (NULL)ichael mid$. chr$ulyas
- 60050 z$(4)="([195]) 1997 by [202] & [198] [208]ublishing, [201]nc."
- 60060 z$(6)="[212]his program is not shareware
- 60070 z$(7)[178]"or in the public domain."
- 60080 z$(9)[178]"1-800-594-3370 or 1-318-221-8718
- 60090 poke214,12:print
- 60092 fori=0to9:printtab(20-(len(z$(i))/2))""z$(i):next:return