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/ Loadstar 153 / 153.d81 / b.bootrunner (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1997-01-01  |  1.6 KB  |  53 lines

  1. 2 poke56,160:poke55,0:clr
  2. 4 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
  3. 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
  4. 20 print"[129]    [212]he [205]ighty [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [159][194][207][207][212][210][213][206][206][197][210]"
  5. 30 print"[154] [212]his program will create a file that
  6. 32 [153]" will automatically run a second file
  7. 34 print" when the first file is loaded with a
  8. 36 [153]" ,d,1cont ending, where dcont is the drive #.
  9. 50 print"[154] [194][207][207][212][210][213][206][206][197][210] [198]ilename: ";:l9%=16:gosub50000:n$=q9$
  10. 52 print"[154] [198]ile [194][207][207][212][210][213][206][206][197][210] boots: ";:gosub50000:f$=q9$
  11. 54 print"[154]    [195]reating [155]"n$:print"[154]    to boot 'n' run [155]"f$
  12. 60 form=24408to24666:pokem,2:next
  13. 70 form=24667to24732:readd:pokem,d:next
  14. 90 n=len(f$):poke24682,n:forb=1ton
  15. 100 poke24716+b,asc(mid$(f$,b)):next
  16. 120 print"[154] [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206][154] to save."
  17. 122 poke198,0
  18. 130 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then130
  19. 140 print"[158] [211]aving[154][145]"
  20. 150 open15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15
  21. 152 open15,dv,15:open5,dv,5,n$+",p,w"
  22. 160 a$=chr$(0):print#5,a$;
  23. 170 a$=chr$(1):print#5,a$;
  24. 180 for n=24408to24732:p=peek(n)
  25. 190 a$=chr$(p):print#5,a$;
  26. 200 next:close5:close15:forn=24717to24732:poken,32:next
  27. 210 print" [196]one!  "
  28. 212 print" (1[154]) [196]o another disk.
  29. 214 [153]" (2cont) (NULL)uit to peekatn(NULL)right$len.
  30. 220 geta$:ifa$="1"then run
  31. 230 ifa$="2"thenend
  32. 240 goto220
  33. 250 data 169,000,032,144,255,169,002
  34. 260 data 166,186,160,001,032,186,255
  35. 270 data 169,009,162,053,160,002,032
  36. 280 data 189,255,162,255,160,255,169
  37. 290 data 000,032,213,255,134,045,132
  38. 300 data 046,169,000,133,122,169,008
  39. 310 data 133,123,032,096,166,076,174
  40. 320 data 167,032,032,032,032,032,032
  41. 330 data 032,032,032,032,032,032,032
  42. 340 data 032,032,032
  43. 10000 d=peek(186):n$="b.bootrunner":open15,d,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,d:end
  44. 50000 q9$="":u9=53280:poke198,0
  45. 50010 geta$
  46. 50020 poke646,rnd(1)*15+1:print"[164][157]";:ifa$=""then50010
  47. 50030 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":return
  48. 50040 if(a$=chr$(20)andlen(q9$))thenq9$=left$(q9$,len(q9$)-1):goto50080
  49. 50050 iflen(q9$)>=l9%thent9%=peek(u9):pokeu9,1:pokeu9,t9%:goto50010
  50. 50060 ifa$<" "or(a$>chr$(127)anda$<chr$(160))ora$=chr$(34)then50010
  51. 50070 q9$=q9$+a$
  52. 50080 print""a$;:goto50010