home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke43,1:poke44,8:poke55,0:poke56,32:clr
- 15 dim m$(30)
- 20 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 30 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[158]"
- 35 rem goto70
- 37 sys57812"ultra.tools",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
- 40 sys57812"ultra.font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,32:sys65493
- 50 sys57812"ultra.dtext",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,157:sys65493
- 60 sys40192,"p.ultra.help",dv,12288
- 70 poke53272,25
- 80 ad=49152: rem menu
- 90 bx=ad+3: rem box
- 100 ss=ad+6: rem screen stash
- 110 sr=ad+9: rem screen restore
- 120 at=ad+15:rem print at
- 130 ce=ad+18:rem center printer
- 140 cs=ad+36:rem character swap
- 150 br=ad+48:rem brancher
- 180 fr=ad+30:rem file reader
- 190 fm=ad+54:rem frame
- 195 sh=ad+42:rem shade
- 200 dt=40192:rem dtext unpacker
- 205 m$(1)="([212])ext [198]iles [207]nly"
- 206 m$(2)="([208])rograms [215]ith [212]ext [198]iles"
- 207 m$(3)="([210])ead [200]elp [198]ile & [195]redits"
- 208 m$(4)="([209])uit [212]o [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 209 m$(5)="[195]apture (147)"
- 210 m$(6)="[208]rograms [213]sing [205][204] [205]onitor"
- 215 m$(7)="[210]eturn [212]o [205]ain [205]enu"
- 216 m$(8)="[208]ipes [208]eak #2 (73)"
- 217 m$(9)="[211]tealth [194]omber (91)"
- 218 m$(10)="[210]escue [193]t [210]ana #2 (101)"
- 219 m$(11)="[215]izard [207]f [215]ords (108)"
- 220 m$(12)="[205]ark [205]y [215]ord (112)"
- 221 m$(13)="[208]sycloid (115)"
- 222 m$(14)="[195]ryptanalysis (126)"
- 223 m$(15)="[217]ote (129)"
- 224 m$(16)="[211]uper [205]ole (131)"
- 225 m$(17)="[194]anker 64 (134)"
- 226 m$(18)="[211]torm [212]rooper (135)"
- 227 m$(19)="9 [205]en's [205]orris (139)"
- 228 m$(20)="[198]ilebase 64 (139)"
- 229 m$(21)="[206]umm (142)"
- 230 m$(22)="[195]roak (146)"
- 231 m$(23)="[205]etalmaze (146)"
- 232 m$(24)="[195]orrections [212]o [213][204][212][210][193][199][197][205][211] [201]"
- 234 print"[147]"
- 235 syscs,32,28,14:sysfm,0,39,0,24,7
- 240 syssh,4,33,3,5:sysbx,5,34,2,4,160,7
- 245 sysat,8,3,"[158] [213] [204] [212] [210] [193] [199] [197] [205] [211] [201] [201] [146]"
- 250 syssh,4,33,9,16:sysbx,5,34,10,15,32,0
- 260 sysfm,5,34,10,15,4
- 270 sysfm,5,34,8,10,4
- 280 sysat,5,10,"[156]<>"
- 290 sysat,6,9,"[153] [205][193][201][206] [205][197][206][213][160] [146]"
- 300 forx=1to4
- 310 sysat,7,10+x,m$(x)
- 320 nextx
- 322 syssh,4,33,20,22:sysbx,5,34,19,21,160,3
- 324 sysat,8,20,"[159] [195][210][211][210]/[210][197][212][213][210][206] [212]o [211]elect [146]"
- 328 sysss,208
- 330 poke198,0:sysad,11,6,33,4,5+128,1+128,"tprq"
- 340 onf%goto400,700,350,2000
- 350 sysss,208
- 360 sysfr,12288,7,5,"[213] [204] [212] [210] [193] [199] [197] [205] [211] [200] [197] [204] [208]"
- 370 syssr,208:goto330
- 400 sysss,216
- 410 syssh,4,33,17,17
- 420 forx=1to7
- 430 sysbx,5,34,8,8+x,32,0
- 440 forq=1to10:nextq
- 450 nextx
- 460 sysfm,5,34,8,16,4
- 520 sysat,7,9,m$(5)
- 530 sysat,7,10,m$(24)
- 540 sysat,7,11,m$(6)
- 550 sysat,7,12,m$(7)
- 560 poke198,0:sysad,9,6,32,4,5+128,1+128,"1234"
- 570 sysss,216:sysat,8,20,"[159] [211]tandby...[204]oading [212]ext [146]"
- 575 iff%=4thensyssr,208:goto330
- 580 iff%=1thenx$="p.capture":y$="[195] [193] [208] [212] [213] [210] [197]"
- 590 iff%=3thenx$="p.ml mon pgms":y$="[205] [207] [210] [197] [208] [210] [207] [199] [210] [193] [205] [211]"
- 600 iff%=2thenx$="ultra.corr":y$="[195]orrections [212]o [213][204][212][210][193][199][197][205][211] [201][201]"
- 620 sysdt,x$,dv,16384
- 630 sysfr,16384,7,5,y$
- 640 syssr,216:goto560
- 700 sysss,208
- 710 forx=1to19
- 720 sysbx,4,35,2,2+x,32,0
- 730 forq=1to10:nextq
- 740 nextx
- 745 sysfm,4,35,2,20,4
- 750 forx=8to23
- 760 sysat,8,x-5,m$(x)
- 770 nextx
- 780 sysat,8,19,m$(7)
- 790 poke198,0:sysad,3,5,32,17,5+128,1+128,"123456789abcdefgh"
- 800 iff%=17thensyssr,208:goto330
- 810 sysss,216:sysat,8,22,"[159] [211]tandby...[204]oading [212]ext [146]":fl=0
- 820 iff%=1thenx$="p.pipes peak #2":y$="[208]ipes [208]eak ([193]gain)"
- 830 iff%=2thenx$="p.stealth bomber":y$="[211]tealth [194]omber"
- 840 iff%=3thenx$="p.rescue.rana #2":y$="[210]escue [193]t [210]ana ([193]gain)"
- 850 iff%=4thenx$="p.wizard of word":y$="[215]izard [207]f [215]ords"
- 860 iff%=5thenx$="p.mark my word":y$="[205]ark [205]y [215]ord"
- 870 iff%=6thenx$="p.psycloid":y$="[208]sycloid":fl=1
- 880 iff%=7thenx$="p.cryptanalysis":y$="[195]ryptanalysis"
- 890 iff%=8thenx$="p.yote":y$="[217]ote"
- 900 iff%=9thenx$="p.super mole":y$="[211]uper [205]ole"
- 910 iff%=10thenx$="p.banker 64":y$="[194]anker 64"
- 920 iff%=11thenx$="p.storm trooper":y$="[211]torm [212]rooper"
- 921 iff%=12thenx$="p.9 men's morris":y$="[206]ine [205]en's [205]orris"
- 922 iff%=13thenx$="p.filebase 64":y$="[198]ilebase 64"
- 923 iff%=14thenx$="p.numm":y$="[206]umm ([212]he [211]aga [195]ontinues)":fl=1
- 924 iff%=15thenx$="p.croak":y$="[195]roak":fl=1
- 925 iff%=16thenx$="p.metalmaze":y$="[205]etalmaze"
- 930 sysdt,x$,dv,16384
- 940 sysfr,16384,7,5,y$
- 950 syssr,216
- 960 sysbx,6,33,4,18,160,4
- 965 sysfm,5,34,3,19,7
- 970 sysat,8,8,"[156][196]o you want to load the[146]"
- 980 sysat,8,9,"[213][204][212][210][193][199][197][205] program for...[146]"
- 990 sysce,12,""+y$
- 1000 sysat,8,22,"[159] [208]lease select [217] or [206]) [146]"
- 1010 poke198,0:sysbr,"yn"
- 1020 onf%goto1100,1030
- 1030 syssr,216:goto790
- 1100 v=len(x$):v$=right$(x$,v-2):q$=chr$(34)
- 1110 iffl=0thenn$="u."+v$
- 1115 iffl=1thenn$="n."+v$
- 1120 poke53272,23
- 1130 print"[147]p[207]43,1:p[207]44,8:p[207]55,0:p[207]56,160:p[207]2048,0:clr"
- 1140 print"l[207] "q$n$q$","dv
- 1150 print"r[213]:"
- 1160 print""
- 1170 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3
- 1180 new:end
- 2000 sysss,208
- 2010 sysat,6,20,"[159] [209]uit! [193]re [217]ou [211]ure? ([217]/[206]) [146]"
- 2020 sysbr,"yn"
- 2030 onf%goto2050,2040
- 2040 syssr,208:goto330
- 2050 sysat,5,20,"[159] [201]nsert [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [196]isk/[193]ny [203]ey [146]"
- 2060 getq$:ifq$=""then2060
- 2070 goto40000
- 10000 d=peek(186):n$="ultra.main":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
- 40000 fori=8to29:poke820+i,i:next:ifdv>8anddv<30thenpoke828,dv:poke820+dv,8
- 40010 a$="presenter":gosub40030:a$="hello connect":gosub40030
- 40020 print"[147]":poke53272,23:poke186,8:poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke43,1:end
- 40030 forj=8to29:i=peek(820+j):ifi=14thennext
- 40040 close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40060
- 40050 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40070
- 40060 next:return
- 40070 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 40080 print"[147]p[207]2048,0:p[207]44,8:p[207]43,1:p[207]56,160:p[207]55,0:clr:l[207]"q$a$q$","i
- 40090 print"run:":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end