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- 100 dima,b,c,x,y,z,l,k,s,h,x$,pc,px,py
- 110 o=6:dimo$(o),o(o),h(o),l(o),rv$(1)
- 120 dimz%(8,3),s$(8),l1,l2,h1,h2
- 130 o$(0)="x scale "
- 140 o$(1)="y scale "
- 150 o$(2)="top margin"
- 160 o$(3)="left margin"
- 170 o$(4)="device 4-7"
- 175 o$(5)="lfeed 0=off"
- 178 o$(6)="sideways(1)"
- 180 fora=.to6:reado(a),l(a),h(a):next
- 230 fora=.to8
- 240 forb=.to3:readz%(a,b):next
- 270 reads$(a):next
- 290 print"[147]":rv$(0)="[146]":rv$(1)=""
- 300 bg=peek(700):fg=peek(701):px=211:py=214:pc=58732:ky=197:sk=653
- 310 poke53280,fg:poke53281,fg:poke646,bg
- 330 x=fre(0)
- 340 c=peek(45)+(peek(46)-2)*256
- 350 b=peek(49)+peek(50)*256+15
- 360 a=b+479:pokea+1,.
- 370 h1=int(b/256):l1=b-h1*256
- 380 h2=int(a/256):l2=a-h2*256
- 390 poke251,l1:poke252,h1
- 400 poke253,l2:poke254,h2
- 410 poke780,128:sys50309
- 420 print"[147]";:a=10
- 430 printspc(a)" [174] [176][192][174] [213][192][201] [176][192][174]"
- 431 printspc(a)" [221] [173][192][201] [213][192][203] [173][192][201]"
- 432 printspc(a)" [177] [173][192][203] [173][192][189] [173][192][203]"
- 433 printspc(a)" print program"
- 440 printspc(a)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 450 printspc(a)"[221](1).........print[221]"
- 460 printspc(a)"[221](2).......options[171][192][174]"
- 470 printspc(a)"[221](_)..........exit[221] [221]"
- 480 printspc(a)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189] [221]"
- 510 printspc(a)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174] [221]"
- 520 printspc(a)"[221]x scale [221] [221]"
- 540 printspc(a)"[221]y scale [221] [221]"
- 560 printspc(a)"[221]top margin [221]_[189]"
- 580 printspc(a)"[221]left margin [221]"
- 600 printspc(a)"[221]device 4-7 [221]"
- 605 printspc(a)"[221]lfeed 0=off [221]"
- 607 printspc(a)"[221]sideways(1) [221]"
- 610 printspc(a)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 611 printspc(a)" ^"
- 612 printspc(a)" [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 613 printspc(a)" [221]up/dn to select[221]"
- 614 printspc(a)" [221]lf/rt to change[221]"
- 615 printspc(a)" [221]+...+10 -...-10[221]"
- 616 printspc(a)" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]";
- 620 gosub850
- 630 poke198,.:wait198,1:getx$:a=fre(0)
- 640 ifx$="2"thengosub870
- 650 ifx$="_"then810
- 660 ifx$<>"1"then630
- 665 poke691,o(5)*13
- 670 fora=0to3:poke692+a,z%(o(0),a):next
- 680 fora=0to3:poke696+a,z%(o(1),a):next
- 690 open15,o(4),15:close15:ifst=.then710
- 700 print"[147]"spc(9)"printer is not present":fora=.to2500:next:goto800
- 710 print"[147]"spc(15)"printing...":print
- 715 printspc(7)"hold down any key to cancel"
- 720 open1,o(4):print#1,chr$(8);
- 735 h=int(o(2)/7):l=o(2)-h*7
- 740 ifh=.then750
- 745 fora=.toh:print#1,chr$(13);:next
- 750 poke2,o(3)
- 770 sysc+256*o(6),b,2^l
- 780 print#1,chr$(15);
- 790 close1
- 800 goto390
- 810 poke646,fg:print"[147]s[217]53235:g[207]147";
- 820 poke198,1:poke631,13:end
- 850 z=.:fory=.too:x=o(y):gosub1010:next
- 860 return
- 870 y=.:h=h(y):l=l(y):x=o(y):z=1
- 880 fora=-1to.
- 890 k=peek(ky):s=peek(sk)
- 895 ifk=43thenx=x+(x-9>l)*10
- 896 ifk=40thenx=x-(x+9<h)*10
- 900 ifk<>2then930
- 910 ifs=1thenx=x+(x>l)
- 920 ifs=.thenx=x-(x<h)
- 930 ifk<>7then980
- 940 gosub1000
- 950 ifs=.theny=y-(y<o)
- 960 ifs=1theny=y+(y>.)
- 970 z=1:h=h(y):l=l(y):x=o(y)
- 980 gosub1010
- 990 a=k<>1:next
- 1000 o(y)=x:z=.
- 1010 pokepy,11+y:pokepx,11:syspc
- 1020 printrv$(z)o$(y)"[146] ";
- 1030 ify>1thenprintspc(2+(x>9)+(x>99))x:return
- 1040 prints$(x):fora=.to25:next:return
- 1041 data 0,0,4
- 1042 data 0,0,8
- 1043 data 0,0,500
- 1044 data 0,0,255
- 1045 data 4,4,7
- 1046 data 0,0,1
- 1047 data 0,0,1
- 1050 data0,0,0,0,"1.00"
- 1055 data0,0,0,1,"1.25"
- 1060 data0,1,0,1,"1.50"
- 1070 data1,1,1,0,"1.75"
- 1080 data1,1,1,1,"2.00"
- 1085 data1,1,1,2,"2.25"
- 1090 data1,2,1,2,"2.50"
- 1100 data2,2,2,1,"2.75"
- 1110 data2,2,2,2,"3.00"
- 1120 rem machine code here